社会主义新农村论文:社会主义新农村法治问题及对策研究 - 范文中心







【英文摘要】China is a large agriculture country. The rural area problem is one of essential problems in China. To construct the new-typed rural of socialism is a mission, which is put forward by CCP, based on the national real situation and Science Development View. This means the rural area problems have been

seemed unproved level. The construction of rule of law in new-typed rural areas means managing the affairs of the rural areas relay on law following the principle of“ruling the country by law constituting the socialist country which is ruled by law”. In some sense, the new-typed rural construction would be in the air if the rural is not ruled by the law. The thesis commence from the background of new socialist

countryside and put forward the problem in new socialist

countryside .The thesis analyzed the deep causes and proposed the principle and path on the basis of the problem of rural rule of law in order to contract rule of law in new-typed rural of socialism.This paper, taking the Marxist stand, viewpoint and method as the guide, learning form research results based on the older generation, taking the method of materialism

philosophy ,has made detail analysis of the problem of rural rule of law in new-typed rural of socialism.The whole thesis contains the following five aspects:The first part, overview. It describes the background, research thoughts and methods of the thesis, analyzed the domestic and international current situation of it. Thus leads to the discussion of problem of ruling by the law in the new-typed rural of socialism..The second part,define the relative concept. In this part, we

explained the notion of new-typed rural of socialism, the rule of law and significance of rule of law in new-typed rural of socialism, those are the precondition and foundation of the whole study.The third part, It describes the development of rural rule in China, Our countryside gradually transition to the level of rule of law through three stages .This section provides the reference for the problem and method in new

socialist countryside.The fourth part, the main problem and reason of rule of law in new countryside .Compare with the rule of law in city, there is a large of problems of rule of law in new socialist countryside. Farmer as mail body of new socialist countryside is lack of knowledge of law and consciousness of law, the ability of using law is weak. To construct rule of law need perfect system, but the legislation, enforcement system judicial system judicial system and legal supervision system is not perfectible. grassroots democracy system as a carrier of rural democratic politics deficiencies in practice. The essay studied the profound realistic reasons, system causes and ideological factors in the whole.The fifth part, the

countermeasure of rule of law in new socialist countryside, which is core of the whole thesis. From the macroscopic aspects, the ruling by law mode in new socialist countryside which

combines the advance by the government and social evolution under the guidance principle of unifies of law, air, and keeping on development and putting forward countermeasure about the problem of rule of law in new socialist countryside.Firstl to contract he new-typed rural of socialism should develop rural subjects.Famers are subjects of rural. Secondly, we should perfect rural legal system. Finally, we should strengthen the basis of rule of law in new-typed rural by law political, economic, and cultural foundation

【关键词】社会主义新农村 法治 问题 对策

【英文关键词】New Socialist countryside Rule of law Problem Countermeasure



起10Abstract6-71. 绪论10-1510-13摘要1.1 研究的缘1.2.1 关于新农1.2 国内外相关研究现状


11-131.2.2 关于新农村法治研究现状1.4 研究方法13-152. 1.3 研究思路13





18-192.1 社会主义新农村法2.2 社会主义新农村法治建设必要性2.2.1 农村法治是建设社会主义新农村的迫切需要2.2.2 农村法治是建设法治国家的客观需要2.2.3 农村法治是贯彻落实党在农村基本政策的保证

19-203. 我国农村法治发展的历史进程20-223.1 农村法治停滞阶段(1949-1978)20




22-273.2 农村法治萌芽阶段3.3 农村法治启动阶段(1997-)4. 社会主义新农村法治建设面临的主要问题及成因分4.1 社会主义新农村法治建设面临的主要问题4.1.1 农村法治主体的不足22-244.1.2 农村法制体系不健全24-26








31-324.1.3 村民自治制度实践中存在缺陷4.2 社会主义新农村法治建设存在问题的成因分析4.2.1 社会主义新农村法治问题产生的经济根源4.2.2 社会主义新农村法治问题产生的体制根源4.2.3 社会主义新农村法治问题产生的文化根源5. 社会主义新农村法治建设的对策分析5.1 社会主义新农村法治建设的基本原则5.1.1 法治统一原则315.1.3 可持续发展原则32

32-345.1.2 公平原则5.2 社会主义新农村法治建设的路径选择

32-335.2.1 法治建设路径选择模式5.3 5.2.2 社会主义新农村法治路径选择33-34





40-415.3.1 培育新农村法5.3.2 加快农村经济发展,夯实经济基础5.3.3 完善农村法制体系,创造农村法治建设的有利条5.3.4 完善村民自治制度,加强民主政治建设5.3.5 培育农村法治文化,构建农村法治秩序

41-436. 结语43-446.1 结论与展望43

致谢44-45参考文献6.2 论文的不足之处43-44





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