大学生英语个人简历翻译3 - 范文中心




Richard Anderson

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.


Seeking for a challenging position to work as a Dental Assistant.

Work Experience:

2003-present Richard Anderson, DDS California, CAX-Ray and Dental Assistant 2003-present Gwen Seguso, DDS California, CAX-Ray and Dental Assistant 2002-2003 Tobi Steinberg, D.M.D./C Belmont, D.M.D. Endodontist California,

CAX-Ray and Dental Assistant

1997-Present Steven Rhoades, DMD California, CAX-Ray and Dental Assistant 1995-2002 Molly Major, DDS California, CAX-Ray and Dental Assistant


Education ABC College Belmont, California

C.P.R. Certified

OSHA Certified


Took and mixed impressions; disinfected and operated autoclave.

Four-handed chair-side; take developed and mount x-rays.

Trimmed models, made trays/temps and OSHA prescribed sterilizations.

Operated the ultra-sonic post-operative instruction and oral hygiene as well as

period charting.

Handled front desk operations.


Available on request. 大学生英语个人简历翻译

Richard Anderson

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,

(123)-456 7890.


Seeking for the challenging position such as Medical Assistant or related position where I can apply my administrative as well as clinical experience.

Summary Of Qualifications

More than five years of experience as a Medical Receptionist and Dental

Assistant in direct patient relations and patient care.

Extensive knowledge of clinical procedures and medical terminology.

Graduated from National Education Center as a Medical assistant.

Certifications in: First Aid; Electrocardiography; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. In addition have experience as Secretary/ Receptionist with an executive

management/search consulting firm, reality firms, and financial

management company.

Health Care Experience

Dr. Richards Anderson, M.D., Los Angeles, California: 1993-Present

Responsible for scheduling patient's appointments.

Prepare patients for record temperature and blood pressure, surgical procedures,

administer sedatives and insert intravenous units.

Perform accounts receivable/ payable.

Give post-operative care; establish patient comfort; record vital signs every ten

minutes until consciousness; tell required information to patients regarding new medications/possible side-effects.

Drs. John and Williams Belmont, California: 1992-1993

Started as Dental Trainee, advanced to Dental Assistant.

Processed X-rays, sterilized instruments, maintained patient relations and

scheduled appointments.

Externship: 1990

Internal Medicine Associates, Los Angeles, California

Took vital signs, performed EKGs, urinalysis and blood chemistries.

Maintained patient charts.

Multi-desciplined practice that contain rheumatology, gastroenterology,

cardiology and endocrinlogy.


State University of California, Belmont, California

A. S. Biology


Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Word


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