新沪教版四年级下英语期中测试题 (1) - 范文中心

新沪教版四年级下英语期中测试题 (1)



年 班 姓名




听力部分 Listening Part(共六大题,计38分)

一、Listen and write.(听音,看图片,用“T”或“F”判断正确与否。10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、Listen and tick.(听音,用“√”勾出合适的答句。5分)

1. A. We’re writing.

B. They

’re writing.

2. A. Yes, it’

s his triangle.

B. Yes, it’s my triangle.

3. A. Its name’s Lulu. B. His name’s Lulu.

4. A. It’s rough. B. It’s soft.

5. A. It’s a rubber. B. She has a rubber.

四、Listen and number.(听音,排序。5分)

( )Superdog is digging a hole. ( )Superdog is eating the bone. ( )He likes bones. ( )Superdog is in the hole.

( )He has a small bone.

五、Listen and write.(听音,将所缺单词的序号填入横线上。7分)

There are some grapes in They are round A fox and a bird the grapes. They grapes. Look, get them. So it says


六、Listen and match.(听音,将相关的内容用线连起来。5分)

Mr. Chen is playing with a doll in the dining-room.

Mrs. Chen is cooking dinner in the bedroom.

Grandma is reading a newspaper in the sitting-room.

Grandpa is washing the clothes in the bathroom.

Jane is watching television in the bedroom.

笔试部分 (共八大题,计60分)

一、Write down the words.(写出与划线部分同类的单词。10分)

1. What can you taste?

2. There are many pens in my bag.

3. Eddie can sing well.

4. I have a pet. It is a cat.

5. I have got a banana.

二、Rearrange the numbers. (按照从小到大的顺序为数字排序。7分)

twenty-two fifty eleven twelve

three thirty forty-six ten


三、Look, choose and write. (看图,选词填空。6分)

1. This man is blind. He can’t .

2. He can . 1. 2. 3.

3. He can .

4. He can .

5. He can . 4. 5. 6.

6. He can .

四、Read and choose.(选择填空。10分)

( )1. I’m sitting behind Peter. Peter is sitting _____ me.

A. behind B. in front of C. beside

( )2. --Are you and Winnie good friends? -- Yes, _____ are.

A. we B. you C. they

( )3. There ____ a bed, a computer and a desk in my room.

A. am B. is C. are

( )4. Mog ____ digging a hole now.

A. doesn’t B. can’t C. isn’t

( )5. It’s yellow. It’s sour. It’s _____ juice.

A. lemon B. peach C. apple ( )6. The mouse is looking ____ the bread. The frog is listening ____ the music.

A. on…to B. in…of C. at…to

( )7. Eddie can play _____ guitar.

A. a B. the C. an

( )8. Mark’s book is in ____ his bag.

A. / B. the C. a

( )9. The lion is brown. _____ tail is long.

A. It’s B. Its C. It

( )10. _____ the grapes. They are soft and smooth.

A. Smell B. Touch C. Taste

五、Look and complete. (看图填空,完成句子。 7分)


play the .


-- It’(答案不唯一)

六、Look and correct the mistakes. (找出错误,将序号填入括号中,并在横线

上改正。 8分)

( )1. There is thirty boys in my class. ___________


( )2. It’s tail is long. ___________


( )3. The ice is hot. ____________


( )4. Who’s balloon is this? ____________




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