研究生英语对话 - 范文中心



What’s the place you want to travel most?


a:Which place do you like to travel most, Guilin, Fenghuang or Zhangjiajie?

你最喜欢去哪里旅游啊,桂林?凤凰?还是张家界? b:I like Fenghuang most for its beautiful scene. And the lights of the Diaojiaolou across the town make it like a fairyland.


a:Yeah, I have been there for once after graduated. One of my classmates lives there. In his home, we tasted a lot of Xiangxi cuisines, which left me a deep impression of Fenghuang.


b:Maybe the food is your best love. But the reason why I love it is the romantic.可能美味的湘西风味是你的最爱,不过我欣赏的是凤凰的浪漫。

a:Indeed. Fenghuang is not only a romantic place, but also a sentimental place. Many beautiful girls always wear their hand-knitted hats and beautiful scarves.



b:Actually it is an awesome restore for the lovers. To take a walk on the side of Tuojiang, to put lanterns, to look the bonfire party, and to taste characteristics snacks are all the romantic things to do with your lover. Time there is for you to stay. It is said that, in Fenghuang, the success rate for courtship is as high as 85%.

是的,和自己心爱的人在古城瞎逛,又或是到沱江边上走走,放放河灯,品品特色小吃,看看篝火晚会,时光在这里为您停驻,为你而存在,很适合情侣去,据说,在凤凰表白,成功率高达85%,呵呵。 a:The girls of Xiangxi are so sentimental。Therefore, Fenghuang became a passionate city. To tell you the truth, as all of our four were single, we went there in order to find our romantic history, but we failed at last.


b:Did you go to the bar at the evening? The bars opened by outsiders there are very famous. The style, factions are different. Thus Shanghai, Beijing, Sichuan style can be found easily.


a:Of course, we went to the Xiangxi tribes. It’s good, very lively. It is worth going there.


b:Ok. I will go there to have a look next time.


“What’s your opinion about death penalty?

a:have you heard about that, our country is talking about the abolition of the death penalty, what do you think about that?

听说了么吗,最近我们国家正在讨论死刑的废除,对此你怎么看? 陈:the abolition of the death penalty needs the multilateral efforts. Not only the people need to change their mind, but also the politicians need to show their courage. For china, it still has a long way.


b:the death penalty are still implemented in all most 60 countries around the world., its existence has its necessity. So our country doesn’t need to abolish the death penalty in a hurry.


a:I also think that it’s impossible to abolish the death penalty in a short time in china. In public opinion, publics have different acceptance levels when they face to different crimes. All in all, to violent crime, the idea of retaliation is rooted, so it’s difficult for publics to accept the abolition of the death penalty.



b:in order to spread the thinking of death penalty, a screening week held by the French culture and education center in China. Do you think that, the general art can really change publics’ mind, especially movie?


a:Art, especially movie, this kind of art has strong infectivity, and it’s easy to touch the audiences. So it will make a positive promotion to change the publics’ mind.


b:Yes, I agree with your point of view。We can change the people's traditional values, through the film's affect. So that people will accept the modern rule of law


a:Of course, I always thought that Suspects were sentenced to death because of miscarriages of justice, false or unjust imprisonment. It will lead to a irreparable consequences, we should respect life and protect human rights. So, when the conditions are ripe, the death

penalty must be abolished.


b:Yes, the death penalty has already cause a lot of family tragedies, and created a lot of broken families. It make the community has more social problems. Now, because of a variety of reasons, the death penalty still can’t be abolished, but the death penalty is bound to be repealed in future.


陈:It seems that we have the same thinks。 看来我们英雄所见略同啊


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