人教版英语八下三单元词组 - 范文中心



1. do the dishes 洗盘子

2. take out the rubbish 扔垃圾

3. fold your clothes 叠衣服

4. sweep the floor 扫地

5. make your bed 铺床

6. go out for dinner with my friends 和朋友出去吃晚饭

7. stay out until 一直待到….

8. stay out late 待到很晚

9. give sb. a ride 顺便捎某人一程

10. get something to drink 喝点什么

11. get a ride 搭便车

12. work on it 操作它

13. help out with a few things 帮忙做一些事情

14. two hours of TV is enough for you 两个小时的电视对你来说足够了

15. be back from shopping 购完物回家

16. any minute now 随时

17. be angry with 和某人生气

18. solve the problem 解决问题

19. come home from school 放学回家

20. the minute I sat down in, my mom came over 我一坐下,我妈就过来了

21. take the dog for a walk 遛狗

22. watch TV all the time 一直看电视

23. find the house clean and tidy 发现房子干净又整洁

24. she asked in surprise 她惊讶的问

25. share the housework 分享家务

26. have a clean and comfortable home 有一个干净舒适的家

27. hang out with 和某人闲逛

28. pass sb. sth.= pass sth. to sb.递给某人某物

29. lend me some money 借我一些钱

30. get it wet 弄湿

31. borrow some money 借入一些钱

32. go to the store 去商店

33. invite my friends to a party 邀请我的朋友来聚会

34. buy sth. for sb.为某人买某物

35. be careful with 对…..小心

36. there are a few other things 还有一些其他事情

37. what for = why 为什么

38. make sb. do sth.让某人做某事

39. help with sth.帮忙做某事

40. have enough stress from school 有足够的压力来自学校

41. have time. to study 有时间去学习

42. a waste of their time 浪费他们的时间

43. spend their time on schoolwork 他们的时间花费在学业

44. in order to do 目的是

45. get into a good university 上一所好大学

46. there is no need for them to do it 不需要他们去做

47. It is the parents’ job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children 在家里提供一个干净舒适的环境给他们的孩子是家长的工作

48. I do not mind doing chores我并不介意做家务

49. it is important for sb. to do sth. 做某事对于某人很重要

50. learn how to do chores 学习如何去做家务

51. depend on their parents too much 太依赖他们的家长

52. develop children’s independence 提高孩子们的独立性

53. teach them how to look after themselves 教他们如何去照顾自己

54. do their part in doing 参与做

55. keep the house clean and tidy 保持整洁与干净

56. have no idea how to take care of himself 没有办法怎么去照顾自己

57. as a result 结果是

58. fall ill 病倒

59. his grades dropped 他的成绩下降了

60. the earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future 孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好


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