英语面试常见问题集 - 范文中心



Why do you want to leave your current company?


Why do you want to work in our company?


Tell us about yourself.


How many days of work did you miss due to illness last year?


Give an example of a recent situation that you disagreed with a co-worker and how you handled it.


What is my name?



Problem Solving (問題解決能力方面 )

Can you work under pressure?

What is your strength?

How do you handle failure?

How do you handle change?

When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?

Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?

How do you handle conflict?

Previous Employment (前一個工作)

What have you learned from previous jobs?

What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?

What did you dislike about your last job?

What would your previous supervisors say about you?

What did you dislike about your last employer?

Can we check your references?

Personality and Motivation ( 個性及動機)

Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?

What part of this job interests you most?

Where else are you interviewing?

Describe a difficult problem you've dealt with.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you?

Why should we hire you?

What do you wish to become in 10 years?

Do you consider yourself a team player?

Skills ( 工作技能 )

Are you a leader or a follower?

What have you learned from your previous jobs?

Tell us about your leadership skills.

What was your major success as a leader?

Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?

What are your assets?

Please tell me something about yourself? 請介紹一下你自己好嗎?

I'm Colin Hsu and I come from Canada. I was born in 1975, March,10th. Three years ago, I graduated from McGill University. I majored in Integrated Studies in Education. I am interested in classical music and new things. On the personal side, I think I'm very frank and have a strong sense of responsibility. Thank you.

我叫徐考林,來自加拿大,出生於一九七五年九月二日。三年前我畢業於麥基爾大學,主修教育理論。我喜愛古典音樂和新事物。性格方面,我覺得自己是一個坦誠和富有強烈責任感的人,謝謝。( 別忘了說謝謝,讓對方知道你是有禮貌的人很重要 )

When you were at school, were you totally involved in any activities?你仍是學生時,是否熱心參予活動?

Yes, I think the school time is the best time to go out to see the world and become independent. So I often traveled during the holidays. Meanwhile I worked as to get some money to support myself for traveling and to save some money for my tuition fee. By these means, I obtained a lot of useful experience. This surely is helpful to my future work. I was selected as a member of our school baseball team, and I spent almost all my leisure time in training and taking part in matches. Although the training was really hard, it strengthened my will and I've benefited a lot from it.



Which subject did you like best when you were in college?你在大學裡最喜歡哪一科目?

Art has always been my favorite. I have enjoyed art very much since 6th grade. I've met many good teachers who taught me how to appreciate the art. Vincent Van Gough is my favorite painter.


How did you spend your time outside classes? 你怎樣打發課餘時間?

I spent a lot of time reading and listening to music, especially classical music. Sometimes, I went to parties to make some new friends.


Would you say that you are more outgoing or more reserved type?你覺得你的個性是傾於外向,還是內向?

Well, I think I'm very outgoing by nature. I like being with people and working with them.


Describe your personality? 可以敘述一下你的個性嗎?

Generally speaking, I think I am a confident individual. I always put things in order and I always do my best not to make people feel that I am an uneasy one to work with, I can adapt my manner to suit them, so other people often trust me. 總體而言,我是一個自信的人。我做事一向很有條理,我也盡我所能讓別人覺得我是容易一起工作的對象。我能改變自己的方式,以適應別人,所以他們常常很信賴我。

Would you talk about your strength and weakness?可以談一談你的優點和缺點嗎? Well, I'm a very passionate person and patient as well. I can take difficult jobs that bother other people and work at them slowly until they get done. Sometimes, I may look dull. But when you get to know me better, you'll see that I'm pretty quiet in fact. One of my weakness is that I'm not good talking in front of people. I need to work on that.



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