杭州英语翻译范文(两篇) - 范文中心






Supplier’s Right of Investigation. In the event that Supplier has a reasonable, good faith basis to believe that Distributor has taken or failed to take any action that may subject Supplier to liability under the FCPA, Distributor agrees that Supplier shall have the right, upon written notice to Distributor, to conduct an investigation and audit of Distributor to determine to Supplier’s reasonable satisfaction whether or not any actions or failures to act on behalf of Distributor may subject Supplier to FCPA liability. Distributor agrees to cooperate fully with such investigation, the scope, method, nature and duration of which shall be at the sole reasonable discretion of Supplier. In addition, in the event that Supplier has a reasonable, good faith basis to believe that Distributor has commingled personal assets of any officers, directors, employees, agents or representatives of the Distributor with the Distributor’s corporate assets in engaging in the Sale Procedures set forth in Section 错误!未找到引用源。, Distributor agrees to secure the cooperation of any such individual or entity in Supplier’s audit of the individual’s or entity’s books and records.





Aticle 13 Claim / Liability for Breach of Contract

4. If Party B is liable for the failure of the goods to meet the requirements of this contract and Party A, under this contract, files a claim against Party B within the inspection or guarantee period, then upon Party A’s prior consent Party B shall:

(1). devalue the goods according to the inferiority of and the damage to the goods, and the losses suffered by Party A; or

(2). replace the defective goods with those in line with this contract in terms of specification, quality, and performance, and compensate Party A for all its direct losses and expenses.

2. Both party shall perform this contract in good faith, and the defaulting party shall compensate the non-defaulting party for all its economic losses.

Aticle 14 Force Majeure

1. If either party is prevented from performing this contract by an event of force majeure, the time for performance shall be extended by a period equal to the period of delay caused by such event.

2. The affected party shall, at the beginning of or the end of the force majeure event, inform the other party by telegraph as soon as possible, and shall, within fourteen (14) days after the event, send a certificate of such event by registered airmail to the other party for its confirmation.

Aticle 15 Dispute Resolution

1. Both parties shall, through friendly negociation, resolve any dispute arising from the performance of this contract. If they fail to resolve it, they may submit to arbitration.

2. The dispute shall be submitted to the Shanghai Branch of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration under the rules of CIETAC.

3. The arbitration award is final and binding on both parties. The arbitration cost shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.

4. During arbitration, both Parties shall continue to perform the this contract except for the part under dispute.


第十三条 索赔 /违约责任

4. 如果乙方对货物不符合本合同规定负有责任且甲方按照本合同规定,在检验和质量保证期内提出索赔时,乙方在征得甲方同意后,可按下列方法之一种或几种理赔:

⑴.按照货物的质量低劣程度,损坏程度和甲方蒙受损失的金额将货物贬值。 ⑵.用符合合同规定规格、质量和性能的产品替换有瑕疵产品,并承担甲方所蒙受的直接损失和费用。

2、双方均应善意履约,违约方应当赔偿守约方的所有经济损失。 第十四条 不可抗力



第十五条 解决争议的办法






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