希腊神话剧本 - 范文中心



Apollo and Daphne

Daphne: Hello, I am Daphne, the daughter of the river god Peneus. I am Apollo’s lover.played by 赵恒宇

Apollo: I am playing Apollo, the god of sun as well as music.played by 张杰

Eros: The god of love. by 曾云霖

Peneus: The river god. Daphne’s father. by 曾云霖

Apollo is respected by other gods when he killed the dragon, python, and he is also very proud of

his victory.

“I am really a good man, handsome, brave. I am the god of sun, as well as music. Oh, I cannot

help praising myself.

A:Hei,Eros,what are you doing now, stop!

E:I am curious about your bow and arrows. Can I play with it?

A:You little boy, what have you got with warlike weapons! Leave them to those who can use them.

You are too young to play them.

E:But in fact I can use them. I always use my bow and arrows.

A:Oh.That’s ridiculous, your bow and arrows are just stage property to please child like you, but

my bow and arrows are used to kill monsters, didn’t you look how I used them to kill the dragon.

Eros was unhappy when he heard Apollo’s words “How can you be so conceited?

A:Really?That’s not a funny story. Child, light up your flames as you call them, where you like, but

don ’t play with my weapons and give them to me at once.

Eros was very angry! Apollo ,if you look down on my bow and arrows, you will surely be


A:Never will I be regretted.

E:OK!Please wait your arrows may strike all thing ,but ,Apollo, my arrows shall just strike you.

Saying so ,he flew to a rock and drew two different arrows the gold one to excite love, and lead

one to stop it with the gold one, he struck Apollo though the heart, at that time, he saw Daphne,

without any hesitation, he struck Daphne with the lead one. Apollo thus fall in love with Daphne

at once, but Daphne hated the thought of loving. Because of Eros’ trick.

A: ”Hello ,dear Daphne, I am very glad to meet you!”

D: Thank you, god of sun.

A: It’s really a nice day. Would you like to have a tea of coffee with me?

D: I am afraid I have to say no. I’d like to hunt in woods.

A: Hunting, that sounds great, you know I am good at shooting. Would you mind I company with


D: In fact, I do mind.

A: OK, your words hurt me, Daphne .I have something important to tell you! I’m afraid I have no

chance to say later. I love you! I don’t have this kind of feeling before. At first, I can’t believe it too,

but when I meet you today, I know it. I have to accept this fact.

“I ’m sorry . I’m not fond of you. In fact , I hate the feeling of love and being loved!”

Daphne is going to leave, A followed her at once.

“Wait a moment!”

“Daughter of Peneus, I am not an enemy, do not run away from me as a lamb flies the wolf, or a dove flies the hawk if you should fall and hurt yourself because of me, I shall be very unhappy! ” A

“So that you shouldn’t follow me” D was a little angry.

“D, please accept my love, I’m lord of Delphiana and Tenedos, and know all things, present and future. I’m the god of medicine, and know the magic power of different herbs…… “I am not interested at your background, please be away from me. Don’t follow me any longer.”

“No, I will never give up! ” Finding his words throw away, Apollo grew impatient, so he gained his speed. But Daphne became faster too, and even as she fled, she charmed Apollo. The wind blew her clothes, and her hair streamed loose behind her.

“You are really beautiful!” Apollo can’t help praising.

So flew Apollo and Daphne---he on the wings of love, and she on those of fear. Apollo is faster and gained upon her, and his breathe blew on her hair. Her strength began to fail, and ready to sink.

So she called on her father, the river god.

“Help me, my father!”

“What ’s up, my daughter” D said.

“Dad, Apollo love me, and is chasing me now, but I didn’t like him! Can you help me? ” “Apollo? I am sorry, my dear, he is the god of sun, more importantly, his father is Zeus, I have no idea! ”

“Dad, I hate love, I would rather die than marry to him! Help me” Daphne cry…

“Oh, dear, I have a idea, but you have to be changed into a tree, and can not be an woman anymore. Would you willing to be a tree?”

“I will, please do right now, I can’t insist any longer!”

Suddenly, the earth seized her legs and arms. Her bosom began to be enclosed by a tender bark, her hair become leaves, her arms become branches, her feet become fixed in the ground as a root, her face become a treetop.

Apollo stood amazed, he touched the tree and felt the flesh trembling and the new back. He held the branches in his arms and kissed.

“Since you cannot be my wife” Apollo said.

“You shall surely be my tree, I will wear you from my crown. When the great Roman conquerors return in victory, you shall be worn into wreaths for their brows. And as eternal youth is mine, you shall always be green. ”

Daphne is changed into a laurel tree and lowed its head in grateful acknowledgement, and laurel became Apollo’s favorite tree, and the laurel should be the price of honor and fame for deathless poets and poetry. That’s the most outstanding poet always desire to be made a poet laureate.


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