心灵鸡汤-英文1 - 范文中心



Remember we are amazing

For a long time, I ’ve been thinking a question: Why do I make myself sink into such a busy condition? This question keeps haunting me every day when I run to attend classes outside school after finishing courses at university, come back late in the evening and work on the computer till 2 am. There is no date, no weekend and no entertainment, my life is filled with courses and missions. I complained a lot and always regretted, the word which I said most is “How good it would be if I didn’t do that!”

Last week I met a new foreign teacher at Web where I get training on oral English. He is a vigorous Scottish who likes jumping and dancing when he is on teaching. He told us he had been to more than 20 countries and done various jobs in different areas. I was totally attracted by his experiences, so I had a chat with him after the class.

“I like your life-style and hope to lead a life just like you do, but I don’t know what to do.” “What do you do, darling?”

“I ’m a postgraduate major in colorectal surgery.”

“That ’s cool! I’m a doctor too, I’ve gotten a Ph. D. I was a psychologist in Scotland.”

“Oh, that ’s a good job! But you have chosen another way of life. You ’ve travelled around the world and you’re leading a wonderful life.”

“Yeah, I’m enjoying. Now I’m a teacher. I teach science, maths, psychology and football all week in Singapore International School, and I teach English at Web here on Sunday and at the Pudong center several evenings a week.”

I was surprised by his full schedule. After a short silence, I asked him the question which troubled me a lot, “Why do you have to be so busy? Don’t you feel tired? I’m busy and I’m annoyed.”

“Ah, I didn’t tell you but I got cancer last year and 90% of my colon was removed in Fudan cancer center. I just want to do as more as I can to enrich myself. I love whatever I am doing right now because I’m still alive.”

Again I was surprised. He is so different from the patients who got cancer. “That ’s unbelievable! I mean you are really tough. How could you keep such a passionate state every day? I hate being so busy, but you are enjoying it!”

Charlie smiled at me, “You are busy because you need to be busy. ‘Need ’ means you have a purpose and want to get something. Don’t be afraid. We can tough it out.”

Then he held my shoulder tightly. It seemed that he wanted to convey some power to me. “Remember we are amazing. We are able to deal with many things that are beyond our imagination! So keep busy, darling. You are amazing!”


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