天降干货!精挑细选高中所有版本的英语教材词块1465个(3-2) - 范文中心



be put into jail/prison 被送入监狱

be held up in the traffic jam 耽搁在交通堵塞中

join the army 参军

join in the activities 参加活动

the joint enterprise 合资企业

play a joke on sb. 和某人开玩笑

a respectable journalist 一位受人尊敬的新闻记者

make journeys to sp. 旅行去某地

to one’s great joy 使某人大为高兴的是

judging from one’s appearance 从某人的外表来判断

high jump 跳高

long jump 跳远

jump with joy 高兴地跳起来

keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

keep up with the pace of new age跟上时代的步伐

the key to the questions 问题的答案

kidnap an innocent child 绑架一个无辜的孩子

fly kites 放风筝

have a knack for learning languages 有学语言的技能

kneel down 下跪

knock down sb. 撞倒某人

have a knowledge of sth. 掌握某方面

in the language lab在语言实验室

lack oxygen缺氧be lacking in oxygen

for the lack of oxygen 由于缺氧

protect the land resources 保护土地资源

native language 母语mothertongue

last but not least 最后的但也是重要的

The fire lasted an hour. 火灾持续了一小时。

the lastest news 最近的新闻

the former…, the latter… 前者…后者

laugh at doing sth. 取笑做某事

burst into laughter 突然大笑起来=burst out laughing

the successful launch of Shenzhou VI神州六号的成功发射

law and order 法治

obey the law of nature 遵守自然的法则

lay laid laidlay eggs 下蛋

lead to doing sth. 导致做某事

learn English by oneself 自学英语

a learned professor 一名有学问的教授

at least 至少

at most 至多

leave for sp. 出发去某地

leave sth. out 把某事漏掉

be left behind 落后

ask for leave 请假

give a lecture on sth. 作一个有关某事的讲座

one’s legal behaviors 某人的合法行为

at one’s leisure 在某人休闲的时候

lend sb. a hand 帮某人一个忙=do sb. a favor

let sb. out 放出某人

liberate from sth. 从…中解放

lie to sb. 向某人撒谎 lie lied lied

lie down 躺下 lie lay lain

lie in 在于,位于

spend the rest of one’s life 度过余生

in one’s early life 在某人早年时

be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事

limit the chance of getting success 限定获胜的机会

line up to buy tickets 排队买票

be linked to sth. 与某事相联,有关系

make a list of advantages and disadvantages列出优点和缺点

no litter 不准乱扔垃圾

not a little = very much

not a bit = not at all

pay the bank loan 支付银行贷款

the local government 当地政府

be located in 坐落(在)

find a suitable location for …找到…的合适位置

form/reach/arrive at a logical conclusion得出符合逻辑的结论

long to do sth. 渴望做某事

long for sth. 渴望某事

no longer= not any longer 不再

make long-term efforts 做长期的努力

have a close look at 仔细地看一看

look after sb. 照顾某人

look down on/upon sb. 瞧不起某人

look forward to doing盼望做某事

lose heart 灰心

at a loss 不知所措

lower one’s voice 降低声音

show one’s loyalty to the country 表示对国家的忠诚

try one’s luck 碰碰运气

unload the luggage 卸行李

suffer from lung cancer 患肺癌

an efficient machine一台高效的机器

be driven mad/crazy 被逼疯

a magical legend 一个神秘的传说

send sth. by mail 邮寄

grasp the main idea of a passage 掌握一篇文章的主要大意

build up a bridge between Taiwan and the mainland 在台湾和大陆之间建起一座桥梁

maintain the good relationship 维持良好的关系

major in engineering 主修工程学

the majority of dentists 大多数牙医

make off 匆匆离开

make up a story 编一个故事

be made up of 由…组成

be composed ofconsist of

make up for the lost time 弥补失去的时间

manage to do sth. 设法成功地做了某事

the man-made satellite 人造卫星

It is good manners to do sth./that 做某事有礼貌

a good many tourists 许多游客

the Long March 长征

in the competitive market 在竞争激烈的市场上

marry sb. 娶/嫁某人=bemarried to sb. 与某人结婚

master several languages 精通多种语言

chemical materials 化学材料

as a matter of fact 实际上

sth. doesn’t matter 某事不要紧

become mature gradually 逐渐成熟

be elected mayor of Shanghai 当选为上海市市长

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

mean to do sth. 打算去做某事

by means of 用;以某种方式

in the meantime 与此同时=atthe same time

measure the height of a building 测量大楼的高度

take effective measures to do sth. 采取有效的措施做某事

a skilled mechanic 一个熟练的技工

win a gold medal 得金牌

medical insurance 医疗保险

a memorable event 一件值得纪念的事情

in memory of 为了纪念

physical and mental health 身心健康

as mentioned above 如上所提及

in a mess 一团糟

leave a message for sb. 给某人留个条

learning methods 学习方法

mind doing sth. 介意做某事

the minority 少数民族

one’s miserable experiences 某人悲惨的经历

a missing child 失踪的孩子alost child

complete one’s mission 完成某人的任务,使命

make a mistake 犯错commitan error

have a misunderstanding of 误解

mix A with B 把A 与B相混合

a mobile phone 一部手机

modern society 现代社会

be modest about sth. 对…很谦虚

at the moment 目前,此刻

be worth the money 值钱

make money 赚钱

in good mood 心情好

in the mood of doing sth. 有心情做某事

moral standards 道德标准

more or less 或多或少

climb the mountain 爬山

the Movie Channel 电影频道

multiply A with BA乘以B

pay a visit to the museum 参观博物馆

be named after sb. 以某人的名字来命名

a narrow escape 九死一生

native language 母语mothertongue

protect natural resources 保护自然资源

protect the environment of nature 保护自然环境

couldn’t put up with a naughty boy无法忍受一个淘气的男孩

go to a grocery nearby 去附近的杂货店

There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事

have a negative effect on 对…产生消极/否定的影响

negotiate with sb. 与某人谈判协商

feel nervous about the College Entrance Examination为高考而感到紧张

There is no doubt that 毫无疑问

no wonder 不足为奇

make noises 制造嗓音

none of sb.’s business 与某人无关

instant noodle 方便面

the normal temperature 正常的体温

take notes 记笔记

make trouble for nothing 无事生非

take notice of 注意

pay attention to doing sth.

now that = since 既然

now and then 时不时地

nuclear weapons 核武器

get nutrients from milk 从牛奶中获取营养成份

obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则

observe the traffic regulations

object to doing sth. 反对做某事

have objection to doing sth.

be opposed to doing sth.

set the objective of doing sth. 树立做某事的目标

oblige sb. to do sth. 迫使某人做某事

be obliged to sb. for doing sth. 因某事而感激某人

overcome the obstacles 克服障碍

It is obvious/clear/evident that 很显然

on the occasion of 在做某事的场合/情况=in the situation of=under thecircumstance of

occupy=take up 占据;占有

A good idea occurs to sb 某人想到一个好主意

It occurs to sb. that 某人想到

intend no offense 非有意冒犯

offer sb. sth. 提供某人某物=offer sth. to sb.=provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.=supplysb. with sth.=supply sth. to sb.

offer to do sth. 主动提供做某事

the Olympic Games 奥运会

omit the details 省略细节

once in a while 偶尔

at once = right away=immediately 立即

be open to the public 对公众开放

in the open air 在户外

the Beijing Opera 京剧

operate on sb. 给某人做手术=do an operation on sb.

the telephone operator 电话接线员

in one’s opinion 就某人的观点

hold the opposite opinion that 持有相反的观点

beat the opponent 打败对手

lose the good opportunity 坐失良机

miss the golden chance

A be opposite to BA与B相反

the oppressed slaves 被压迫的奴隶

oral practice 口头训练

order the dishes 点菜

in good order 有次序

out of order 混乱

ordinary people 平民

a charity organization 一个慈善组织

the origin of civilization 文明的起源

the original 原著

in other words 换句话说

other than 除了

the other day 前几天

the outcome of an experiment 实验的结果

outdoor activities 户外活动

a promising outlook 有前途的前景

output and input 输出和输入

make outstanding achievements 取得突出的成绩

over and over again 一次又一次地

the overall output 总产量

move overseas 移居海外

owing to 由于=due to/ because of

of one’s own 某人自己的

lack oxygen 缺氧

keep up with the pace of the new age 跟上新时代的步伐

pack up the luggage 打包行李

endure great pain 忍受极大的痛苦

call back painful experiences 回忆起痛苦的经历

be fond of Chinese Paintings 喜欢中国国画

pay a visit to the Palace Museum参观故宫博物馆

read the following paragraphs 阅读下列段落

beg one’s pardon 请求某人的原谅

no parking 禁止停车


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