英语智力题汇总 - 范文中心





( )1. It's raining cats and dogs. What does the underlined phrase mean in Chinese?

A.下猫狗 B.倾盆大雨 C.不下雨 D.毛毛细雨

( )2.If(如果)two cats are in front of a cat, and two cats are behind a cat,and one cat is in the middle, how many cats are there?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Ten. ( )3. Australian seasons are the opposite of Amencan seasons nine times out of ten. What does the underlined phrase mean in Chinese?

A.总是 B.从不 C.十分之九 D.总而言之

( )4.所有空格均为同一个单词:

_______ is greater than God.

_______ is more evil than the Devil.

The poor need_______.

The rich have_______.

If you eat_______,you will die.

A. gold B. clothes C. food D. water

( )5. Amy is twelve years old. John is two years younger than Amy. Sarah is one year older than John. How old is Sarah?

A.15 B.11 C.13 D.9


1. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?


2. What is it that has legs but can't walk?


3.What fruit is never found single(一个一个地,单独地)?


4. What is the next number?

65536, 256, 16, ?


5.How many times per day do the hour and the minute hands of a clock forma right angle(直角)?




( )1. Let's play BINGO now. BINGO stands for?

A.人名 B.地名 C.扑克牌 D.游戏名

( )2. What's the Chinese meaning for“Six of one and half a dozen of the other”?

A.六分之一 B.人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半

( )3.What's too much for two and just right for one?

A. Time. B. Secret. C. Friend. D. Room.

( )4. Which of the following four is different from the other three?

A. Cat. B. Lion. C. Dog. D. Turtle.

( )5. DIDIIDID is for 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is for____.

A. 94494499 B. 49949944 C. 49499494 D. 49944949


1. Look at the following pictures, and draw the fourth picture?

2. What kind of dog never bites?

Answer: ___________.

3. Which number is the question mark?

Answer: ___________.

4. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself ?

Answer: ___________.

5. What can go through water but never gets wet?

Answer: ___________.



( )1. A=14 B=56 C=18 D=36 E=20 What is the answer to this sum written as a letter?B÷A×C - D+ E=____.

A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E ( )2. Mr White's speeches bring down the house every time. What does the underlined words mean in Chinese?

A.博得全场喝彩 B.带来房屋 C.使房屋倾倒 D.把家毁了

( )3.下列城市中既是山城,又是雾都的是_______。

A. London B. Qingdao C. Chongqing D. Lhasa

( )4. Which does not have two legs?

A duck. B.A bird. C. A fish. D.A girl.

( )5. What three letters turns a girl into a woman?



1. What are the three words that people often say?


2. Look at the following numbers. What is the question mark for?

1,3, 6, 10, 15, ? , 28, 36, 45.


3. What letter is a question?


4. How many triangles are there in the figure?

Answer: ____.

5. Which runs fast, heat or cold?

Answer: ____.


一、选择正确选项。(每小题2分,满分10分) ( )1. This is a green winter. What does the underlined words mean in Chinese?

A.一个温暖的冬天 B.一个绿色的冬天 C.一个寒冷的冬天

( )2. If all the letters were asked to a tea party, which letters would be late?

A.U and Z. B.W,X and Y.

C. X,Y and Z. D.U, V, W, X,Y and Z.

( )3. What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?

A. Finding nothing. B. Finding half a worm.

C. Finding a worm. D. Finding no worm.

( )4. Look at the chart and the numbers carefully. What number the question mark is?

A. One. B. Three. C. Four. D. Twelve.

( ) 5. “Speak like a book” means_______.

A.背书 B.像书一样说话 C.咬文嚼字 D.望文生义


1. When do you go as fast as a racing car?


2. How many sides does a house have?

Answer: _______________________________________.

3. How many letters are there in “your textbook”?

Answer: _______________________________________.

4. How long does it take to boil two eggs if it takes four and a half minutes to boil one egg?

Answer: _______________________________________.

5. What is the distance between the first letter and the last letter of “smiles”? Answer: _______________________________________.



( )1. At what temperature does water freeze(结冰)?

A. 100℃. B.10℃. C.0℃. D.36.5℃.

( )2.Which figure(图形)from A、B 、C and D can be suitably put in the bla (空白处)


( ) 3. There are only one set of letters below that can be rearranged into four-letter word. What is it?

A. adbe B. noda C. ckoo D. Finr

( ) 4. How many letters are there in “name” ?

A. 26 B.4 C. 5 D. 7

( ) 5. Look out! A car is coming. “Look out! ”means .

A.向外看 B.看呀 C.看外面 D.小心

二.根据问题 ,写确的答案。(每小题 2分 ,满分 10分 )

1. My first letter is in “fat”, not in“'hat”. My second letter is in“dad” , not in “bed” . My third letter is in “nice”,not in“nine”. My fourth letter

is in “sheep” , not in “ship” . What am I?


2. There are eight hundred women in a village in Africa(非洲 ). 3% of them wear one ring on their ears. Half the rest wear a pair of rings and the other half have no rings on at all. How many rings are there in all?

Answer : ___________. .

3. What is the next number in this series(数列 ) ?

18, 46, 94, 63, 52, ?

Answer: ___________ .

4. They call me a man, but I'll never have a wife. I was given a body, but not given a life. They made me a mouth, but didn't give me breath(呼吸 ). Water gives me life and sun brings me death. What am I?

Answer: ___________.

5. From what number can you take half and leave nothing?

Answer: ___________.



( )1. Which scissors can cut down the thread?

( )2. Which letter is an insect(昆虫)?

A.Ww B.Bb C.Ff D.Ss

( )3. Do you see any green in my eyes? What does the underlined word mean?

A.心灰意冷 B.碧绿 C.幼稚可欺 D.荒唐可笑

( )4. To what man does everyone must take offhis hat?

A. The driver. B. The soldier. C. The barber. D. The doctor.

( )5. 50400, 7200, 900, 100,__ What's the next number?

A .10 B.20 C.50 D.90


1. Which number should replace the question mark?


2. There are nine people in front of Bruce and six behind him. How many people are there altogether(总共 ) ?

Answer: _________.

3. I'm your good friend. I live in a box. When you take out a piece of paper, I can write down your thoughts(想法 ) ! What am I ?

Answer: __________

4. The word SEASON is written in code (代码 ) as 135146. What's the code of word


Answer: _________

5. Its body is square. It sleeps on the desk every day. It knows many things, but

can't say to you. A lazy person does not touch it. A diligent (勤奋的 ) person always has it in his hand. What is it?

Answer: _________



( )1. Look at the pictures carefully, then choose the best way ofthis


( )2. Which word is different from others?

A. father B. grandfather C. mother D. uncle

( )3. One of the four ropes won't knot if you pull its end. Which is this rope?Which don't knot?(如果你拉绳子的两端,四根绳子中的一根不会打结,你能找到不打结的那一根吗?)

( )4. The boy ran and ran until he was blue in the face. What does the underlined phrase mean?

A.满头大汗 B.精疲力竭 C.精神焕发 D.满面春风

( )5. At the sports meeting, A, B,C and D ran together. After running,A said, “I'm not the fourth. ” B said, “I'm the second one. ”C said,“I am in the place before A. ”D said,“I am two places in front of C. ”But only one ofthem is wrong. Do you know what the result is?

A.A-2, B-l, C-4, D-3 B.A-l, B-2, C-3, D-4

C.A-4, B-2, C-3, D-l D.A-4, B-3, C-2, D-l


1. What was yesterday and will be tomorrow?


2. There are 49 birds and hares.A bird has two legs, and a hare has four. There are 100 legs in all. How many birds and how many hares?

Answer:____birds and____hares

3. I saw some ducks yesterday. They were walking to the river. One baby duck was walking between two baby ducks; one baby duck was walking behind two baby ducks; but the first duck was walking in front ofthe three baby

ducks. How many ducks did I see yesterday?


4. What word is the same backwards and upside down?





一.选择正确选项 。(每小题 2分 ,满分 10分 )

( ) 1. Which country is Big Ben in?

A. USA. B. Britain.

C. China. D. France.

( ) 2. What can players do when they are playing American football?

A. They can only kick the ball.

B. They can only throw the ball.

C. They can only carry the ball with their hands.

D. They can kick, throw and carry the ball.

( ) 3. The following four pictures are very regular, but the fourth is missing.

Choose the right one.

( )4.“I am sorry.I can't help you.I ama small potato.”What is the meaning of “a small potato”?

A.勤杂工 B.大笨蛋 C.小人物 D.初学者

( )5. The children all looked in the____after the holiday.

A. black B.pink C.red D.green


1. Having just picked some apples from my tree,I placed them in a basket, and took them around to my friends.I ate one, and then gave a third ofthe remaining(剩余 的)apples to my friend Mike.I then drove to Joe's home.I ate two apples along the way, and gave Joe half ofthe remaining apples. After that I met Christy, and gave her 10 0f the remaining apples with only one left in the basket.I ate the last one later. How many apples started out in the basket?


2. How long does it take the earth(地球)to turn once on its axis(轴)?


3.Ifthe only sister of your mother's only brother has an only child, what would be your relationship(亲戚关系)to that child?

Answer: _________.

4. What munber comes next in this sequence(顺序):7,8,5,5,3,4,4, ?

Answer: _________.

5. Ten plus ten equals(等于)ten. Take ten from ten you have twenty. When the weather is cold, there are ten. When it is warm, there are twenty. What is it?

Answer: _________.



( )1. We can see P.P. on the envelopes. What does“P.P.”mean in Chinese?

A.航空母舰 B.特快专递 C.请勿折叠 D.邮资已付

( )2. French people often____their friends when they meet and say goodbye.

A. bow B.kiss C.hit D.smile

( )3. What's the next number? l,2,4,7,11, 16 7一

A.21 B.22 C.23 D.24

( )4. We hold Olympic Games____.

A.every five years B.every six years

C.every eight years D.every four years

( )5. Which city has held the World Exposition?____.

A. Guangdong B.Shanghai C.Nanjing D.Beijing


1. Now it is 8 a.m. My watch is five minutes fast a day. On the day after tomorrow, when the right time is 8 p.m., what will my watch say?(可用中文回答)

Answer: ___________

2. Is the water in the Black Sea black?

Answer: ___________

3. What has many teeth but never uses them for eating? .

Answer: ___________

4. Which country is this?

Answer: ___________

5. A bottle ofwine costs $ 10. Ifthe wme is worth $ 9 more than the bottle, what is the value(价值 ) ofthe bottle?

Answer: ___________



( )1. If you want to be healthy, you may have soup____.

A. before meal B.after meal C.at the meal D.during the meal

( )2. Mr Black is a sandwich man. What does the underlined phrase mean in Chinese?

A.三明治人 B.记者 C.身体前后都挂着广告牌的人

( )3. Xiao Ming is eight years old. His father's age is 4 times of his. How old is Xiao Ming when his father is fifty year old?

A.18. B.26. C.36. D.42.

( )4. Here are two pictures. Do you know which picture is in summer?

( ) 5. Which team in China first won the world champion? The ____ team did.

A. volleyball B. table tennis

C. basketball D. badminton

二、根据问题 ,写出正确的答案。 (每小题 2分 ,满分 10分 )

1. At a birthday party, half the guests drink cola, a quarter have lemonade, a sixth have orange juice,and the remaining three have water. How many guests at the party?

Answer: __________________.

2. What do tigers have that no other animals have?

Answer: __________________.

3. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to almost all animals?

Answer: __________________.

4. Can you see which numberis missing from the following group? 3, 9, ? , 81, 243.

Answer: __________________.

5. What letter is like twelve o'clock?

Answer: __________________.



( )1. It's twelve o'clock. What time was it twenty five hours ago?

A.One O'clock. B. Two o'clock. C. Ten O'clock.

D. Eleven O'clock.

( )2.邮政特快专递的代称是____。


( )3. What do “OPEC” and “MBA” represent for?

A.加拿大广播公司;文学学士 B.中国民航;全美篮球协会

C.中国共产党;中国篮球协会 D.石油输出国组织;工商管理学硕士

( )4.Which figure goes in the square ?(方框中应填入哪个图形?)

( )5.“Practise in pairs.”means

A.两人练习 B.两人表演 C.组成小组 D.三人游戏




2. There is a saying(谚语 ) , “When the cats are away, the mice will play. ” Do you know the meaning ofit? You can answer in Chinese.

Answer: _________________.

3. Can you complete the blankin particular order(特定顺序 )? 38, 35, 30, 27, __________,__________

Answer:_____________ , _________________.

4. Bob is only a child. Tom is an only child. Who has no brothers or sisters? Answer: _________________.

5. Two fathers and two sons are at a bar. They want to drink. How many glasses should they need?

Answer: _________________.



( )1. _______is the most widely used in the world.

A. Japanese B.French C.Chinese D.English

( )2. What's the favourite Chinese animal in the foreign zoos?

A. Tiger. B. Panda. C. Elephant. D. Duck.

( )3. If half ofa number is 30, then three-quarters of that number is____.

A.12 B.20 C.45

( )4. We are all in the dark about their plan. What are the underlined words

mean in Chinese?

A.在黑暗中 B.对„„正在探索 C.对„„一无所知 D.在晚上讨论

( )5. _______comes up in the east and goes down in the west.

A. The hill B.The moon C. The sun D.The river


1. The clock rings every4 seconds. Ifwe want to count twelve times, how many

seconds do you need?


2. Jim lives on the sixth floor ofa building. He goes three floors up to see

his friends. After that he goes five floorsdown to see another friend. On what floor is he now?

Answer:He is on the__________floor.

3. Which letter comes next in this sequence(顺次)?M, A, M, J, J, ? . Answer: _________________.

4.One side of an isosceles triangle(等腰三角形)is 15cm. Another is 7cm. What

is the third side?

Answer: _________________.

5. How can you double your money?

Answer: _________________.



( )1. Which makes the best comparison? LIVED is to DEVIL as 6323 is


A. 2336 B.6232 C.3236 D.3326

( )2. “Wait and see, I'll tum the tables some day. ” What does the underlined

phrase mean?

A.转动桌子 B.发脾气 C.踢翻桌子 D.扭转形势

( )3.“英国广播公司”的英语缩写是:____。


( )4. He'II succeed because he's always at his books. What does the underlined

phrase mean?

A.学识渊博 B.博览群书 C.刻苦学习 D.意志坚强

( )5. The biggest organ in our body is_______.

A. the eye B.the hand C.the skin D.the stomache


1. I drink water, but I don't have a mouth. What am I?


2. Its first two letters stand for a man. The first three for a woman . What

is the word?

Answer: ______________.

3. What'S the longest word in the world?

Answer: ______________.

4. If the red house is in front ofthe station, and the grey house is behind the

station, where is the White House?

Answer: ______________.

5. All my books are English books except two. All my books are math books except

two. All my books are Chinese books except two. How many books do I have? Answer: ______________.



( )1. It is not in a house. It is not outside a house. It is part ofa house.

What is it?

A. Ceiling. B. Window. C. Roof. D. Bed.

( )2. He doesn't listen to home truths.

A.恭维的话 B.花言巧语 C.逆耳忠言

( )3. Swimming in this cold weather? It's out of question for me. What

does the underlined phrase mean?

A.正中下怀 B.跑题的 C.不可能的 D.毫无疑问的

( )4. Three children are sharing a bottle of milk. Jacky drinks half of the

milk. After that, Lucy drinks one third ofthe left milk. Then Lily drinks

one third ofthe left milk, the same as Lucy. So how much is left in

the bottle?

A.50% B.22% C.13% D.8%

( )5. Mark loved pink pencils more than red ones. He didn't like orange

pencils at all. And while he liked yellow pencils, he couldn't say that

he really loved them. Which ofthe following is true?

A. He liked red pencils less than orange pencils.

B. He liked yellow pencils more than red pencils.

C. He liked pink pencils more than yellow pencils.

D. He liked orange pencils more than pink pencils.


1. You have two little windows which you open in the moming. But you close them

at night. When a man looks into them, he can see his own face. What are these? Answer: __________.

2. David is 16 years old. Two years ago, his younger brother Don was half David's

age. How old is Don?

Answer: __________.

3. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every halfhour. How

many minutes would the pills last?

Answer: __________.

4. Anyone can tell that she wears the pants in that family. What does “wears

the pants” mean here? You may answer it in Chinese or in English. Answer: __________.

5. What is the next number in this sequence(序列)?

1 1 2 4 3 9 4 61 5 52 6 63 7 94 8 ___________?




( )1. Which ofthe following is a girl's name?

A. Donald. B. Derek. C. Dorothy. D. David.

( )2. Here are four girls' names. Which one is not the name ofa fiower?

A. Violet. B. Lily. C. Rose. D. Sheila.

( )3. Look at the following pictures. Which is the best answer?

( )4. What does “Keep offthe grass!”mean in Chinese?

A.收割草坪! B.勿踏草坪! C.拔苗助长! D.躺在草坪上!

( )5.缩略词“CBA”和“FIFA”分别与下列哪两项运动有关?

A volleyball; basketball B.basketball; football

C. baseball; tennis D.football; table tennis


1. Its first letter is in “book”,but not in “book”.Its second letter is

in “ink”,but not in “thank”.Its third letter is in both “ink” and “book”. Its last letter is not in “ship”, but in “jeep”. What is it? Answer:____.

2. When can three big men go out under one little umbrella and not get wet? Answer:____.

3. What letter should replace the question mark?

Answer: ________.

4. Four students live on the same road. Max lives 2 miles from the school. Claire lives twice as far away as Max. Jim lives between Max and Sue. Sue lives l mile from the school. Who lives farthest from the school?

Answer: ________.

5. What appears once in every minute, twice in every moment, but not once in

thousand years?

Answer: ________.


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