化身博士 读书报告 - 范文中心

化身博士 读书报告


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

I never heard Dr Jelly and Mr Hyde before , and when I borrowed it from library , a ugly figure on the cover , maybe it's a horror fiction ,I told myself . With a strong felling of curiousness , I began to read it .

This is a mystery story . It is not what we would call a " thriller " - a book that tells a story of crime so exciting that it frightens readers . And Stevenson did not mean it to be a thriller . It is not a detective story like Conan Doyle's stories of Sherlock Holmes .

In the story , a man named Hyde came into my notice . He was a mistery , because no one knew him exactly . It's something in the soul of the man - some terrible evil . And he felt a strong dislike for him . This is the lawyer's first impression to him . And the people who could describe him gave widely different descriptions . They all agreed on only one point was something that that made them hate him .

To my surprise , Hyde and Dr Jelly who was honorable should be the same person . Hyde was the bad part of his nature which made me unbelievable at all . He calmly waked on a girl , stepping on her body ,paying no attention to her cries . He went mad to strike an old man over the head , he didn't stop until the old man died. So cruel he was!

As far as I am concerned , everyone has two parts in our nature as every coin has two sides . One side is virtue , the other side is evil . Dr

Jelly made a mistake to release his bad part and without controlling . Judging a person who is bad or good is depending on whether he can control him evil spirit or not .

However , no matter how powerful the evil is , it can be overcame by virtue in the end . We must firmly believe that the world is beautiful , though it is not perfect .


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