2介词.介词短语 - 范文中心






★介词可分为:简单介词(如on, in, at, of, from, about等);复合介词(如 into, throughout等);短语介词(如according to, instead of等);及分词介词(concerning关于/涉及, considering/given考虑到/鉴于, regarding关于/至于等)。


1. 表方位的介词(如above, over, on, through, across, up, down, in, out, to, from, towards, under, below, beneath, beside等);

2. 表时间的介词(如at, in/during/over, on, by, for 等)

3. 表工具、手段或方式方法的介词:by(表用交通方式,手段等));with(表使用有形的工具或身体某些器官等);in(表用某方式、方法、语言、声音、字体、墨水、体裁、现金等)。如:by bike/car/train/plane/spaceship/boat/sea/air/land/water, in a loud voice, in English, in this way, in ink, in cash, by credit card, by hand, by means of; with this method, …

4. 分词形式的介词:如 considering“就„而论;照„来看;考虑到„”;given“考虑到;鉴于”;including“包括”;concerning“关于”。

★注意一些既可用作介词也可用作副词的词,如in, on, off, by, down, above, …

They sat in rows.(in介词)

Nobody was in when we called.(in副词) The town is five miles off.(off副词)

Take the book off the shelf.(off介词) The sun rose above the horrizon.(above介词) My room is above.(above副词)


1. against:反对/与...相反/逆/违反;对...不利;紧靠/倚;以...为背景/衬托 He broke in and the room alarm went off.(in副词,相当于 He broke into the room and….)

Are you for or against it? 你是赞同还是反对?(be for“支持”;be against“反对”) They were rowing against the current. 他们划船逆流而上。

The evidence is against him. 证据对他不利。

The rain beat against the windows. 雨点击打着窗户。

Her red clothes stood out clearly against the snow. 她的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。

You should weigh the benefits against the cost. 你应该权衡一下收益与成本的得失。

2. beyond:在/向„的较远的一边;晚于/迟于;超出/;非„所能及 The road continues beyond the village up into the hills. 那条路经过村子又往上延伸到群山中。 Beyond the river stands a power station.过了这条河有一个发电站。

Some shops keep open beyond midnight. 有些商店营业到半夜以后。

The bicycle is beyond repair. 此自行车已坏到不能修理。

These were matters beyond his understanding.这些事情他那时候还不了解。

Our success was far beyond what we thought possible.我们的成功远远超出了我们的估计。 She was really touched beyond words.她确实感动得无法用言语来表达。

3. by:用(某种方法/手段);在„旁边;被/去完成时);经过(时/空);按„(时间,长度,重量等);依据/根据;乘(倍数)

The children are playing by (the side of) the river. 孩子们正在河边玩耍。 by noon. 到中午的时候,工作就会完成了。

By到上学期结束时,我们已经学了五本书。 My mother went by our school without coming to see me. 妈妈从我们学校经过,却没来看我。 Fruits are sold by weight, while eggs are sold by the dozen. 香蕉按重量卖,而鸡蛋按打卖。 This is a room 5m by 4m. 这个房间长5米宽4米。

4. across, through:




There’s a bank right across the street. 街对面就有家银行。

The Great Green Wall is across the northwest of China. 绿色长城横跨中国西北。

The policeman pushed his way through the crowd. 警察挤过人群。

He could just make out three people through the mist. 透过薄雾他勉强能看出有三个人。

We have been studying Monday through Sunday. 我们一整周都在学习。

We can only achieve success through hard work. 我们只有孜孜不倦才能成功。

5. with, within, without:




He was a little man with thick glasses. 他是一个戴深度眼镜的小个子男人。

You can write with a pen (in ink). 你可以用钢笔书写。

Everything's changing with time going by. 随着时间的推移,一切都在变化。

You should receive a reply within seven days. 你会在七天之内收到答复。

It is within walking distance. 那里步行能走到。

He left without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别。

6. besides, beside, except, but, except for, apart from:

besides: 指“除了…之外,还有…”,句中常有also,more,other,another,else等字眼。 beside:在…旁边或附近

except/but: “除了…之外,不再有…”,句中常有no,nobody,nothing等字眼。

except for:“除…以外"(表肯定主要部分而否定局部),不表示同类其它事物之间的关系。 apart from( = except for/ besides): 除了…外(都),要不是;除了…外(还),此外

We have lots of things in common besides music. 除了音乐,我们还有很多共同之处。

They work every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,他们每天都工作。

The movie was good except for the ending. 这部电影除结尾外都很好。(肯定主流,否定局部) She had no choice but to wait. 除了等待,她别无选择。(She could The problem is anything but easy. 这个问题一点也不容易。(这个问题很难。)

I’ve finished apart from the last question. 除了最后一道题,我全做完了。

He has a villa in Spain apart from a house in London. 除了伦敦的房子,西班牙他还有别墅。 I came ’t last but next to last. ) 我赛跑得了

(注意:①except/but可接不定式作宾语;②用于句首时,只用except for不用except。)


1. 需后接to的名词:

access, approach, key, answer, entrance, devotion, attention, attitude, apology, solution, introduction, visit, journey, …。如 the entrance to the park 公园的入口处

2. to与某些情感名词连用,在句中作状语,译为“使某人„的是”,其位置灵活,若需加强语气 可在to前加much,或在名词前加great。如

(much) to one’s delight/joy/pleasure/surprise/amazement/astonishment/horror/sorrow/ regret = to the (great) delight/surprise/amazement/astonishment/horror/sorrow/joy/pleasure/regret of sb

3. It’s + adj. + for/of + sb. + to do sth.

如果该句型中的形容词是用来说明sb. 的性格或品质时(如kind, good, nice, wise, stupid, polite, clever…),介词用of;说明事情性质介词用for。例句:

It’s polite of you to offer your seat to one in need on the bus. 在公汽上让座给需要的人很礼貌。 It’s quite necessary for us to help each other. 互帮互助是很必要的。

= be+ belong to或have种类/颜色/年龄/形状/价格等名词,用来表特征。如:

be of value/ importance/ significance/ help/ use = be valuable/ important/ significant/ helpful/ useful We are all of one family. = We belong to one family. 我们都是一家人。

The two boys are of the same age. 这两个男孩年龄相同。

5. 介词+which/whom 是定语从句考点,先行词是人时用whom,除人以外都用which;介词的选用视语境或从句中的动词搭配而定。如 Copper is one of the metals, with which we are quite familiar. 铜是我们很熟悉的金属之一。(sb be familiar with sth/ sth be familiar to sb)


1. Last Saturday I was busy ______ my homework.

2. How long has he worked ______ an inventor?

3. My uncle arrived ______ the airport ______ the morning of May 3.

4. I will always help my friends when they are ______ trouble.

5. ______ the age ______ twenty, he had written two books.

6. Look, the birds are singing ______ the tree, and there’re lots fruits ______ the tree.

7. He left the classroom ______ all the windows open.

8. My sister is ill today. She doesn’t feel ______ eating anything.

9. It’s too dangerous. You must keep the children away ______ the fire.

10. My parents arrived ______ a cold night.

11. You should apologize ______ her ______ stepping on her foot.

12. Don’t worry ______ me. Everything is going well ______ me.

13. ----- Do you know what happened ______ Peter yesterday?

------ He was hit ______ a car.

14. Wushu is becoming more and more popular ______ foreigners.

15. She is dressed ______ a white skirt ______ red flowers.

16. It’s bad ______ you to go to work ______ breakfast.

17. It’s very nice ______ you to get me two tickets ______ the World Cup.

18. You must stand ______ line when you are waiting ______ a bus.

19. If you can’t pass the exam, you’ll fall ______ others.

20. I have a swim every day ______ yesterday.

21. We all know that the earth moves ______ the sun.

22. The sunlight is coming in ______ the window.

23. This room is full______students and that one is filled______ teachers.

24. The two brothers decided to leave ________ midnight, for they had many miles to cover.

25. It’s was _______a snowy afternoon that they returned to England.

26. Mr Smith met his wife _______ the shop in 2005.

27. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, ________ which they are paid in cash.

28. The huge picture looks more beautiful _______ the blue sky.

29. For those who fly to Guilin, it’s only an hour away ________ car and offers all the scenery of the better –known city.

30. To be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is________ expression in words for me.

31. _________his incredible talent, Messi has surprised the world.

32. It saves a lot of time in the kitchen to have things you use _________easy reach.

33. Carelessness always contributes ________ car accidents. Therefore, drivers are advised to concentrate their attention _______driving.


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