英语辩论赛终板 - 范文中心




The catering industry is a long history of service industry, with the rapid


Corkage fee, is the consumer to have dinner in a restaurant, if own drinks, charge the hotel to consumers due to provide open


First of all, from the consumer perspective, the hotel corkage fee charged is actually violated even bargain rights of consumers and the right to choose


development of commodity economy, and students with catering service industry





enterprises, whether should to the consumer to charge corkage fee although there are clear provisions in the our existing law does not, but I insist that the hotel corkage fee charged is not reasonable.

the bottle, pour wine and other services to its cost. In fact, a corkage fee is the catering enterprises to consumers extra charge service fees. The consumer to the hotel for consumption, have paid the relevant fees to the hotel restaurant, but the hotel also to consumers extra charge, which is obviously unreasonable. So I insist that, the hotel corkage fee charged is not reasonable.

independently. Because a lot of the hotel clearly defined


Although consumers bring their own


The survey most consumers think, hotel


Turist Hotel guild regulations say that all operators have the right to prohibit consumers bring their own drinks, has the


Bring their own drinks corkage fee


In the customer a corkage fee is reasonable on the issue, 81% of customers


drinks, however, entered the restaurant, takes up a restaurant business place, enjoy the service of the restaurant, so the corkage fee is actually the service fees, consumers do not drink or enjoy the hotel services, separate additional charge corkage fees unreasonable. refused to customers to bring their own drinks, or to charge customers a so-called

right to own standard charged

charged is not reasonable. The so-called open a bottle of service charges, is only your own wine Hotel Limited means, some hotels to open a bottle of wine itself cost price is higher, so expensive hotel corkage fee, so difficult to accept.

are unreasonable, if you don't know in the customer's case received customer corkage fee, this is not a violation of consumers' right to know and even bargain rights?


In March 19, 2006, the city of Dalian Ms. Lu with a bottle of red wine to 55 yuan,


Now the country in this regard (corkage fee) no provision is very clear. Then we say


Hotel in the provision of services

中消协:要强制取消开瓶费 中消协表示,依据《消费者权益保护法》的规定,经营者不得以格式合同、通知、声明、店堂告示等方式作出对消费者不公平、不合理的规定。谢绝自带酒水,即使进行公示,也属于不合理的格式条款,像浙江温州23家酒店单方面集体声明“自2007年元旦起,不能自带酒水”的做法,


a restaurant, the checkout was the hotel charged me 100 yuan for corkage fee. The hotel should charge a corkage fee to two times higher than the price of wine, so charge corkage fee is reasonable?

that the operators, operational autonomy of course should be protected, but you this operational autonomy, not at the expense of consumers the right to choose independently and even bargain rights as the price. Especially in the consumer inadvertently and don't know the corkage fees charged to consumers the amount under the condition of opening bottle fee, which shows a violation of consumer rights performance.

claimed that

The association: to be forced to cancel a corkage fee

In CaseTrust said, according to

drinks, even for publicity, also belong to the unreasonable terms of format, such as Zhejiang Wenzhou 23 Hotel unilateral


I would like to ask each other a debate, the future of public toilets specified paper Mo with otherwise received toilet paper fee.


Development of catering industry is not 反方 无效明示可以拒绝



collective statement

rely on the profits to survive, profits era has gone for ever, is on the characteristics of the operation, integrity management, quality of service




development, KFC, McDonald's house does not sell drinks ah, not as the world chain business now? How Chinese will rely on the profits + violence?


The author thinks, this kind of regulation no practical significance, because of conflict with the law, no matter whether express,





rights violated consumers should enjoy the. China's

even bargain condition, forced transaction refused to operator. Thus, the restaurant forced to charge consumers corkage fee, is one kind of tort behavior significantly, the behavior and not due to


Although there has been a standard, as a consumer, I still think the corkage fee is the terms of overlord. Express, not on behalf of consumers to accept a charge opening bottle fee, does not represent the fees will be perfectly logical and reasonable, more do not represent restaurants can be in the right and self-confident to charge a corkage fee. Consumers in the hotel to eat and drink what decide by consumers, consumers should have the right to choose their own, restaurants do not have the right to charge a corkage fee. The restaurant in the pursuit of profit space, drinks prices high, but the hotel drinks are winery rebate high drinks, consumers want to consume the drinks in the hotel, do not necessarily have sales, which virtually deprived of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Therefore, the majority of consumers will not accept a corkage fee. Fees in advance to inform consumers, consumers can choose the way of consuming, can choose not to charge a corkage fee restaurant consumption. Although the rules, but I believe that, most of the hotel will still consider the brutal competition in the market and consumer's consciousness of protecting rights


Access to this industry standard text. This specification does not like the media called it,


will be in the restaurant charges to be explicit


In fact, specified in this specification, it is only required to catering enterprises will supply varieties, the charge of service standards and other special provisions were expressly, clearly the price, without the use



of lists ways to catering enterprises have the right to collect fees the project scope and the name of the list, because this is not required by it to regulate, even it has no right to regulate matters. In fact, the reason is very simple. As many occasions we all require operators to express, express is one thing, but to express the legality of the content, the effective is another matter. For example, the price law require businesses to have stated price of any commodity, but businesses prices marked the existence of huge profits and fraud, by the clause or other regulations to be recognized. So, you can't think matters law require businesses to express, as long as the express according to the requirement, that means the legal matters. Take the restaurant, a restaurant of national protected animal, can you say the restaurant the price tag, its behavior is lawful? Similarly, a corkage fee even express, also does not mean that it is reasonable and lawful.



No charge, small profits but quick turnover? When most restaurants catering industry still continue regulations





only collect

Yanqing Road restaurant has started the first


If catering enterprises said


Although consumers bring their own



Although consumers bring their own drinks,

The consumer does not drink also enjoy the hotel services, separate additional charge corkage fees unreasonable. The survey most consumers think, hotel refused to customers to bring their own drinks, or to charge customers a so-called

Turist Hotel guild regulations say that all operators have the right to prohibit consumers


bring their own drinks, has the right to own standard charged


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