English Globalization英语的全球化 - 范文中心

English Globalization英语的全球化


English Globalization

October 21, Beijing Education and Examination Institution announced that the college entrance examination reform program. Under this program, from 2016 onwards, Beijing Matriculation English subjects score reduced from 150 points to 100 points Chinese subjects score increased from 150 points to 180 points. In middle school entrance exam, English test scores decreased from 120 points to 100 points, Chinese test score increased from 120 points to 150 points. Previously, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places are also adjusted for college entrance exams in English, canceled the hearing test, on the usual test. When my classmates firstly heard this news, she was worried. She worried that our English majors maybe unemployed one day. She said our choices were wrong. What could we do? Actually, I don't worry about this question. Nowadays, along with the globalization, English has become the dominant language in the world today, and in the global range spread and popularization.

The United States in the late 1980s became the world's only superpower country after the end of the cold war. Because of the advantages in technology, military, education, physical exercise and so on, especially after 1990s, along with the development of information technology, the use of internet, and the acceleration of economic globalization, American culture and American influences were full of the world. This makes English; especially American English is more widely spread and popularization in the world. It is estimated that up to now, there are about 1.5 billion people in the world speak English. In addition to English is the native language of developed countries, such as Britain and the United States, Canada and so on (use population, about 3. 75million), Meanwhile, it is also the official language or second language of more than 70 countries or regions in the world (about 3. 75million). At the same time, including China, Russia, Japan and so on more than 100 countries or regions choose English as a priority language(about 7.5million). That is to say, nearly one fourth of the global population can use fluent or basic English correctly, and this

number will continue to increase. There is no doubt that in today's international language communications, English has become the world's most popular and influential language.

Now, English is also the main language in international science and technology, economic communication, financial trade, political and diplomatic negotiation, and cultural entertainment industry. It can say that English has penetrated into every corner of the world and the area and has become the dominant language. Because of the globalization, the communications between countries and countries, nations and nations has become more and more frequent, more and more widely. English as an international language, to some extent, bought the convenience to people between different cultures. In this situation, English would be more required. Maybe our China, to some extent, limits the development of English in China for some reasons, but I think this wouldn't influence we hunt jobs. We are quite proficient at speaking English; this is our advantage, compared with non-English majors. What's more, our English majors learn not only English but a second major language. This is also our advantage. So, now what we should do are learning English very well and can use it flexibly. Many people learn it well but don't know how to use it. It's useless.


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