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濒危动物 英文


Siberian tiger

Siberian tiger , its English name: Siberian Tiger known as Siberian tigers, originated in Northeast Asia, namely Russia, Siberia, Korea and northeast China, there are three million years evolutionary history. Siberian tiger is the largest existing cats colla kinds of weight, in which the male can reach 2.8 meters in length about 1 meter long tail and weighing nearly 350 kg or so, brown hair color summer and winter hair yellow. On the back and side of the body with multiple narrow black bar stripe, usually around 2 was willow-like. Big head, round forehead on a few black stripes and is often collusion between the feeding frenzy, "King" character, and therefore, "King of the Jungle" is laudatory, the Northeast China tiger is a protected species and are included in the Grade Ⅰ Endangered Species of Wild Convention on International Trade Fauna and Flora (CITES) Appendix.

东北虎,英文名: Siberian Tiger 又称西伯利亚虎,起源于亚洲东北部,即俄罗斯西伯利亚地区、朝鲜和中国东北地区,有三百万年进化史。东北虎是现存体重最大的猫科亚种,其中雄性体长可达2.8米左右,尾长约1米,体重接近350公斤左右,体色夏毛棕黄色,冬毛淡黄色。背部和体侧具有多条横列黑色窄条纹,通常2条靠近呈柳叶状。头大而圆,前额上的数条黑色横纹,中间常被串通,极似“王”字,故有“丛林之王”之美称,东北虎属中国Ⅰ级保护动物并被列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES )附录。

Arctic Wolf

This is only the wolf's head to just 3 feet high, long, much like a only a gentlemanly dog. That the color red wolf, gray, white and


Arctic wolves eat moose, fish, other types of wolves, polar bears, lemmings, walrus and rabbits. It also attacks humans and other animals. Other types of wolves and humans are the enemy of the Arctic wolf, Arctic wolf to drink cold water. They use the woods of gray, green and brown as a cover, the Arctic wolf has a thick layer of hair, their teeth are very sharp, which helps them to kill their prey. Arctic Wolf on average every year a mother give birth to 14 coyotes. They usually

born in caves, has pure white hair.

Arctic Wolves generally live in the Arctic forest. Living in the Labrador region from Canada to the British Columbia area, they do not migrate or hibernate. However, due to trees due to human harvesting, pollution and waste, they have lost their place to live. Every year

at least 196 died Arctic Wolf.


这种狼仅仅只会长到3英尺高, 长的很象一只有绅士风度的狗. 这种狼的颜色有红色、灰色、白色和黑色。


其它种类的狼和人类是北极狼的敌人,北极狼喝冷水。它们用林子里的灰色、绿色和褐色作为掩护,北极狼有着一层厚厚的毛,它们的牙齿非常尖利,这有助于它们捕杀猎物。每年一头母北极狼平均会产14头小狼。它们一般诞生在洞穴里,有着纯净的 白色的毛。



Alligator is my specialty animals, has been endangered. China has made it a national-level protected animals. Alligator body about 2 meters, like a big lizard. Beak length, which long with sharp teeth. Back dark brown, some dark green, abdomen gray, the skin is covered with large scales, like heavily armed the same. It is thick limbs, tail, skills, and their long-even more than the head and body length combined. People have alligator known as the "living fossil" because it was two billion years ago, the dinosaur era to exist, due to changes in the environment, extinction of dinosaurs and other reptiles, while the Chinese alligator has been continued to this day. In the Chinese alligator body, still can be found in dinosaurs and other reptiles, many of the features. Today, people study the dinosaurs, in addition to dinosaur fossils, according to other, often used to infer dinosaur alligators living habits. Therefore, the Chinese alligator for people to study the rise and fall of ancient reptiles, and studies of ancient geology, biological evolution, there is significance.




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