经营者的素质是民营企业公司治理转型与变革的根本 - 范文中心




【摘要】改革开放以后,我国民营经济取得了长足的发展,在国民经济中所占的比重逐步提升。民营企业已逐步成为国民经济的一支生力军,成为国民经济的重要组成部分。进入21世纪,民营企业公司迎来了难得的历史机遇,同时也不可避免地会遇到许多挑战,这其中就涉及到民营企业公司经营,管理,治理转型与变革的问题。众所周知,民营经济主要以股份制企业,私人制企业,以及个体企业等为主,具有产权明晰,机制灵活,市场敏锐,高效运作的特点,是充分实现“以市场为主导进行资源配置”的重要动力。民营经济不仅吸收了大量剩余劳动力就业,而且对各级政府财政收入具有举足轻重的作用。但是,从现状来看,我国民营企业公司治理的结构类似于东南亚的家族监管型,存在经营不规范等行为,严重影响了公司的运作和发展。要解决这些通病,必须先“治病寻根”,从企业的经营者开始剖析, 从经营者的素质对民营企业的公司管理和改革中的决定性作用开始分析。战略变革对企业非常重要, 但是企业往往变革起来却不能得心应手。很容易出现的一种情况就是:最高领导层把战略看的过于宏观;中层领导没有将战略细分为自己的具体目标实施下去;下层员工认为战略是形而上的东西。这样一来就会导致企业的战略被架空, 企业依照惯性而非战略发展, 难以顺势而变、与时俱进。实际上战略就是谋略、策划和计划, 词的内涵没有太多区别, 只是在程度上有所不同, 这正是战略在宏观、微观层面上辩证统一的体现。要想战略变革在企业里进行得顺利, 需要上下同欲、上下同行, 也就是好的战略变革实施需要充分调动企业内、外部方方面面的人力、物力、财力等各种资源。公司治理则是一种体系, 是管理也是控制。公司治理结构是对企业所有者及企业利益相关者的权利、利益分布的规定。所以公司治理也是一个内涵丰富的词, 不仅代表着指挥控制的过程, 也是公司内部规则、关系、制度的统辖。公司治理没有是与非的判断, 至今无法断言哪种公司治理就是好的或者不好的, 但是不同时期有相对主流的公司治理模式, 这与当时的时代背景和企业内外部环境有关。 笔者深入研究战略变革和公司治理之时发现它们之间存在一定的相关性。这个逻辑简要讲就是:战略变革和公司治理的关系最终体现在“知行合一”的辩证统一上。笔者认为, 公司治理结构是宏观的企业权利分配的体现;公司治理是在企业内部股权结构、董事会、经理人等对企业管理的影响加上企业外部环境对企业管理的影响下企业的运行状况, 是微观层面企业管理的所有过程;公司治理结构直接影响战略的制定, 而战略制定之后又直接影响公司治理过程;战略变革是企业家和其他利益相关者对企业内部环境、外部环境的“知”的过程, 偏重于对变革的领悟和预判;公司治理是企业上下所有人员对战略变革实施“行”的过程, 偏重于如何实施以及具体的控制;战略变革和公司治理对于企业十分重要, 它们应该放在一起研究, 体现“知”、“行”的辨证统一关系, 任一方单独研究都会造成逻辑上的不完整, 实施上的偏废。而“知”、“行”的过程中企业家精神是十分重要的变量, 它在“知行合一”的过程中贯穿始终, 也就是说企业家精神在企业的战略变革和公司治理中都占据了重要的位置。 正是基于以上逻辑, 笔者将本论文分为六个部分分别是:绪论、相关文献研究综述、中国大型民企的现状及问题、新希望集团战略变革、民营企业个人素质在公司治理转型过程中所起的作用、战略变革和公司治理的关系总结与启示。第一部分绪论主要内容有三个方面:选题的依据、研究的意义与目的、研究方法和研究框架。这些是文章的基础和根本。 第二部分是相关理论综述。分别梳理了理论界对公司治理的研究、对企业家精神和战略变革的研究。综述提供给新研究以坚实的基础和更多启发。 第三部分是对中国大型民企现状和问题的剖析。通过对其战略变革与公司治理的整体现状及问题溯源, 体现公司战略变革和公司治理的重要性, 也反映出中国大型民企的通病。只有先找到“病根”, 才能对症下药 第四部分是民营企业经营者个人素质在企业变革中所起的决定性作用。 第五部分是新希望集团的公司治理情况。从新希望集团的公司治理结构入手, 看新希望集团的公司治理具体实施。详细剖析了新希望集团公司治理层面的组织结构、管理模式, 分别深入研究了它们各自的演变历程和成功启示。

最后, 笔者对新希望集团的公司治理做出分析和经验小结, 并重点分析企业家精神在公司治理过程中起到的重要作用。笔者认为逻辑上, 公司治理是企业“行”的过程。 第六部分是笔者对战略变革和公司治理的关系总结, 也是对新希望集团成功之处的经验分析和对中国大型民企的启示。在战略变革和公司治理“知行合一”的关系下, 企业家精神始终贯穿其间, 起到了. 变革和公司治理“知行合一”的辩证统一关系。并且在以新希望集团为例的论述中抽丝剥茧地分析其成功因素, 总结其经验要点, 为中国其它大型民企的发展提供了建议和意见, 并希望对大多数企业存在普遍意义上的借鉴之用。 Abstract :After the reform and opening up, China has been a rapid growth of private economy, the proportion of national economy gradually increase. Private enterprises have gradually become the force of the national economy, become an important part of national economy. In the 21st century, the company ushered in a rare historical opportunity, private enterprises will inevitably face many challenges at the same time, the private enterprise is involved business, management, the transformation and the governance problem. As we all know, the private economy mainly by joint-stock enterprises, private enterprises, and individual enterprise primarily, has the property right clear, flexible mechanism, market acumen, efficient operation characteristics, is fully realized "dominated by market in resource allocation" important motivation. Private economy not only absorb a large number of surplus labor force employment, but also for all levels of government financial income plays a decisive role. But, from the current situation, our country private enterprise corporate governance structure similar to the families of the southeast Asia regulatory model, behavior such as nonstandard management, serious impact on the company's operation and development. To solve these common fault, need to "cure" roots ", starting from the enterprise operators, from the quality of operator decisive role in the company management and reform of the private enterprises began to analysis. Strategic change is very important for enterprise, but can't handy companies tend to change together. It is easy to appear a situation is: read the strategy of the highest leadership is too general; Middle managers not to subdivide strategy for their specific targets; Lower level

employees think strategy is the metaphysical things. In this way will lead to the enterprise strategy is raised, enterprises in accordance with the inertia rather than strategic

development, difficult to comply, advancing with The Times. In fact strategy is the strategy, planning and planning, the connotation of the word don't have much difference, only in degree is different, this is the strategy on the macro and micro level dialectical unification. To strategic change in the business went well, need with up and down, up and down, that is a good strategy change implementation need to fully mobilize enterprise internal and external aspects of manpower, material resources, financial resources and other resources. Corporate governance is a system, it is the management and control. Corporate governance structure is the owner of the enterprise and enterprise

stakeholders rights and interests of the rules of the distribution. So the corporate

governance is also a rich connotation of words, not only represents the command and control, the process of the company internal rules, relationships, systems of governance. Corporate governance is not with the judgment of corporate governance is still unable to say what good or bad, but different period is relative to the mainstream of the corporate governance model, with the background of that time and the enterprise internal and

external environment. The author further study of strategic change and corporate governance when there is a correlation between them. This logic is briefly: strategic change and the relationship between corporate governance ultimately reflected in the dialectical unification of "unity". The author thinks that, the company governance structure is the embodiment of the macro enterprise rights allocation; Corporate governance is in, the board of directors, managers and other internal shareholding structure, the impact on the enterprise management and enterprise external environment for enterprise management under the influence of operation condition, is the all process of micro enterprise management; Corporate governance structure directly affect the strategy, and strategy development after a direct impact on corporate governance process; Strategic change is the entrepreneur and other stakeholders to the enterprise internal environment and external environment of the process of "know", focus on comprehension and the anticipation of change; Corporate governance is the enterprise all up and down to change the strategy implementation of the "line", the process of lay particular stress on how to implement and specific control; Strategic change and corporate governance is very important for enterprise, they should be studied together, reflect "know", "line" dialectical unification relations, either separate research can create logically incomplete, while on the implementation. And "knowledge", "line" in the process of entrepreneurship is a very important variable, it is in the process of "the unity of" throughout, this means entrepreneurship in enterprise strategic change and occupies an important position in corporate governance. It is based on the above logic, the author in this paper can be divided into six parts: introduction, related literature review, present situation and problems of China's large corporation, new hope group strategy change, personal qualities of private enterprises in the process of transformation of corporate governance, the role of strategic change and summarize the relationship between corporate governance and revelation. The first part of the introduction the main content has three aspects: the basis of topic selection, research meaning and purpose, research methods and research framework. These is the basis of the articles and fundamental. The second part is relevant theories were reviewed. Combed the theoretical study of corporate governance, the study of entrepreneurship and strategic change. Reviews provide new study with solid foundation and more inspired. The third part is on the present situation and the problems of China's large corporation. Based on its strategic change and the current situation and problems of corporate governance as a whole, reflect corporate strategic change and the importance of corporate governance, also reflects the common fault of the large corporation in China. Only to find the "root", can suit the remedy to the case The fourth part is the privately operated enterprise operator individual quality plays a decisive role in the enterprise reform. The fifth part is the corporate governance of new hope group. New hope group's corporate governance structure, the new hope group's concrete implementation of corporate governance. Detailed analysis of the level of corporate governance of new hope group organization structure, management model, further study of their respective evolution and successful lesson. Finally, the author of a new hope group's corporate governance to make analysis and experience summary, and focuses on analyzing the entrepreneurship in play an important role in the process of

corporate governance. The author thinks that logically, corporate governance is a process

of enterprises "line". The sixth part is the summary on the relationship between the strategic change and corporate governance, and analysis of new hope group success experience and the enlightenment to China's large corporation. In strategic change and the relationship between corporate governance "unity", running all the time, entrepreneurship plays a. Change and corporate governance "unity" of the dialectical unification relations. And in a new hope group as an example the discourse of the whole to analyze the success factors, and summed up the experience and points for the development of China's other big corporation provides Suggestions and comments, and hope that common sense for most businesses is for reference purposes.

【关键词】民营企业 经营者素质 治理转型与变革







1. 相关理论综述.............................................................................................






2.4.1市场调控和政府调控管理.................................................................... 3中国大型民营企业战略变革与公司治理的整体现状及问题.......... 3.1关于家族治理的思考........................................









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