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智课网TOEFL 备考资料


出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别



一、 主旨信息。

即表达conversation 的目的和内容的信息以及表达lecture 的主题的内容。如:


I was wondering/thinking/ hoping …….

I wanted to ….

This is why I come by


I am going to talk about / discuss

Let’s focus on...

二、 重要细节。



主旨:(student)I wonder if you could give me a few quick about the library?

重要细节一:(Librarian)ok, over here the section we have language, literature and art. And if you do downstairs, you’ll find the history section.

重要细节二:(Librarian)oh, I also should mention that we have interlibrary loan service ….

重要细节三:(Students)another thing I was wondering if there a place I can bring my computer and hook it up?

重要细节四:(Librarian)I am sure you’ll need photocopier too….

重要细节五:(Students)where is the collection of rare books?


主旨:now, even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge ice can move or flow, it’s really no secret that glacier flow because of gravity, but how they flow, the way they flow needs some explaining.

重要细节一:the first type of flow is called “Basal Slip”

重要细节二:the new type of movement we talk about is called “Deformation”

重要细节三:now, I’d like to touch briefly on extension and compression.

以上两个例子中的重要细节,均是围绕主旨展开的讨论。对于对话来说,重要内容比较复杂,有librarian 主动陈述,也有学生进一步的追问。对于lecture 来说就相对清楚得多了。根据重要细节内容,我们可以预测细节题的考查要点。当然,真正做对题目,还要抓住围绕每一个重要细节进一步展开的具体细节。

三、 具体细节。



信息词:but, however, yet, nevertheless, unless, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, practically, although, even though, even if…


Facility manager: I assume you tried to reschedule your rehearsals, they don’t do construction work at night.

Student:I rang by the group, but there were too many… I mean evening are hard. It seems everyone in the choir always has plans, some even have classes at night.


Question:What does the woman imply about having rehearsals in the evening?

Answer:(D) Many students are not available in the evening




“people did go to see the art. There are charcoal marks from their torches on the cave walls clearly dating from thousands of years after the painting were made. So we can tell people went there.”


Q: According to the professor, what is the significance of charcoal marks on the walls of the Chauvet cave?

A:(B)They prove that people came to the cave long after the paintings were made

3. 并列信息

信息词:and, also, as well as, and then, another, either … or, not just… but also

Now, there are a couple of factors that affect the amount of deformation that takes place or the speed of the glacier movement. For example, deformation is more likely to occur the thicker the ice is …. and temperature also plays a part there …

Q: What factors are involved in the amount of deformation a glacier undergoes?

Click on 2 answers

A: (A) The thickness of glacial ice

(D) The temperature of the glacial ice

4. 比较信息

如:”a number of the Chauvet paintings have been dated by a lab to 30, 000 or more years ago, that would make it not just older than any other cave arts but about twice as old as the art in the cave of Altamira and Lascaux.”

Q: What is the professor’s opinion about the art at the Chauvet cave?

Wrong answer: (D) It is probably not much older than they are at Lascaux and Altamira

5. 否定信息

“but work created outside the classroom, that can be a different story. I’m not talking about techniques or things like that.”

Q: What does the professor imply about photography created outside of the classroom

Wrong answer: (A) It is usually technically stronger than work created for a class

6. 因果信息

原因信号词:because, because of, due to, since, as, for, the reason is that…

结果信号词:so, so that, as a result, therefore, thereby, thus, hence, consequently…

“It does have some other impacts. In studies, we found that when it comes to reproduction. Freezing diminish the mating performance of males. After they have been frozen and thawed of course, they don’t seem quite as vocal, they move slower and they seem to have harder time recognizing its potential mate. So if the male frog could manage not to go through this freezing cycle, he probably have more success in mating.”

Q: What impact does freezing have on some thawed wood frogs?

A: It reduces their ability to recognize potential mates

7. 问答信息


“student: Excuse me, professor. I’ve got to ask how can solar energy work at night or on cloudy days?

Professor: That’s… Well… That is a really a good question.

Q: What does the professor mean when he says that: “Well… That is a really a good question.”

A: He thinks the student has raised an important issue.

8. 具体事例

信号词:for example, for instance

“ Well, you know Dolton’s. They make soup and can vegetables and such. Well the head of the company had the top executives of Dolton’s walk around supermarkets and asking shopper what they think Dolton’s soups.

Here is another example for you. Senior executives for clothing manufacturer, it was Elkin, Elkin Jeans, you know, they went and walked in the store for few days, selling Elkin’s clothes ….”

Q: Why does the professor mention Dalton’s soup and Elkin jeans?

A: To give examples of how the technique of MBWA is used in practice.


教师简介 苏林林:上海智课教育雅思&托福&酷课英语主讲。毕业于东北大学英语专业,英语专业八级; 曾担任智课教育学校的助教主管并代表学校多次参加雅思托福研讨会。具有丰富的英语课程授课及辅导经验。


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