六年级下册英语期末试卷试题 - 范文中心




一.写出下列字母的左邻右舍 :10%

1. Dd 2. Hh 3. Ll

4. Rr 5. Xx


( )1. Aa A. cap B. map C. name D. watch

( )2. Ee A. bed B. meet C. red D. pen

( )3. Ii A. nice B. his C. pig D. fifty

( )4. Oo A. home B. long C. dog D. from

( )5. Uu A. uncle B. hungry C. sun D. use


1. son 2. hand 3. see 4. these

5. has 6. meat 7. grass 8. come

9. sweep 10. think


1. sheep(复数) 2. first(基数词) 3. July(中文)

4. fifth (缩写形式) 5. do (过去式) 6. run(现在分词)

7. play (单数形式) 8. it`s (完全形式) 9. she (宾格)

10. Uu (同音词) 11. box (复数) 12. short (反义词)


1. Where the is school ?

2. does father What your do ?

3. a student I am .

4. can make He kites .

5. is beautiful Our school very .


( )1. Good afternoon,Miss Li!

A. Good afternoon! B. Hello! C. Thank you1

( )2. How do you do?

A. How are you? B. Fine,thank you. C. How do you do?

( )3. Nice to see you again!

A. Hi! B. Nice to see you! C. How are you!

( )4. Mum, my teacher.

A. this is B. she is C. this`s

( )5. There is apple. It is red apple.

A. a,a B. an,an C. an, a

( )6. What colour is that jacket? It`s

A. an orange B. orange C. the orange

( )7. May I use your car? No,you

A. can`t B. mayn`t C. needn`t

( )8. Can I ask you some questions,please?

A. Sure. B. Yes. C. No.

( )9. You are very beautiful.

A. Yes. B. Thank you. C. It`s OK.

( )10. How many seasons are there in a year?

A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.

( )11. Would you like ?Coffee,please.

A. some B. X C. any

( )12. It`s time dinner.

A. to B. at C. for

( )13. I a brother. She a sister.

A. have,has B. has,has C. have,have

( )14. You a student. He a teacher.

A. is,is B. are, is C. are,are

( )15. There is a bridge the river.

A. over B. on C. above

( )16. Look!The kite in the sky.

A. fly B. flies C. is flying

( )17. I`d like some English stories.

A. read B. to read C. to reading

( )18. We to the park last Sunday.

A. go B. went C. going

( ) name is Mike.

A. He B. His C. Him

( )20. Elephant is than horse.

A. stronger B. strong C. strongger

七. 我会连:10%

New Year`s Day June 1st summer cold

Children`s Day Sep. 10th winter hot

Teachers` Day Jan. 1st Friday Chinese

Labour Day Dec. 25th October Fri.

Christmas Day May 1st China Oct.

八. 选择正确的词:10%

1. There are (twelve,twelfth)months in a year.

2. In fall,the trees` (leaf,leaves)are colourful.

3. This is (my,mine)skirt. That one is (your,yours)

4. He is (reading,looking)a book now.

5. Liu Xiang runs as as a horse. (fast,faster)

6. Amy likes drawing (picture,pictures)very much.

7. In the morning,I go to (school,the school). In the afternoon,I go (home, to home).

8. We go to the park (by,buy)bike.


It`s Sunday today. It`s a sunny day. Lucy is going to the park.

She`s going to fly a kite with Lily. Lily`s mother doesn`t go to the park.

Because Tomorrow is Lily`s birthday. She is going to buy a new dress for

her. Her mother and Lucy`s mother are going shopping. Lucy`s mother

wants to buy a pair of new shoes for herself.

A. 判断正(T)误(F):5%

( )1. It`s Sunday today.

( )2. Lily and Lucy are going to the park.

( )3. Lily`s mother is going to the park.

( )4. Lily`s mother and Lucy`s mother are going shopping.

( )5. Lucy`s mother wants to buy a dress for herself.

B. 根据短文内容填空:5%

1. It`s a day. is going to the park.

2. Lucy is going to fly a kite Lily.

3. Lily`s mother wants to buy a new for her. Because tomorrow is Lily`s .

.C. 抄写短文的前四句话;3%



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