高中英语语法主语从句学案 - 范文中心




Ⅰ. Make some questions.

1. What are you planning?

I’m planning an article about_______________________.

=____________________________ is an article about _____________.

2. What do you need?

We need ______________________.

= ___________________ is ___________________.

3. What did the teacher tell you?

The teacher told us __________________.

= ___________________ is __________________.

___________________ are _________________.

Thinking: 1. What does the word “what” mean in these sentences? ____________

2. When do we use this structure?_____________________________

3. Besides “what”, which other words can connect the subject clause and the

main clause?

Ⅱ. Work in groups and complete the following sentences with proper words.


1. When absorbed in our study, __________ we need is total concentration.

2. ___________will organize the entrance exam for college hasn’t been decided.

3. ____________ we will meet during the meeting remains a secret.

4. _____________ team will win the competition remains doubtful.

5. ___________

6.____________ the Chinese senior students adopt a gap year becomes popular.

Thinking: 1. What is function of these words in the sentence? Write down your answers.

2. In sentence 6, do we translate “that”? What’s the difference between “that”

and “what”?


1. ______ has happened is unreported.

2. ______ we need is more practice.

3. ______ the truth is indeed remains mysterious.

4. ______ kinds of athletic equipment are needed requires more further discussion. Thinking : What is the function of “what” in these sentences?


1._____________ we will have the final exam remains a question.

2. _____________ we will have the final exam remains a question.

3. _____________ we will have the final exam remains a question.

4. ____________ we will have the final exam remains a question.

5. _____________ we will have the final exam remains a question.

Thinking: 1. What is function of these words in the sentence? Write down your answers.

Ⅲ. Complete the sentence.

1. That one should take part in competitive sports is necessary.

= ___________________ one should take part in competitive sports.

Why the right training can help you become a peer mediator is clear.

=_______________ the right training can help you become a peer mediator.

What Joanna and her classmates saw on the beach was clear.

=_________________ Joanna and her classmates saw on the beach.

Sentence pattern 1:_________________________________

2. Because she didn’t get enough preparation, that she failed in the exam was no


= Because she didn’t get enough preparation, ______________ she failed in the


That Joanna was elected to be the prom queen was an honor.

=__________________ Joanna was elected to be the prom queen.

Sentence pattern 2 :______________________________________

3. American students and parents consider that high school sport is more important

than academic achievement.

= ____________________ high school sports is more important than academic achievement by American students and parents.

That older teenagers are more likely to get summer jobs or go camping with a group of friends is often reported.

= _______________ older teenagers are more likely to get summer jobs or go

camping with a group of friends.

Sentence pattern 3:_______________________________________

4. It is suggested that the sports meeting __________(be) put off.

It is ordered that all arms ____________(be) abandoned.

It is required that all students __________(get dressed) in uniform.

Sentence pattern 4:________________________________

Ⅳ. Exercise

1. Exercise p 21②, p 97①

2. Exercise p 22③


3. Find out all the subject clauses in Module 2.


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