7静态与动态 - 范文中心




(Static vs. Dynamic)

~lecture 6~ Riddle-A-Class

☐ A farmer combined 2 compost heaps with 3 others. How many compost heaps does he have?


☐ 英语倾向于多用名词,因而叙述呈静态;汉语倾向于多用动词,因而叙述成动态。英语的静态倾向,主要表现在以下几个方面: ☐ 一.名词化:指用名词来表达原来属于动词(或形容词)所表达的概念,便于表达比较复杂的思想内容。

☐ The doctor arrived extremely quickly and examined the patient uncommonly carefully; the result was that he recovered very speedily. ☐ The doctor’s extremely quick arrival and

uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.

☐ 医生迅速到达,并非常仔细的检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。


☐ 大量由动词派生的名词表示施事者,又保留原来动词的意义。常与前置形容词构成静态结构:

☐ a hard worker = someone who works hard 工作勤奋的人 ☐ a slow walker = someone who walks slowly 走路很慢的人 ☐ a good thief = someone who thieves well 很会偷窃的人 ☐ a bad sailor = someone who often gets seasick 会晕船的人


☐ 汉语由动词加后缀构成的名词(读者、教师、打字员、观察家、修理工)

☐ 用来指人,不再表示行为和动作,因而英语这类名词往往要转换成汉语动词 He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃能睡。 He is a young and rapid writer. 他是个笔头快的年轻人。 He was a nonsmoker and a teetotaler. 他既不抽烟也不喝酒。


☐ You must be a very bad learner, or else you must have a very bad teacher.

☐ 你一定不善于学习,要不然就是教你的人很不会教。

☐ 5.She is the best hater I’ve ever known. How she got to hate me so much!

☐ 我所认识的人当中,她最会记仇。她怎么变得那么恨我呢? ☐ 6.I used to be a bit of a fancier myself.

☐ 过去我也常常有点喜欢胡思乱想。


☐ 7.He is a lover of pop music. 他喜欢流行音乐。 8.You’re all clock-watchers today! 你们今天老是看着钟表等待下班啊! 9.Since he lost his job, he’s been a loner. 他失业以后,就很不合群了。 10.He is the murderer of his boss. 他谋杀了老板。


☐ 11.He has been the ruler of the region for as long as twenty years.

☐ 他统治那个地区长达20年之久。

☐ 12. Mary is a good learner .

☐ 玛莉善于学习。

☐ 13. He was a good listener and they would like to talk with him.

☐ 他能倾听别人的意见, 因此他们喜欢同他谈心。


☐ 14. Peter is a bad sailor.

☐ 彼得晕船。

☐ 15. Cardiovascular disease is American number one killer.

☐ 在美国, 死于心血管疾病的人数高居榜首。


☐ 报刊标题为了节约版面,尽量略去虚词和其他次要的词,把具有刺激性的词语挤压在一起,因而名词连用变成了一种“free-and-easy habit”. ☐ Sino-American Trade Review Talks Start

☐ 中美贸易回顾会谈开始

☐ January Crude Oil Output Beats Target

☐ 一月份原油产量超过指标

☐ 500-Metre-Long Flood Prevention Dyke Built ☐ 五百米长的防洪坝建成


☐ gold reserve

☐ 黄金储备

☐ generation gap 代沟

☐ figure control problem

☐ 保持优美身材的问题

☐ job opportunity discrimination

☐ 就业机会歧视


☐ space shuttle flight test program

☐ 航天飞机试飞计划

☐ computer programming teaching device manual ☐ 计算机编程教学方法手册

☐ satellite communications ground station equipment repairer

☐ 卫星通讯地面站设备维修人员


☐ 英语常用介词短语取代动词短语,即以“静”代“动”。 Their worries are behind them. 他们的烦恼已过去 He has someone behind him. 有人给他撑腰。 The machine is in operation. 机器正在运行。 Is this train for Chicago? 这趟火车是开往芝加哥的吗?

“名词+ 介词”常见于弱式短语,

☐ 往往削弱或淡化原来所要表达的动词、形容词和其他词语的意义,使叙述曲折迂回,因而增强了静态感。

☐ undertake a study of (study) take into consideration (consider) of a kindly nature (kind)

☐ conduct an investigation into (investigate) due to the fact that (because)

☐ beyond the shadow of a doubt ( certain ) on two separate occasions (twice)

五. 动词的弱化与虚化

☐ 英语中最常用的动词正是动作意味最弱的动词 to be, 其各种形式 (包括must be, may be, should have been)都缺乏动态感。由it 或 there 与be 构成的句式其静态意味更加明显

☐ There was a tropical storm off the east coast of Florida. ☐ 佛罗里达东海岸有一场热带风暴。

☐ A tropical storm lashed the east coast of Florida. ☐ 一场热带风暴袭击了佛罗里达东海岸。

五. 动词的弱化与虚化

☐ 除了be之外, have, become, grow, feel, go, come, get, do 等也是英语常用的弱势动词。

☐ 英语还常常把动词转化或派生成名词,置于虚化动词之后作其宾语, 如:have a look, take a walk, make attempts, pay visits, do some damages, put up a proposal


五. 动词的弱化与虚化

☐ After he had a quarrel with his boss, Jack quit. After he quarreled with his boss, Jack quit. 杰克与老板争吵之后便辞职了。 (do shopping, do some washing) The combine does the harvesting of the grain. The combine harvests the grain. 联合收割机收割谷物 六.用形容词或副词来表达动词的意义 英语常用动词的同源形容词与弱化动词相结合的方式表达动词的意义。 1.I am doubtful whether he is still alive. (doubt, live) 我怀疑他是否还活着。 2.The teacher thanked her pupils because they are very cooperative. (cooperate well)

☐ 学生合作得很好,老师想学生表示感谢。

☐ 3.The doctor felt sympathetic with his patients. (sympathize)

☐ 医生同情他的病人。


☐ 4. This program was not popular with all of the troops. 并不是所有军队的人都喜欢这个计划。 5. He is content with such kind of life. 他满足于这样的生活。 6. John is quite familiar with the machine. 约翰十分熟悉这台机器的性能。

☐ 7. An acquaintance with the modern Chinese history is helpful to the study of Chinese revolution.

☐ 了解一下中国近代史,对研究中国革命是有帮助的。


☐ Support---supportive, thank—thankful, create--- creative,


☐ 英语里表示心里或生理感觉的形容词以及其他形容词也常常与弱势动词构成系表结构,表达相当于动词的意义。

☐ A postman is not afraid of dogs. 邮递员不怕狗。 He was unaware of my presence. 他不知道我在场。 John seems content just to sit in front of the television all night. 约翰整夜坐在电视机前似乎就满足了。

英语有时用“be +非动词同源形容词”句式:

☐ 1. He was an able and a successful one.

☐ 他为人能干, 事业成功。

2. His ill health has been a very anxious business.

☐ 他身体不好令人十分担忧。

☐ 3. I am quite ignorant of what they intend to do. ☐ 我的确不知道他们打算干什么。

☐ 4. You shouldn't be sensitive about one's clothing. ☐ 你不要太注重衣着了。


☐ 1. I am afraid Mr. Brown is out, but he’ll be in soon. 布朗先生出去了,但他很快会回来的。 He’ll be home in half an hour. 他将在半小时内到家。 The newspaper was down at six yesterday. 昨天报纸六点钟付印。 (down: Completed; done: 完成的:three down, two to go.


☐ Down with the old and up with the new.

☐ 破旧立新。


☐ (1) Because of bad government, the company was in the


☐ 由于管理不善, 公司出现亏损。

☐ (2) The factory is under construction.

☐ 工厂正在建造中。

☐ 总之,英语常用动词的派生、转化、弱化和虚化等手段,采用非动词形式

(如名词、介词、形容词、副词等)表达动词的意义,因而表达呈静态。 英语还常用副词来表达动词的意义

⏹ We must be off now.

⏹ 我们得走了。

⏹ The performance is on.

⏹ 演出已经开始了。 Their experiment has been over. 他们的实验已经结束了。 I saw you out with a boy yesterday.

⏹ 昨天我看见你和一个男孩上街了。


☐ ㈠. 动词连用

☐ 汉语连动式和兼语式句子都包含着两个或两个以上的动词。连


⏹ 他们想办法摆脱了困境。 They managed to find a way out of their dilemma. 我们请她唱歌。 We ask her to sing. 你去教室把他叫回来。 Go to the classroom and call him back. 我把她请来打字。 I invited her here to do some typing. 我被老师叫到办公室去作检讨。 I was called to the office by the teacher to make a


⏹ 我去叫他们派一个会计到这儿来帮助你算账吧。

⏹ Let me go and ask them to send an accountant here to

help you with your accounts.


☐ 汉语动词及动词词组,包括连动式词组、兼语式词组,无需改变形式就

可以当句子的各种成分。如此一来,汉语句子就显得到处都有动词了。 ☐ 1. 实现理想境界要靠辛勤劳动。(动词词组作主语、宾语)

☐ To translate ideals into reality needs hard work.

☐ 2. 解决问题的最好办法是进行调查研究。(动词词组作定语、表语) ☐ The best way to solve the problem is to conduct


☐ 3. 他不停地来回走着,激动得说不出话来。(动词词组作状语、补语) ☐ He kept on walking back and forth, being too excited to say a single word.

☐ 4. 革命不是请客吃饭。(兼语式词组作表语)

☐ Revolution is not a dinner party.

☐ 5. 他们喜欢乘火车旅行。(连动式词组作宾语)

☐ They enjoy traveling by train.

三. 汉语动词常常重叠或重复,

☐ 以及与此相关的排比或对偶,可以明显加强汉语动态感的表现力。英语动词一般不能重叠,也较少重复,甚至常常在需要重复的地方省略。相比之下,汉语动词出现的频率举更高了。

☐ 1.来的来,去的去。 Some come here, others go away. 2.说是的说是,说非的说非,莫衷一是。 Some say “yes” and others “no”; I don’t know whom to follow. 3.说说笑笑,跑跑跳跳,孩子们过得非常愉快。 Talking and laughing, running and jumping, the children had a good time. 4. 要吃有吃,要穿有穿。 You will have enough to eat and sufficient to put on.

☐ 5.说是说了,没有结果;做是做了,没有成功。

☐ I have made proposals, but in vain; I have made attempts, but without success.

☐ 6.念死书念出来的学问是没有多大用处的。

☐ Learning by rote will be unprofitable.

☐ 7.学问,学问,要学要问;边学边问,才有学问。

☐ Acquisition of knowledge entails learning and seeking for explanation.

☐ 由于以上不同特点,英汉互译的过程往往是静态与动态互相转换得过程。适当的运用这一原理,常常可以使译文比较符合表达习惯。

☐ 1.静态转换为动态:

☐ Ford’s first pledge was, “Mr. President, you have my support and my loyalty.”

☐ 福特一开始就保证说:“总统先生,我支持您,并效忠于您。”


☐ It came not as a Nixon revelation, but rather as a confirmation of the “New York Times” story.

☐ 这不能算是尼克松透露了什么东西,而是证实了“纽约时报”的报道。 ☐ Only the earl himself kept up a sly occasional

acquaintance with her, when out of the jurisdiction of his ladies.

☐ 只有伯爵是例外,碰上妻子女儿管不着他的当,就偷偷摸摸地来找她。


☐ 1)火箭已经用来探索宇宙。

☐ Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe.

☐ 2) 一切爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。 ☐ All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.

☐ 3) 要不是我能干重活早就给辞退了。

☐ It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.


☐ 4) 屋顶需要加以特别考虑,以确保能经受日晒雨淋。

☐ Roofs require special consideration to ensure adequate durability in relation to the exposure to the sun and rain. ☐ 5) 他深信,只有对历史加以透彻研究,才能真正学到知识。

☐ He is in the full conviction that real knowledge is the end product of a thorough study of the history.


☐ 化动为静就是把原文中的动态句式转换为静态句式。英语虽然喜欢选用静态句式,但选用动态句式来叙述静态的意义也是常有的事。这些动态句式极富修辞效果,常见于景物描写。英语有些动态句式译成静态句式往往比译成动态句式要好。

☐ (1) To the south of the city lies a river. ☐ 城南有一条河。

☐ (2) In front of me stood the essential tools of the intelligence officer's trade----a desk, two telephones, one scrambled for outside calls, and to one side a large green metal safe with an oversized combination lock on the front.

☐ 眼前是干情报官这一行的基本用具──张写字台, 两部电话, 一部装有外线保密器, 一侧立着一个大型的绿色金属保险柜, 柜正面装有特大号的号码锁。

☐ (3)High in the Carolina mountains sits an orphanage. ☐ 在卡罗来纳山地高处有一座孤儿院。

☐ 此外,有些英语动态句的意义不易用汉语动态句来表达,或表达不准确、不流畅时,该动态句也需要转换为静态句。

☐ (1) Silence followed this remark.

☐ 话音落下, 一阵沉默。

☐ (2) Our age is witnessing a profound political change. ☐ 我们的时代是深刻的政治变化的见证。

☐ (3) Its gleaming sands and backdrop of pine woods and distant hills give it a pleasant and restful atmosphere.

☐ 这儿沙滩闪烁,松林掩映,远山连绵,自有一种心旷神怡的气氛。 ☐ (4) She knows what's what.

☐ 她了解实情。

☐ (5) They thought differently.

☐ 他们想法不同。

☐ (6) It is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of structure.

☐ 它的主要特点是结构简单。

☐ (7) The room is well furnished. ☐ 房间的陈设颇佳。

~lecture 6~


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