少数民族景点翻译中英文对照 - 范文中心



百福司镇是土家族的聚居地 。彭 、田、向氏等土家族人世居其地,为恩施州土家族居住最集中之地,民风民俗浓厚淳朴。好客、朴实、勤劳的土家山民世代传承,凝结了深厚的民族文化、习俗底蕴,有众多的自然人文景观。土家人熏大块腊肉,吃鼎罐饭,饮包谷酒,喝油茶汤,跳摆手舞,盖土花被,住吊脚楼,是酉水流域土家族保留风俗习惯最为完整的地方。民间工艺以纺织“西兰卡普”和竹篾编扎最为著称。

Baifusi, famous for Tujia people who have lived there for generations, enjoys its unique customs and traditions. Hospitality, rusticity and diligence are Tujia people′s characteristics passed on from generation to generation. Besides, Baifusi possesses rich cultural deposits and enormous nature-human landscapes, which make it the best place of Tujia culture in Youshui area. There we can enjoy a veritable feast to the content of our body and soul because it′s favored for its specific tradition, such as chunk of bacon, Dinguan cuisine, wine made out of corn, oil-tea soup, Baishou Dance(a special dance characterized by swaying arms), “Xilankapu”(a uique blanket) and Tujia Diaojiao Building. Moreover, Baifusi′s folk art and handcrafts are rich and imaginative, like the spinning of“Xilankapu” and bamboo-splint woven articles.


Many Tujia-featured cultures are gathering here, like Tujia culture represented by Baishou dance, Tusi culture represented by Tusi system in Maodong area, dietary culture represented by oil-tea soup and native bacon, ancient building represented by Tujia Diaojiao building. In June 2000, the State Council announced that Tuji a Baishou dance and “Xilankapu” are National Intangible Cultural Heritage. Besides, Baifusi was named as “The Town of Folk Culture in China” in 2000 and again in 2001 by the Ministry of Culture.


卯洞风景区位于鄂湘渝三省交界的来凤县百福司镇境内,地 处卯洞大峡谷。与周边省市景区距离较近,北距湖北来凤县 45公里,东距张家界风景区190公里、湘西里耶秦简出土地70公里,南赵世炎故居60公里、重庆酉阳桃花园景区75公里;西距距黔江小南海地质公园160公里。独具特色的区位优势,形成典型的“一日游三省”旅游品牌。景区北起该镇南河风情村,南至堡上村金龙滩,全长约8.5公里。

Guidance to Maodong Grotto

Brief Introduction

Maodong Grotto mainly refers to scenic spots in Maodong Canyon in Baifusi, Laifeng County. Its special location that it is not far from scenic spots in other areas brand itself as “The center of visiting three province in a day”, 45 miles to the north is Laifeng County, 190 miles to the east is Zhangjiajie and 70 miles to Qin Slips of Liye relics in Hunan province, in the west in Chongqing proince there are Residence of Zhao Shiyan(60 miles away) and Yaoyang Peach Blossom Garden(75 miles away) and Small Nanhai Geological Park(160 miles away). The whole journey covers about 8.5 miles from Fengqing village to the north to Jinlong Lake in Baoshang village to the south.

2000年前该景区主要以漂流为主,随着纳吉滩、金龙滩电站的竣工,景区内形成两处近10平方公里的库区湖, 现以平湖游为主。

Drift remains dominant here before 2000 and now has been replaced by lake drift as there are two lakes each with 10 square kilometres after the completion of power stations in Naji Lake and Jinlong Lake.


Maodong Canyon, the typical karst landform, is the relics of the quaternary glacier. Hill peaks tower in each side and amaze the visitor with the ever-changing aspects of their beauty. Green and luxuriant hills and various caves of enchanting beauty add much wonder and charm to the fairy Canyon. Stone hills and caves scatter all over like stars. Famous beauty spots here include Maodong, Laoyin Lake, Guanyin Cave, Moon Cave, Bandits Cave, Zengzi Cave, and Fairy Cave and so on, among which Maodong is the most spectacular one. Its name comes from an ancient story that once Luban came here for flood control and at about 5:00~7:00(in old china we also say Maoshi) he made a hole with his walking stick. Besides, nowadays there also remain legends about Laoyin Lake and Fairy Cave. Maodong, however, with Youshui water run through it to hundreds upon hundreds cliff, is the sole magnificent sunken cave in Youshui area. The natural scenery and Human landscape--Tusi Town in Xuanfu village ,the provincial protected cultural relics--add radiance and beauty to each other.


Scenics in Jinlong Gorge, like Jianxie Spring, Inborn Bridge and Cold Wind Cave are nice place to go sightseeing. Especially the ever-changing spots in Yulong Cave wind miles inside. It′s said that long long ago when here was flooding a gold dragon from the cave flied into the river to release the disaster with its power. Yulong Cave, Jinlong Lake and Three-branch River are derived from the tale.


Maodong′s beauty has inspired many poets and earned many appreciation as well. Zhangtao depict it in his Yaodong as, “Marvelous is the scenery, winding comes the water. Vivid is the cave, unique is each one.” Liu Zongfa, a famous personage in Qing dynasty wrote in Maodong “The picturesque spot waits for you to enjoy for a while, unknown is the flower but hardly to put

ourselves away from its charming beauty. Life whispers to me about its hardships every second while inspiring ambition still urges to take its road. For a poet who want to speak his mind out here is the right place. Zhang Liangyao, a professor in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, noted in his Tujia in Wulin area like this “The Youshui river, coming from a heavenly gate to its full forth, is the most magnificent scene I have ever met.” and added a poet as follows “The Youshui river is a surprising one from heaven. It′s a piece of cake to cut thousands of mountains apart before Dongting Lake. Jiaolong seems so small in its brace and the famous Wuyue mountains is nothing compared to its forth.” In the mid-1990s, Guan Guangfu, the then party secretary of Hubei province, spoke highly of the scenery here and named here “Maodong Grotto”.Later around 2000,the chairman of World Bank visited here twice and raved about its beauty.


世上奇绝的卯洞,滚滚奔腾的酉水,耸入云端的奇山异峰 ,独特壮观的洞群,清澈明净的落印潭,千古留存的土司城堡遗址,还有森翠的珍稀植物,轻快欢唱的山鸟和酉水河中那游乐戏水的马口鱼、娃娃鱼、团鱼、角角鱼,互相扮配,集大自然的杰作于一体,灵怪幽异,如诗如画,组成了独具一格的卯洞风景区

Maodong Grotto is such a masterpiece of nature with its caves, river, mountains, lakes,etc. mentioned above. Each part, unique in style and picturesque in sight, adds beauty to each other and holds great attraction for tourists.


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