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Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular natural wonders of North America. It is on the Niagara River, about halfway between Lake Erie and Ontario. The river

1 forms part of the United States-Canadian border.○


Niagara Falls actually consists of two waterfalls, the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls. The Horseshoe Falls is on the Canadian side of the border in the province of Ontario. The American Falls is on the United States side in the state of

2. About 10 New York. At night, wide beams of colored lights illuminate the falls○

million people visit Niagara Falls annually.


Niagara Falls attracts visitors throughout the year. However, most visitors come during the tourist season, from April 1 to October 31. Several steamers called the Maid of the Mist take sightseers close to the churning waters at the base of the falls. Parks line both sides of the river near Niagara Falls. Excellent views of the falls may be seen from such sites as Prospect Point, Table Rock, and Terrapin Point. Four observation towers, ranging from 86 to 150 meters high, also provide fine views of the falls.



United States and Canadian hydroelectric plants divert some of the water through tunnels from the Niagara River before it reaches Niagara Falls. For scenic reasons, however, the amount of water that may be diverted is regulated by a treaty between the United States and Canada. The treaty states that at least 2,800 cubic meters of water a second must pass over the falls during daylight hours of the tourist season. At other times, the flow may be decreased to 1,400 cubic meters a second.


Some people believed that the rapid development of tourism and industry mined the scenic beauty of the Niagara Falls area. In 1885, the government of New York took control of the land bordering the American Falls. It then established the Niagara Falls Park, covering about 430 acres (174 hectares) on the land. In 1886, Canada established Queen Victoria Park on 196 acres (79 hectares) of land near the Horseshoe Falls. Since the 1880's, much more land in the Niagara Falls area has been set aside for parks, especially on the Canadian side.

很多人认为是旅游业和工业的迅速发展带动了尼亚加拉大瀑布地区的美景开发。1885年,纽约州政府接管美国瀑布所在的边境地带,随后在此修建了尼亚加拉大瀑布公园,占地430英亩(174公顷)。1886年,加拿大在马蹄瀑布附近修建了占地196英亩(79公顷)的维多利亚女王公园。自19世纪80年代以来,尼亚加拉大瀑布沿岸地区被陆续开发为公园,尤其是在加拿大境内一边。 Rockslides have gradually changed the appearance of Niagara Falls through

3. the years. In 1931, about 73,000 metric tons of rock fell from the Niagara Falls○

Several years later, approximately 27,000 metric tons of rock broke off the upper edge of the Horseshoe Falls. In 1954, about 167,800 metric tons of rock tumbled from the American Falls and nearby Prospect Point.


In 1969, U.S. Army engineers built a dam to stop the flow of water temporarily over the American Falls. A board of experts from the United States and Canada then studied the rock ledge to determine how to prevent further erosion. However, the board decided that the cost of halting erosion would be too high. It recommended that nothing be done except small measures to improve public safety. 1969年,美国军方工程师在美国瀑布上游临时修建了一座水坝阻挡水流,由美加两国专家组成的专家小组对瀑布的岩架进行研究以寻求如何防止岩石进一步被冲蚀的方法。然而专家小组认为防止冲蚀的花费过高,建议只需采取一些小的措施来加强公共安全。


1. 这一句又是介绍Niagara River, 前句中也有提到Niagara River, 这一句翻译时用与前句合并,使用破折号,作解释说明,译文语句会更加简洁精炼。

2. 这一句采用了增译,在译文中增加了“美轮美奂”,但原文中并无对应成分,增译之后使句子结构更为完整,语句更加生动优美。

3….rock fell from the Niagara Falls,直译为:岩石从尼亚加拉大瀑布上坠落,此处应加上“崖壁”,因为岩石是在瀑布后面的崖壁上的。

II 景点介绍




Tibet is situated in southeast China, which borders the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Qinghai province to the north, Sichuan and Yunnan province to the east, Burma, India, the Kingdom of Bhutan and Nepal to the south, India to the west. Lhasa is the capital and the largest city of Tibet.





4到西藏旅游的最佳时间是三月到八月。 昼夜温差大。○

Tibet, with the average elevation of 4900 meters, is the highest place in the world and enjoys its reputation of the roof of the world. Most of the Tibetans are inhabiting at the places between 1200 and 5100 meters above sea level. Tibet was surrounded by the Himalayas, Karakorum mountains and Kunlun mountains in south, west and north respectively, which is one of the most isolated places in the world. Due to the different geographical conditions, temperatures of the south grassland and north plateau differ sharply. The south is warm and rainy and the rainfall concentrates on the period from May to September. In contrast, the north in the continental climate with arid climate, warm weather between June and August and large temperature difference between day and night. The best time to visit Tibet is between March and August.






Tibet has a long cultural history. The ancient ruins show that there was people inhabited at Tibet from 4,000 to 20,000 years ago. The diligent and brave Tibetan has created a vibrant and colorful cultural custom and formed a nationality filled with distinguished traditional culture and keen on dancing and singing. Moreover, Tibet is advanced in astronomy, calendar and medicine and a lot of classic literature works. Its

excellent art includes painting, building, sculpture, music, dance and folk drama. Many famous ancient art attractions dotted at Tibet, of which the Potala Palace, Tashilhunpo Monastery, Jokhang Temple and Ramoche Temple are the most famous. The sight-seeing and custom-tasting tour here is the most special in the world.




The communication and transportation has changed dramatically in this century. Since the serfdom has been abolished in 1950, four interprovincial arterial roads, Sichuan-Tibet, Qinghai-Tibet, Xinjiang-Tibet and Yunnan Tibet, have been built successively under extremely challenging conditions. Meanwhile, within the autonomous region, a road network which made Lhasa, Shigatse, Qamdo and Nagchu as hubs covering 98% counties. Qinghai-Tibet railway was also completed during the same period. In addition, regular flight is available between Lhasa and Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing and Kathmandu in Nepal. Hence,


9,河流奔腾不息,湖泊静谧安详。白雪皑皑, 森林郁郁葱葱,杜鹃漫山遍野○


Modern tourists are longing for embracing and appreciating nature. Large territory, small population, snow-capped mountains, thick forest, azalea-clothing mountains, roaring rivers and tranquil lakes in Tibet, many places of which are scarcely polluted emitting a smell of origin. People can indulge in the boon from nature.


1. 这一句原文中有四个动词,“北临”、“东接”、“接壤”、“接壤”,在译文中可共用一个动词border.

2. 这一句的结构为:西藏是„„地区,有„„之称。将“平均海拔高度4,900米”作为插入语。

3. 句子结构为:西藏被„„环抱(从南西北三面)。将“是世界上与外界隔绝的地方之一”最为主语的定语。

4. “北部属„„昼夜温差大”这一句的句子结构为:北部属大陆性气候。后面的“相对干燥,六月到八月温暖,昼夜温差大”可译为伴随状语,对“大陆性气候”的特征起解释说明。此外,因这句和前一句分别讲北部和南部气候的不同,所以这一句与前一句之间是增加过渡词in contrast.

5. “勤劳勇敢的„„民族”这一句的结构为:西藏人民创造了„„的文化习俗,(组成了)„„的民族。

6. “西藏各地„„小昭寺等”这一句将“古代艺术景点”作主语,“其中„„小昭寺等等”作为主语的定语。

7. “形成了„„都通了公路”,以“公路网”为主语,结构为:公路网以„„为中心,(使)98%„„。

8. “重返”,因为现代人是住在城市里,并不是住在大自然中,所以这里不能译为return,译为embrace更佳。

9. “杜鹃漫山遍野”,可以理解为:穿了一件杜鹃花的外衣的山,译为azalea-clothing mountains更为形象生动。


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