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英教六班 施婷婷 [1**********]9

Are you dreaming of having Audrey Hepburn’s oval face, Princess Diana’s shining eyes and elegant smile, Britney’s perfect figure, and Angelina Jolie’s sexy mouth? Now, dreams do some true. Plastic surgery does the magic. Everyone is longing for being charming. Many girls swarm into the frontier of pursuing beauty----they resort for plastic surgery. Pitifully, tragedies do happen from time to time. Wang Bei, the singer and sometime model, aged 4, was having a facial bone-shaving operation. When a doctor is thought to have made a mistake, causing blood to flood into her throat and choke her to death. Girls take the risks to chase beauty, no matter the cost, for they have no idea or just ignore the risks. Girls, if you are intended to have the plastic surgery, think twice and take the following problems into consideration which can happen on the operating table.

One major downside of undergoing plastic surgery is that there is no guarantee of the results. Although plastic surgery has become safer over the years, physical risks have not been eliminated. If it fails, the results are unimaginable. It is reported that some suffered the facial paralysis after the operation. What’s worse, it is not uncommon

to see that some girls end their lives on the operating tables. Even though the operation succeeds, the complication comes along. Girls, before the determination, just think twice about these horrible results.

In additional, scars can make your efforts and sufferings worthless. What’s more, considering that someone decides to do the breast-enlarging operation which means that she needs slipping something into her breasts, time foes by, these fillers may rupture and turn out to be the body junk since they are not the nature part of body, the fillers may destroy her health.

Apart from the great physical pain they might suffer, there also is agony waiting for them if the plastic surgery operation fails. Deformity, complications, scars, all knock into the door, and make their lives chaotic. At that time, despair, self-abasement, self-rejection, etc, all keep attacking they all the time. What brings about such nightmare to them? It’s plastic surgery, the killer. They think their sky is falling down, under the circumstance, some lose all their reason, and some may resort to killing themselves because they cannot stand the peculiar eyes from others.

Last but not he least, plastic surgery can also impose major financial risks on patients. Many people spent abundant money into plastic surgery to gain the “beauty” they expect. If the results can’t

satisfy their expectation, they pull even more money in order to make things perfect, which will result in vicious cycle, for people will never be completely satisfied. That’s truth. This kind of plastic surgery could lead to serious financial trouble or even personal bankruptcy. In conclusion, is it worth taking such risks to pursuing the so called “beauty”? As far as I am concerned, even though someone becomes more beautiful through plastic surgery, it is not he real beauty. In my mind, the real beauty comes from the inner world. For me, nature is beauty. Beauty is true.


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