小学六年级英语试题 - 范文中心




( ) 1. A. sweater B. read C. any D. breakfast

( ) 2. A. thirsty B. mouths C. south D. three

( ) 3. A. tool B. juice C. shoe D. bedroom

( ) 4. A. doctor B. worker C. sir D. hamburger

( ) 5. A. funny B. under C. uncle D. knee

( ) 6. A. lakes B. names C. foxes D. wolves

( ) 7. A. wake B. notice C. be D. rice

( ) 8. A. pencil B. picnic C. cold D. course


This is a _________ [ˈf əut əu] of my ________ [ˈfæmili]. The man in ________ [braun] is my father. He’s a ________ [ˈw ə:kə]. The woman with glasses is my mother. She’s a________

[mæθ] teacher. Who’s the boy in the __________ [ˈmidl ]? It’s me, Helen Green!


( ) 1. 下列单词中含有5个元音字母的一项是___________。

A. rainbow B. dialogue C. vegetable D. yesterday

( ) 2. 下列字母中含有相同元音音素的一项是_________。


( ) 3. Who do you look _______ , your father or your mother?

A. for B. to C. like D. up

( ) 4. —May I drink ________ water?

—Sorry, I don’t have _________.

A. any, some B. some, any C. some, some D. any, any

( ) 5. Everyday Amy eats _________ and _________.

A. two mangos, four tomatos B. two mangose, four tomatoes

C. two mangoes, four tomatos D. two mangos, four tomatoes

( ) 6. Peter! Don’t read _______ bed. It’s bad ______ your eyes.

A. in the…for B. in…for C. on…with D. on the…with

( ) 7. Shall we meet at the school gate (校门) _____ 8:00 ____ Sunday morning?

A. at, in B. in, of C. at, on D. to, of

( ) 8. ____________ are all good students in schools.

A. You, I and she B. I, she, and you C. You, she and I D. She, you and I

( ) 9. This is _______ stamp. It’s _______ American stamp.

A. a, the B. the, an C. an, a D. a, an

( ) 10. The woman is fifty, but she looks __________.

A. new B. young C. thin D. old


1. There ________ (be) a map and two pictures on the wall.

2. Welcome to ________ (we) school!

3. Those books are my ___________ (classmate).

4. Give _______ (they) two apples, please.

5. The twins are _________ (swim) in the river now.

五、情景反应,在B 栏中选出与A 栏中句子相匹配的答语。(8)


( ) 1. Your Chinese is very good. A. That’s all right.

( ) 2. What would you like? B. No, Bob is ill.

( ) 3. How do you do? C. Thank you.

( ) 4. I like books. D. Thanks. It’s good.

( ) 5. Sorry, I’m late. E. How do you do?

( ) 6. Here’s a present for you. F. Me too.

( ) 7. Is everyone at school today? G . Yes, we are.

( ) 8. Are you friends? H. Some tea, please.


1. My hair is long, but Mary’s hair is ___________.

2. Tom is a ___________ and Mr White is her teacher.

3. Sam is thin but Peter is ___________.

4. I have two apples. One is big, and the other is ____________.

5. In the hospital, there are men doctors and ___________ doctors.


A: Ex_________ me, Mr Green. Where are you from?

B: I’m from New York. It’s in the USA.

A: Is that so? Where are you w_________ now?

B: In Shenzhen.

A: W_________ is your job?

B: I’m a teacher. I teach in a primary school.

A: Do you have any ch_____________?

B: Yes, I have a son and a daughter.

A: Do you l__________ China?

B: Very much. The Ch_________ people are very friendly. (友好的)


1. Monday is the first day of the week. __________________

2. How many bird can you see in the tree? ________________

3. Are that shoes new? Sorry, I don’t know. ________________

4. What’s fourty and sixty? One hundred. _________________

5. Is the young man in the black hat Mrs Green? ___________


1. It’划线部分提问)

__________ the _________ , please?

2. Pass the ruler to me, please. (改为意思相近的句子)

Pass _________ _________ ___________, please.

3. Can the monkey jump? (作否定回答)

No, __________ ____________.

4. This is a map of Japan. (改为复数句)

__________ _________ _________ of Japan.

5. Why not go to the zoo together? (改为祈使句)

___________ go to the zoo together.



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