留学简历模板_(5) - 范文中心





姓名:XXXXXX 性别:男 出生日:1992.02.18

联系电话:1XXXXXXXXXX E-mail:huaXXXXXXXXXXXX@gmail.com



学历: 2009.9- 上海大学 工商管理 本科在读

2011. 9- 悉尼科技大学(双学位) 管理学 本科在读

GPA: 3.7/4.0 学院排名前1%,全系排名第一 (1/74)


2012.10-2013.03 亿贝网络管理有限公司 风险管理部(世界500强电子商务公司) 风险分析师


2012.09- 国家电网上海电力分公司 咨询项目 (世界500强电力公司) 咨询员


2012.06-2012.08 汇丰银行上海总行 零售银行与财富管理部 (世界500强银行) 助理

审核全国各分行去香港、台湾建立账户的客户资料,使用HSBC HUB软件查询客户资料、存款和投资组合以判断是否合格;并与香港、台湾以及大陆的很多客户经理协商开户事宜,在2个月内实现了成功开设或升级账户1000个左右

2012.03- 2012.06 德国采埃孚股份公司 采购部 (世界500强汽车零部件供应商) 采购员


2011.12- 校园优惠卡(University Discount Card)创业项目 项目主管


2011.09-2012.09 上海大学悉尼工商学院经济系 助教


2009.09-2010.06 上海大学悉尼工

商学院团委办公室 副主任


2009.09-2010.06 上海大学悉尼工商学院学生会文艺部 策划组组长



2012.08 作为上海大学优秀本科生赴英暑期学校项目的成员及学生负责人,组织学生参观了英国各著名大学如剑桥大学、牛津大学、曼彻斯特大学等,并与当地教授、学生进行学术交流和讨论

2011.07 担任上海大学国际交流夏令营总策划,与来自世界各地大学生进行为期10天的学术交流

2011.01 担任梅赛德斯-奔驰125周年年会内场志愿者,参与会场布置和VIP服务工作

2010.07 作为中国上海2010世博会园区志愿者,向游客提供咨询服务

2010.04 担任上海F1大师赛志愿者,负责巴士和游客数量统计工作


2012.10 上海大学夏季学期'海外交流优秀学生'

2010.10 上海大学二等奖学金

2011.11 上海大学特等奖学金

2011.04 复旦大学管理学院创业大赛前20名

2010.12 上海大学悉尼工商学院辩论赛第二名

2010.11 上海大学特等奖学金

2010.11 上海大学'悉商杯'篮球赛第四名

2010.07 上海世界博览会'每日之星'

2009.12 上海大学'奇羽奇乒杯'羽毛球团体比赛一等奖

2009.12 上海大学商业挑战大赛'最佳团队合作奖'


语言能力: 托福:108/120 雅思:7/9 GMAT: 710/800 CET-6:625/710 CET- 4: 631/710

           获得悉尼科技大学英语水平(English Language Proficiency)认证

计算机应用: 熟练运用Microsoft Office 系列软件; 基本掌握Visual Basic, SAP;

Personal Resume

Personal Information

Name: Shawn XXXXXX Sex: Male Date of Birth:1992.02.18

Mobile Phone:0086 15XXXXXXXXX E-mail:huaXXXXXXX@gmail.com

Address: Room 111, BuildingXX, 20 Cheng Zhong Rd., Jiading District, Shanghai, China

Education Background

Degree: 2009.9- Shanghai University (SHU) Bachelor of Business Administration

       2011. 9- University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Bachelor of Management

GPA: 3. 7/4.0 (Top1% of Institute, 1/74 of Business Administration Major)

Work Experience

2012.10- eBay Inc. (APAC) Risk Management (Fortune 500 Online Business) Risk Analyst

Analyzed data collected from Operations Dept., made risk policies, revised policies based on lessons learned from loss cases

2012.9- State Grid, Shanghai Branch Consulting Project (Fortune 500 Power Company) Consultant

Analyzed the data of State Grid, Shanghai Branch from 2010 to 2012, provided the management with strategic solutions, and

shortened project cycle by 34% and reduced costs by 25% on average

2012.06-.08 HSBC(CN) Retail Banking and Wealth Management (Fortune 500 Bank) Assistant

Audited the documents necessary to open or upgrade accounts in HK&TW, coordinated with many regional relationship managers in HSBC to improve customer satisfaction, successfully opened or upgraded about 1000 cases within 2 months

2012.03-.06 ZF Friedrichshafen AG(CN) Purchasing Department (Fortune 500 Auto Parts Supplier) Buyer

Created purchase orders and payment application sheets with the SAP system, achieved roughly $150K purchase volume;

forecasted financial budget for next fiscal month; assisted Dept. director to prepare internal training materials

2011.12- Entrepreneurship Project (University Discount Card) Director

As the founder and leader, made the business plan, scheduled the project and divided the labor according to each member's strength, built partnerships with 10 retailers to provide local students with discount service and profited $500 in first month

2011.09-2012.10 Shanghai University Sydney Institute of Language and Commerce (SILC) Tutor

Assisted Finance& Economics Professor Andrew Parkes (PHD) to do some research, helped grade homework and test papers

2009.09-2010.06 Shanghai University SILC Youth League Committee Vice Director

Managed the office and dealt with daily affairs like making events schedule, booking a classroom and classifying documents

2009.09-2010.06 Shanghai University SILC Students Union Arts Department Operator

Organized various campus activities, including the Welcome Party for the freshmen, New Year's Party, Academic Sessions etc.

Extracurricular Activities

2012.08 As the participant and leader of In

ternational Business and Management Program, visited many prestigious universities in the UK and explored some academic problems with local professors and students

2011.07 As the leader of the International Summer School of SHU, planed activities like the Farewell Party, and discussed some academic problems with 23 international students from more than 10 countries

2011.01 As a volunteer of Mercedes Benzes 125 Anniversary Meeting, arranged the venue and served the VIP clients

2010.07-0.8 As a volunteer of Shanghai World Expo, provided tourists with consulting services

2010.04 As a volunteer of the Shanghai Formula 1 Grand Prix, calculated the number of buses and tourists

Awards & Honors

2012.10 The Excellent Overseas Exchange Student for summer semester of Shanghai University

2011.10 The Second Scholarship of Shanghai University

2011.11 The Top Scholarship of Shanghai University

2011.04 The Top 20 of the Venture Capital Competition of School of Management, Fudan University

2010.12 Second Place in the Debate Competition of Shanghai University

2010.11 The Top Scholarship of Shanghai University

2010.11 Forth Place in the Basketball Competition of Shanghai University

2010.07 The Daily Star Award of the Shanghai World EXPO

2009.12 First Place of the Team Badminton Match in the Qi Yu Qi Ping Cup of Shanghai University

2009.12 The Best Team Award in the Business Challenge Competition of Shanghai University

Professional Skills

Language: TOEFL: 108/120 IELTS:7/9 GMAT: 710/800 CET-6:625/710 CET-4 :631/710

IT: Master user of Microsoft Suite & Junior user of Visual Basic and SAP;


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