托福写作范文:父母和老师谁对孩子更重要 - 范文中心



智课网TOEFL 备考资料


摘要: 托福写作范文:父母和老师谁对孩子更重要。托福考试中写作是很重要的一部分,每个考生都希望写出更精彩的作文,这就需要同学们在备考时多阅读一些托福写作范文,学习其中的写作思路和结构,这对自身托福写作水平的提高是有帮助的。

Good teachers are more important to a child's development than good parents.


When child appears in the world, he or she is like a white sheet of paper. Days after days a child gets information about the world, learns skills and values. Every source of development and influence is essential. If we speak just about good parents and good teacher and don't mention bad parents and teachers I can't agree with statement that good teacher are more important to child's development than good parents. My opinion is that both categories: good

teachers and good parents play important role in child's life and development, but the “teacher-parent collaboration” is the most beneficial for a child's development.

Since first days of life a child needs support and care from his or her parents. The parents give first knowledge about life and teach the values such as kindness, love, respect, courage, honesty and friendness. The good parents not only share interests with their children, but also try encouraging them to pursue their goals and don't give up. Often parents are the best live example for children. If a mother and a father are working and studying hard, trying to be promoted and get more satisfaction from their work and life, children will pursue this “model” of life and will doing their best, create high standard for their own life. I am a happy person. My parents are the real good parents. Their life is an example of fair reward for hard work.

Teachers appear in a child's life later, approximately at age of four, when main values are given. Accordingly ability of the child, a good teacher gives him or her the knowledge and check how that knowledge was learned. But without parent's support and collaboration even a good teacher can't maintain up-scale education. Psychologists say that parents-teacher interaction is very important for child's development. Numerous studies have shown that students learn more effectively when there is a high level of parental involvement.

In conclusion I would like to say that during first years of life parents are more influential on child's development, later teacher can play leading role, but no one can prevalent here and good parent-teacher relationship and

collaboration can benefit child's development the most.

以上就是 小马 教育 托福 频道为考生们整理的一篇 托福写作 范文,考生们可以取其精华,运用在自己的写作中,小马教育小编相信经过一段时间的练习,考生们也能写出范文水平的作文。





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