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Tourism in Myanmar缅甸旅游

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Tourism in Myanmar (also known as Burma) is a slowly developing sector.

Although Burma possesses great tourist potential and attractions in many fields, much of the industry remains to be developed. Also, the number of visitors to Burma is small compared to her neighbors - even outpaced by Laos. This is primarily due to its current political situation. However, after the junta transferred power to the civilian government, the tourism sector saw an increase in tourism arrivals and in 2012, tourist arrivals surpassed the one million mark for the first time. In 2013, the Tourism Master Plan was created, targeting 7.5 million arrivals by 2020. Tourism in Burma has been developed mainly by the government, but many private enterprises do exist, catering to a wide range of tourists.

Since 1992, the government has encouraged tourism in the country.

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In 2010, 791,505 foreign tourists visited Myanmar, with 295,174 foreign tourists entering the country via Yangon International Airport.

In 2012, more than 1 million foreign tourists visited Myanmar and that figure is expected to rise to around 1.5 million in 2013.

In 2013, the number of foreign arrivals reached more than 2.04 million, counting both air and overland arrivals.

Tourism has been promoted by advocacy groups as a method of providing economic benefit to Burmese civilians, and to avoid isolating the country from the rest of the world. Voices for Burma, a pro-democracy advocate group, states, "We believe that small-scale, responsible tourism can create more benefits than harm. So long as tourists are fully aware of the situation and take steps to maximize their positive impact and minimize the negatives, we feel their visit can be beneficial overall. Responsible tourists can help Burma primarily by bringing money to local communities and small businesses, and by raising awareness of the situation worldwide."

Regardless, a majority of advocacy groups discourage tourism. The junta's forced labor programs were focused around tourist destinations which have been heavily criticized for their human rights records. A former Burmese tourism minister estimated that 12% of the government revenues are derived from tourism, with the tourism industry contributing $182 million USD (2007) to the government's annual budget.

Balloon rides are a popular way for tourists to see pagodas and other areas of scenic beauty in





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2012年超过1百万外国游客入境,该数字预计在2013年达到150万。 2013年入境游客达到204万人(空运、陆运)




In the 2010-2011 fiscal year, tourists comprised 73.84% (313,127 arrivals) of overseas visitors, primarily entering the country by air, representing 69.26% of arrivals, followed by land and sea, which represented 29.97% and 0.77% of arrivals respectively. An additional 110,914 visitors arrived through other visa types AND represented an additional 26.16% of the total.In 2012, revenues from tourism jumped to over $534 million in 2012, up from $315 million in 2011.

Tourists by nationality游客国籍分布

The governmental statistics body, the Central Statistical Organization, reported more than 3,000,000 travelers flocked to Myanmar in 2014, compared with approximately 816,000 visitors in 2011

. Among these, 1,022,081 tourist arrivals (excluding visitors under special entry visas such as social or business visas) were via Yangon International Airport.



The most popular available tourist destinations in Burma include big cities such as Yangon and Mandalay; religious sites in Mon State, Pindaya, Bago and Hpa-An; nature trails in Inle Lake, Kengtung, Putao, Pyin Oo Lwin; ancient cities such as Bagan and Mrauk-U; as well as beaches

in Nabule Ngapali, Maungmagan Ngwe-Saung, Mergui.

在缅甸最受欢迎的旅游目的地包括大城市,如仰光和曼德勒; 宗教场所,如孟邦,宾德亚,勃固和帕安; 在莱茵湖,景栋,葡萄,彬乌伦的天然小径; 古代城市如蒲甘和妙乌; 以及纳布莱,额不里,芒马甘,内为桑,丹老(又译墨吉)的海滩。

Kachin State克钦邦

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Myitkyina密支那 Putao葡萄 Bamho八莫

Hugaung Plain胡康河谷


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Shwedagon Pagoda仰光大金寺


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Mandalay曼德勒 Bagan蒲甘 Ava阿瓦

Amarapura阿马拉布拉 Pyin U Lwin彬乌伦 Mount Popa波芭山

Mon State孟邦

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Kyaiktiyo Pagoda大金石

Mudon (the world's largest reclining Buddha)木冬(世界最大卧佛) Mawlamyaing毛淡棉

Rakhine State若开邦

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Mrauk U妙乌

Ngapali Beach额不里滩

Mahamuni Buddha Image Casted at the Buddha's lifetime in Kyauk Taw恰陶镇的佛祖毕生像

Shan State掸邦

Inle Lake莱茵湖

 Taunggyi东枝

Other beaches其他海滩

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Nabule Beach纳布莱海滩 Chaungtha羌达 Ngwesaung内为桑 San Maria Bay圣玛丽亚湾


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Myeik Archipelago丹老群岛 Hukawng Valley胡康河谷

Hkakabo Razi开加博峰

Alaungdaw Kathapa National Park阿郎多卡萨帕国家公园 Popa Mountain National Park波帕山国家公园 Mount Victoria National Park维多利亚山国家公园

Burma's pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi has, in the past, asked for tourism to be boycotted. However, she has not asserted this view recently. This might be due to public opinion being in favour of tourism. The majority of democracy advocates demand a complete boycott of tourism to Burma. Other pro-democracy activists, such as Ma Thanegi, advocate small scale tourism, and careful spending.

In May 2011, however, Aung San Suu Kyi and her party National League for Democracy expressed the opinion that responsible tourism to Burma should be encouraged. Tourists are welcome to Burma provided they are "keen to promote the welfare of the common people and the conservation of the environment and to acquire an insight into the cultural, political and social life of the country while enjoying a happy and fulfilling holiday in Burma." In their official statement they request not only the development of the people's livelihood but also the promotion of "self respect and self reliance in the people."

Certain tour books, such as Lonely Planet, cover Burma, stating that it provides balanced information and spending methods to get the money into the hands of the people, while some, such as Rough Guides, refuse to publish on Burma. Most Ministries of Foreign Affairs in the Western world recommend travel agencies and citizens not to engage in tourism activities in Burma.

Research conducted in 2012 cautions against the assumption that more foreign tourism, even in the framework of the government's "Responsible Tourism Policy," would

automatically support the people of Burma and lead to a Trickle-down effect.Rather, it concludes, tourism would most likely benefit crony businesses and further entrench human rights violations.






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Visa policy of Burma缅甸的签证政策 List of museums in Burma缅甸博物馆名录


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