英语口语面对面. - 范文中心




Unit 01

A:Nice to meet you!很高兴认识你! B:Nice to meet you,too!彼此彼此!

A:Hi.I'm Robert Smith.I'm from the United States. 你好我是Robert Smith,来自美国. B:Hi.I'm Juan Carlos I'm from Mexico.你好我是Juan CaHos来自墨西哥.

A:Hey.how's it going?/What's up?/How have you been? /How is life?近来可好?

B:Pretty good,and you?还不错,你呢?/Nothing special./Good.How about you?不错。 你呢?/Great!很好!/The Same as usual.差不多啦!

A:You look great.你看起来气色很棒.B:Thanks,you too!谢谢,你也不错嘛!

A:What's new?有啥新鲜事啊? B:Nothing is special.没什么特别的。

02:起床和刷牙 1.A:Time to get up!该起床啰!/It's getting late.wake up!太晚了。快点起来!/Can't you hear the alarm clock?你没有听见闹钟响吗?/Wake up and make your bed!


B:But I still want to sleep.可是我还想睡./OK.I'll get out of bed right away. 好.马上起来了/All right.I'll get up at once.好吧!我马上就起床了。/Let me sleep for five more minutes,please!

拜托再让我睡五分钟啦! 2.A:Don't forget to brush your teeth!别忘了刷牙!

B:I won't,but where's my toothbrush?我不会忘,可是我的牙刷呢?

3.A:Mom,we don't have any toothpaste left.妈。没有牙膏了。


I'll get some later.我晚点会去买回来。

4.A:Do you use dental floss every day?你每天都用牙线吗?

B:Yes,it is healthy for your gums.是啊。它对牙龈健康有好处。

5.A:Please cover your mouth when you're using a toothpick! 拜托你剔牙时把嘴遮 起来。B:Oh I'm sorry.I forgot哦!对不起,我忘了。

031.真是舒服啊!/The sky is gray.天色好灰暗。/What a sunny day!真是个晴朗的日子!/It is so windy.风好大喔。

B:You bet.当然了。/lt's cloudy and gray again.天色又多云灰暗了。/I'd like to go on a picnic.我想要去野餐。/Yes,and I heard that a typhoon is coming soon.是啊!我听说台风很快就会登陆了。

2. A:How's the weather today?今天天气如何啊?What's the weather like in your country?你们国家的天气情况是怎样的昵?

B:It looks like it's gonna rain!看起来快下雨了!/It's very hot and humid in the summer.夏天的时候又热又湿。

3. A:Do you have snow in winter?你们那里冬天时会下雪吗?

B:No, we don't usually have snow. It snows only in the very high mountains. 通常不会。只有在高海拔的山区才会下雪。

4. A:What is autumn like in Canada?加拿大的秋天是什么样子呢?

B:It's very colorful because many leaves of trees change colours in autumn. 秋天是色彩缤纷的,因为各种树叶在秋天改变了颜色。

Unit 04:做家务

1. A:Sweetheart,Could you take the garbage out?亲爱的,请你把垃圾拿出去外面 好吗?

B:Ok,l'll do it right after the basketball game.好,看完这场篮球赛我就去.

2. A:I'll help you wash the dishes.Mom!妈.我会帮你洗碗碟.

B:Thanks for giving me a helping hand!谢谢.你真是妈妈的好帮手!

3. A:Honey,Could you please give me a hand?亲爱的.请帮我一下好吗?

B:Yes,sweetheart.How can I help?没问题,甜心.要做些什么呢?

4. A:Tommy don't forget to wipe the table after dinner.别忘了饭后要擦桌子. B:Ok,mum. I won't forget.好的,妈妈,我不会忘记的。 Unit 05:孩子的校园生活

1. A:Mom,I won first prize in the speech contest.妈,我演讲比赛得了第一名! B:Really?You're our hero!真的吗?你是我们的英雄!

2. A:Honey,don't forget the parent-teacher conference this Thursday! 亲爱的别忘了这个星期四的家长会喔!

B: I won't.It's the first time we're going to meet Sally's teacher.


3. A:Daddy.my History teacher punished me by making me pick up the garbage today.爸爸,今天历史老师罚我去捡垃圾了。

B:Mm..,Serves you right!你自找的!

4. A:How do you celebrate your birthday?你怎么庆祝你的生日?

B:I always go to a very nice restaurant with my family.


5. A:I am going to invite the whole class to my birthday party.


B: All right. But you have to help me decorate the garden.


Unit 06:旅游度假 1. A:what's your plan for the summer?你夏天有何计划?

B:Well,l'm going to fly to Bali and enjoy a sunny holiday on the beach. 我要去巴厘岛.在沙滩上享受一个阳光假期.

A:I'm going to join a package tour to Spain.我要参加一个西班牙的跟团旅游. B:Really?I always wanted to go to spain. How much does it cost?


2. A: It's so cold in the winter.冬天的时候好冷喔!

B: Why don't you spend your winter vacation in Australia?


A: I'm going to travel around Europe by train.我要搭火车游欧洲.

B: Good.It's one of the best ways to see Europe.


3. A: How are you going to celebrate the New Year?你要怎么庆祝新年?

B: My friends and I are going to drive down to Guang Zhou and spend the holiday there.我要和朋友一起开车南下到广州去过节.

4. A: Any plans for the weekend?周末有什么计划吗?

B: I am going to Conghua to enjoy the hot springs.


5. A:My Japanese friends are coming to visit me during the Chinese New Year. 我的日本朋友过新年的时候要来找我玩。 B:Why don't you take them to the National Palace Museum? 何不带他们去参观故宫?

6. A:It's so hot,but I know where to go to stay Cool.


B:Really?Are we thinking about the same place?


7. A:I'm tired of working all the time.一直工作一直工作累死了.

B:You need to get away from your work. Why don't you take a couple of days off?你该离开工作好好休息一番.为何不请几天假呢?

8. A:Surprise,honey!I have arranged a holiday on the ferry.Cruising around the

Greek islands.惊喜吧亲爱的!我已经安排了一个邮轮假期喔.我们要游遍希腊群岛. B:Great!We'll have a fantastic honeymoon.太好了我们将会有很棒的蜜月旅行.

9. A:Miss Lin,have you booked the ticket and the hotel for me?

林小姐。你帮我订机票和饭店了吗? B:Yes.Mr.Tabner.It's done.是的,Tabner先生,都已经办好了。

10. A:I am flying to the States next month. but I'm not sure If my visa is still valid.下个月我就要飞去美国了.可是我还不确定签证是否还有效.

B:Why don't you go and check it right now before it's too late?


11. A:Sweetheart!Have we got everything with us?亲爱的,我们东西都带齐了吗? B:Let me see...passports,tickets ,our suitcases and money. Yes, we're ready to go!让我看看„护照、机票,我们的手提箱和钞票。是的,都准备好了! Unit 07:邻里关系

1. A:Hi,are you new here?你好。你是新搬来的吗?

B:Yes.I just moved in yesterday.是的,昨天才搬来的。

A:Mrs.Wilson,we'll be away for two weeks.Wilson太太,我们会离开两个星期. B:Don't worry.I'll help you water the plants in the garden.


2. A:Harry, the Jackson family is away,but I saw lights on their house.


B:I think we should call the police.我想我们应该要报警. 3. A:Mrs.Wilson.this is a souvenir from Hawaii.


B:You don't have to do that.您太客气了.

A:Honey,Miss Thompson is away on business.亲爱的,Thompson小姐出差去了. B:Then we should keep an eye on her house for her.


4. A:Hi,I'm new here and this is some cheesecake I made for my neighbors. 你好,我是新搬来的,这是我为邻居们做的.

B:Oh,thank you.That's really nice of you!真是谢谢,你人真不错!

A:Honey ,is that noise an alarm from next door?


B:No,it's just their alarm clock,don't worry.


5. A:Mr.Malone,I am sorry about the noisy music last night.


B:Never mind. It was not so loud acturally.

Unit 08: 邀请

1. A: Timmy ,would you like to come to my birthday party this Saturday?

要不要来参加我在星期六举行的生日派对?/Jennifer, would you like to come to my housewarming party this Friday night?Jennifer,星期五晚上要不要来参加我的派对? B: I'd love to.Thank you for inviting me.当然好,谢谢你的邀请!/Oh!I'd love to. I love parties.太棒了!一定会去,我最爱派对了.

A:Mom,I've tidied up my new apartment.Would you like to see it?

妈,我的新公寓终于打扫干净了.你想不想来看一下? B:Of course I'd love to come.当然要,我会来的.

A:I bought a whole set of Karaoke stereo equipment.我买了成套的卡啦OK音响设备. B: Great! We like to go to KTV. But now we can save the money.


Unit 09:用早餐

1. A:What Would you like to have for a breakfast?早餐要吃点什么?/Would you like your egg boiled or sunny—side up?您要水煮蛋还是荷包蛋?/What Would you like to drink for breakfast?您的早餐要来点什么饮料?

B:A cup of coffee is fine.一杯咖啡就好。/Boiled,please.水煮蛋,谢谢。 /What do you have?你们提供的有哪些?

2. A:I prefer a traditional Chinese breakfast.我偏爱传统中式早点。

B:So what is that?有什么呢?

3. A:Can I have jam on my toast?麻烦您,我想要一些果酱涂吐司.

B:What flavor Would you like?Strawberry or marmalade?


4. A:I'd like to have a bowl of Soybean milk and a bun,please!


B:That will be 2,please.麻烦您,一共是2元。

5. A:We have fresh juice,tea and coffee.我们有提供新鲜果汁、茶和咖啡。

B:Then,I'd like a pot of tea and a glass of tomato juice,please!


6.A:Excuse me,is the breakfast included in the charges?请问这个费用有包括早餐吗? B: Yes, and breakfast is avalible until 11 am.是的,早餐供应到上午11点。 Unit 10:逛超市

1. A:Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?

B: No, we ran out of cookies. I'll go get some more in the supermarket. 没有了。我会去超市买一些。

A:Tommy. Did you see my shopping list?Tommy,有没有看到我的采购清单?

B:It's in your pocket.就在你口袋里!

A:Can we get some potato chips?可不可以买点土豆片?

B:Sure. Why not?当然,为什么不?

A:I think we need to buy shampoo.我想该买洗发水了。

B:Yes, and don't forget the conditioner.是啊。别忘了护发素.

2. A:Which One should I get? Frozen or fresh?


B: I'll take the frozen one, it's a lot cheaper.我会买冷冻的,便宜多了。 A:Organic products are on sale!绿色食品有大拍卖喔!

B:Really? We should get some then.真的吗?那我们赶快去买一些。

3. A:Excuse me. Where are the dairy products?请问乳类制品在哪里?/Excuse me, do you have strawberries?请问你们有草莓吗?

B:They're in Aisle J.在走道J区。/We don't have strawberries now. They are not in season.目前没有。还不是上市的季节。

Unit11 餐馆就餐

1. A: May I help you?我可以为您服务吗?

B: Yes, I would like to have a cheeseburger and a regular size coke, please! 要一个芝士堡和一杯中可乐,谢谢!

2. A: Would you like to have a apple pie?您要不要来个苹果馅饼?/ Would you like to try our new pineapple pie or peach pie?要不要试试我们新推出的菠萝或 是水蜜桃馅饼?/Would you like to have a pack of ketchup for your fries? 您的薯条要不要来一包蕃茄酱?

B: That's lovely. Yes, I'd like to have one, thank you!嗯。我试试苹果馅饼 好了。/Hmm, I'd like to try a peach pie.嗯,我试试水蜜桃馅饼好了。/ No, I’m fine.不要,我够了

3. A: Here you are, a large fry and a large coke.这是您的餐点,一份大薯条和 一杯大可乐。

B: Thank you very much!谢谢!

4. A: The soup is very hot, be careful when you take it!


B: I'll be careful, thank you for reminding me!我会注意的,谢谢提醒!

5. A: Here you go and this is the toy for the boy这是您的东西,这是给小朋友 的玩具。

B: Thank you, say

6. A: Excuse me. Can I have two packs of sweet and sour sauce, please? 麻烦你,我要两包糖醋酱。

B: I'm sorry, you can only have one. You need to pay for the extra one. 对不起,您一次只能有一包。多的要另外付费。


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