20**年春季四级作文第二天[现场] - 范文中心



主讲:老付 2011年5月22日


(1)Everything have a few students. (7)What is the most important is that students can’t learn all kinds of knowledge.

1. 2. 3. 4.

句子成分:形式正确、成分明确 主谓一致: 数量一致: 用词准确: 25 = 2 + 3 + 18 + 2








三、不得不讲的热点 图表作文:



1. 2. 3.

说明总体变化; 说明各个阶段; 点明变化意义。 【第一段版本一】

Catching the attention of most of us is the fact, as illustrated by the chart, that ………..


Echoed by this chart is a noticeable trend that …. Concretely, the number of ….had slightly increased from … to ….during the first five years, while it …..

Catching my attention is the trend in this chart that …… To be concrete, in …., the number of …stayed merely …., while it rocketed to … in ….., which is almost twice that of …. It is evident that …..




Where has this trend come from? It derives from the “big-two ”: A and B. In the first place, A ……. Meanwhile, B ……… Definitely, regardless of its sources, this tendency give rise to ……


Ask anyone what is the cause of this trend and he will tell you that ….. But that answer just appeals to common sense. My long-time pondering and thinking on this matter tells me that …… Whatever! This tendency is indeed harmful / detrimental to ….


Traditionally, the explanation of this trend is thought to be ……. Actually, it is not all-covering and appeals to just common sense. After a period of observing on this matter, I come to the conviction that …… Conceivably , this current may be poisonous, or even fatal, to not only … but …..


In just one generation, millions of students / citizens have …. Scholars from every part of our nation are seeking explanation for this trend, but few have looked at the key-point: …. Today ’s …. have ……. As a result, people have lost …..




From my point of view, price is not under the control of our students, but the sense of thrift is! Therefore, as pure consumers, we should limit our daily expenses into necessities, instead of luxuries. It is my dream that all of us took part in this campaign to counterbalance the ever increasing prices.


In view of the harm done by this trend, we should take drastic measures. It occurs to many that government should adjust and control the prices of daily necessities. But that is a time consuming process , and only works on extreme cases. Accordingly, we need innermost changes, ones that can shape and consolidate the sense of thrift in our life.

Table / Form /data /statistics

Line-chart / curve






2000 2010

Bar-chart / column-chart Extravagant Spending

Monthly Average Expenditure of a College Student (Yuan per Month)

1. 2. 3.

图中反映的是大学生平均月消费的变化,对图表进行简要描述; 分析这种变化的原因和影响; 你对这种变化的看法是……

Catching the attention of most of us is the fact, as illustrated by the chart, that the average monthly expenses of college students have been on a rise from 2000 to 2010. Specifically, the first half decade saw a moderate decrease in the spendings , which was followed by a dramatic rise in the latter five years. Clearly, this change means that an expanding number of students no longer cherish the virtue of thrifty.

Echoed by this column-chart is a noticeable trend that college students are spending an increasing amount of money on daily expenditure. Evidently, this trend is reminding us that the financial burden on parents is getting heavier.

Catching my attention is the trend in this chart that something mysterious has lift the daily expenses of college students. To be concrete, in 2000, the number of the expenditure stayed merely approximately 400 Yuan per month , while it rocketed to 1400 in 2010, which is almost twice that of 2005. It is evident that it becomes urgency for students to deal with the financial burden.

Where has this trend come from? It derives from the “big-two ”

Meanwhile, the lack of thrifty, or waste, also worsens the situation. Definitely, regardless of its sources, this tendency gives rise to financial burdens on families and heavy pressure on students themselves.

Ask anyone what is the cause of this trend and he will tell you that higher price is the soul reason. But that answer just appeals to common sense. My long-time pondering and thinking on this matter tells me that the lack of sense of thrift is actually the direct cause of this trend. The statistics just mention the amount of money students spent, but it fails to describe the proportion wasted by them. of family finance and the development of students themselves.

In just one generation, millions of students have entered an age of “extravagant expenditure ”. Scholars from every part of our nation are

seeking explanation for this trend, but few have looked at the key-point: rather than high price, the loss of thrift luxury mobile-phones, lap-tops, or other famous brands. As a result, students have lost rational attitude towards wealth and life.


From my point of view, price is not under the control of our students, but the sense of thrift is! Therefore, as pure consumers, we should limit our daily expenses into necessities, instead of luxuries. It is my dream that all of us took part in this campaign to counterbalance the ever increasing prices.


In view of the harm done by this trend, we should take drastic measures. It occurs to many that government should adjust and control the prices of daily necessities. But that is a time consuming process , and only works on extreme cases. Accordingly, we need innermost changes, ones that can shape and consolidate the sense of thrift in our life.

On Students’ Playing Online Games


Average Number of Hoursa Student Spends on2000(Hs/WK)2005(Hs/WK)2010(Hs/WK)


2.沉溺于网络游戏的原因和带来的问题; 3.在你看来应采取怎样的措施。

Echoed by this column-chart is a noticeable trend that college students are spending an increasing number of hours on online-games. Concretely, the . Evidently, this trend is reminding us that an expanding population of students doesn’t cherish their precious time any more.

In just one generation, millions of students have entered an age of “electronic entertainment ”. Scholars and educator from every part of our nation are seeking explanation for this trend, but few have looked at the key-point: rather than Hi-tech such as internet, the desire for easy happiness really counts.

. As a result, students have lost rational attitude towards the difference between game world and real world.

From my point of view, the prevalence of internet is not under the control of our students, but our self-discipline is! Therefore, as students, we should limit our online playing into a certain spare period , instead of letting us out as we wish . It is my dream that all of us took part in this campaign to counterbalance the harm from over-indulging into online games. 作业: 1. 2. 3.

描述图中大学生每星期参加体育锻炼时间的变化; 分析这种变化的原因和影响; 针对这种现象,你认为……


30 = 4 + 3 + 20 + 3

思路拓展 选择模式 正常行文 扫清错误


Students’ Playing Online Games

1. 2. 3.

How to Deal With Online Games?



现象:在网吧里、干扰他人、CS 、moshou 、toucai





学生自己应该怎么做? 建议:认识危害,积极调整……

No one can ignore the simple truth, “only work no play makes Jack a dull boy.” That is to say, anyone, without reasonable entertainment, can hardly work or live efficiently. However, too much entertainment is also detrimental. It is not uncommon that some school-boys “have a battle” before a screen, while some school-girls “steal vegetables” from others’ online-yard all day long.

In view of the harm caused by this trend, school authorities should take drastic measures. It occurs to many that schools should enforce some regulations on this delinquency. But, that is a passive way, and only works on some extreme cases. Actually, a better way out may be to organize a series of 目前很多学生沉溺于网络游戏; 沉溺于游戏的危害; 作为学生,的看法?

As college students, we, rather than school authorities, are responsible for this trend. Therefore, we have the duty to have a right attitude to online games, realizing that they are occasionally beneficial but mostly harmful. After that, we should be determined to set strict limit to game-time, so that we can screen off the detrimental factor us in front of us.


On Online Games

1. 2. 3.

有人认为网络游戏对学生有利; 有人认为网络游戏对学生有害;


1. 2.

Dear XXX, 【第一段】

道明来意(交代背景、称呼致意) 【第二段】

按照提纲,充分拓展。 罗列、举例、引用、排比…… 【第三段】 合理重现

Yours Sincerely ,

Li Ming

Dear friends,

killing off our precious time. To make things worse, this opium deprives us the enthusiasm of reading, learning and discovering.

In front of us lie two steps to fight against the lure of E-games. Firstly, we are supposed to be aware of the influence these games exert on us:

occasionally beneficial, but mostly harmful. That is to say, from them, we obtain joy and pleasure at the expense of valuable youth time. After that, we should Knowing about the detrimental effect and seeing corresponding countermeasures, how can we continue to stand by doing nothing? Let’s crack this hard nut! Anyone who would like to join the campaign, please sign your name on this poster!

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

倡议书: 1. 2.

有位同学家庭经济困难,呼吁同学捐赠帮助; 呼吁同学们早日戒绝网络游戏; 提出戒绝网络游戏的建议。



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