云台山英语介绍 - 范文中心



Mountain Yuntai is located in Jiaozuo city, Henan province, about 70km to the Provincial capital Zhengzhou. It is a 5A tourist zone, a national sc-enic area and national natural heritage. In 2004, it was one of the first to be granted the status of World Gogical Park。It is known for

overhanging high cliffs ,its massive gardening areas,flying waterfalls, secluded valleys.

Mt. Yuntai has many beautiful scenic spots such as Red Rock Valley红石峡,Quanpu George泉瀑峡,Zifang Lake 子房湖,Zhuyu peak茱萸峰 and so on.

The valley has all the features of a Chinese potted landscape’s silent poem, “an excellent painting, and a livingsculpture.”That’s why people call it “a shrunk world of water and mountains and an enlarged potted landscape.”

“I wonder when the magic axe cleaved this valley into trayers when birds began flying in a line high above? even the descending sun is reluctant in the set.I hesitate and can not help to looking back.”



The Quanpu Valley stretches over 314 meter, featuring deep water and high ridges. A chain of creeks and springs can be spotted through the valley. As the old saying goes, a mountain with no water is boring. Being

indulged in the sight here, your heart dances with the creek, merrily crisscrossing around your feet.

“Stream of water plunge from high up in the sky; I thought it was the Milky Way falling from the outer space.”

飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天. ---李白

The Zifang Lake has high quality natural mineral water. In June 2002, the rare peach flower Jellyfish was first discovered in the lake. It has existed for over 650 million years. Together with wild horses and giant pandas, it’s listed as the endangered species under state protection.

“The lake is boundless and still while the mountain ranges are dressed in spring color.”


1308m above sea level, Zhuyu Peak is the highest in the Yuntai mountain ranges. The Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei hiked Zhuyu Peak during the Chongyang Festival over a thousand years ago and wrote this famous poem

“As a lonely guest away from home,the feeling of longing increases on holidays.Finding the spot where brother you once stood,everywhere, I see the cornus,once you are missing.




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