百万英镑的语言和写作教学设计 - 范文中心



Module 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note

Knowledge aims:

Language points in the play:

1) Words: permit, wander, penniless, spot, fault, unpaid, seek, patience

2) Phrases: make a bet, go right ahead, by accident, stare at, account for, on the contrary

3) Sentence patterns: Object and predictive clauses.

Learning methods

Listening, speaking, reading and writing

Step1 Revision

1. There are three main characters in the play. Who are they?

They are Roderick, Oliver and Henry.

2. What do you know about Roderick and Oliver?

They are brothers, English, living in London, wealthy, making a bet on a penniless American.

3. And Henry?

He is young, American businessman, is lost in London, penniless, is wandering outside the brothers ’ house, is being given a million pound note.

He used to be rich, had a boat, but when he was sailing out of the bay, he met a strong wind. And a ship spotted him on the sea and took him to England. Now he just want a job.

Words flashback:

wealthy make a bet penniless businessman wander spot

The group who can read the words get one point.

The group who can read the words louder get two points.

Purpose: This step will help the students to recall the topic and something about the context. Step2 Word study

I. Guess the meaning of each red words.

pavement outside their


Someone who is penniless has hardly any money at all. (poor, a young man without any money)

If you wander in a place, you walk around there in a casual way, often without intending to go in any particular direction.

A pavement is a path with a hard surface, usually by the side of a road

2. Would you please come in? Permit me to lead the way, sir. Our school doesn’ 3. It was all my fault .

A fault is a mistake. If you caused sth bad happened, you would have to be responsible for it.

4. The next morning I’d just about given myself up for lost when I was (found)

5. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance .

6. Roderick asked Henry to have patience.

Purposes: Let the students find the formation and usage of the new words in the play through the teacher’s explanation.

II. Word formation

penny penniless pavement movement

permit (allow) permitted permitted spot spotted spotted

unpaid paid appearance appear patience patient

Purposes: Let the students remember the formation of the word again.

III. Word check (Can you fill in the blanks according to your memory?) (one word one mark)

penny ---________ (身无分文的)

permit _______(过去式 ) _________(过去分词 )

spot _______(过去式 ) _________(过去分词 )

paid _______(反义词)

appear __________(名词形式)

patient ________(名词形式)

Purposes: To check whether they have mastered the formation of the word.

IV . Competition

Fill in the blanks, using the proper form of the word in the bracket.

(one word two marks)

1. His anger showed that he was _________ (satisfied) with our answer.

2. Though he is ten years old, he is still ______ (able) to talk to us.

3. We were amused at his funny ________ (move) in doing morning exercises.

4. The sudden ________ (appear) of a policeman caused the thief to run away.

5. He was disappointed so often that he became ________ (hope).

(uncountable, unsatisfied, unimportant, unusual, unable)

(movement, pavement, achievement)

(careless, useless)

(performance, disappearance, appearance, importance)

Purposes: This part is used to extend their knowledge of word formation.

Step3 Phrase study

I. The original sentences from the play

’d mind us asking a few questions.

# --- May I use your dictionary? ---Go ahead.

# He made this mistake by accident, not on purpose.

My finger got hurt by accident by a piece of paper. ( 3. I earned my passage by working as an unpaid my appearance .

# His illness accounts for his absence. ()

# You think you are clever; on the contrary, I think that you are very foolish.

你自以为很聪明, 相反地, 我确信你很傻。

5. His eyes stare at what is left of the brother’s dinner on table.

# stare at: look at sb./sth. with the eyes wide open瞪着眼睛凝视

It’s rude to stare at others. 盯着人看是没有礼貌的。 II. Phrase memory (one mark for each word)

go ______ _______ accident _______ a matter of fact

account ______ ________ the contrary stare __________________

III. Relaxation time Last week I went to a shop in the cultural market. I was walking into the shop when a young lady stepped on my feet by accident. She didn’t say sorry to me, on the contrary, she left the shop angrily. At the moment I spotted a lady’s wallet on the counter, I realized the wallet belonged to the lady who just left the shop. Maybe she would be back to look for it, so I gave the wallet to the owner of the shop. Just then she came back, her tears could account for why she rushed back. Without saying anything, she stared at me.

Tasks: 1. Read the story on the screen and fill in the blanks. (one phrase one mark) 2. Group discussion:

① Guess what happened to me next? (one proper ending five marks)

② Use three or four of the phrases to make a meaningful story, and the leader of your group will show it.

Purposes: This part is used to practice listening and motivate students’ interest of learning. Step4 Sentence structure exploration I. Emphatic sentences: It is/was…….that ….. 1. Original sentences in the play:

1) It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, who/that is lost in London and does not know what he should do.

Henry Adams, an American businessman, is lost in London and does not know what he should do.

2) It was the ship that brought you to England.

The ship brought you to England.

2. Time for imitation:

Use a sentence to describe the picture.

Purposes: This part is used to let the students find the structure of emphatic sentences and practice using the sentence structure.

II. Object clauses

2. Time for reading and finding

Please find the verb and object clause in each sentence. (one sentence one mark)

6) I didn’

t know whether I could survive until morning.

7) May I ask how much money you have?

8) I don’

t think it’s funny.

9) I think I will be on my way.

10) You mustn’t think we don’t care about you.

11) We know you are hard-working.

12) Why don’t you explain what this is all about?

IV . Imitation time: (根据图画,说出带有宾语从句的句子)

I know that _________ ( he/ fly a kite).

I know that __________(it/ sunny) today.

I wonder ________ (who/come/with him)

I wonder _______(where/he/ live).

Do you have any other idea to describe the picture?

Purposes: Students of different levels all have a chance to use English creatively and practically.

Step5 Quiz time

1. It was in New Zealand ______ Jenny first met Mr. Smith.

A. that B. how C. which D. when

2. You can only be sure of _____ you have at present;you cannot be sure of something _____ you might get in the future.

A . that; what B . what; / C . which ;that D . /;that

3. Having checked the doors were closed, and _____ all the lights were off, the boy opened the door to his bedroom.

A. why B. that C. when D. where

4. The traditional view is __ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so.

A. when B. why C. whether D. that

Step6 Homework

1. Recognize predictive clause: The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand.

That is why we’ve given you the letter.

2. Make at least five sentences with predictive clauses to describe spring.

3. 用括号中所给词或短语的适当形式完成下列句子。

make a bet; go ahead; by accident; stare at; account for; on the contrary

1. Don’t _________ me like that. It’s not my fault anyway.

2. He could not __________ his absence from school.

3. He __________ that he would win the game.

4. It doesn’t seem ugly to me; _________, I think it’s rather beautiful.

5. I don’t know whether he did it __________ or by design.

6. If you want to take a shower, just ________ and take one.

4. 根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子

1) 假如时间允许,我们就去购物。(permit)

2) 你对待他人要有耐心。(be patient with)

3) 迟到并不是我们的错。(It is not ... fault)

4) 老实说,因为我太累了所以没有给你回信。(to be honest)

The design for the writing

period of the Million-pound bank note

Step1 Revision

1. Some questions about the play.

1) Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?

2) What did he do in America?

3) Why is Henry lost in London? How did he get there?

4) How many questions do the brothers ask Henry? What is the brothers’ concern?

5) Why do the brothers give Henry the letter?

2. Fill in the blanks according to Scene Three.

Henry was an _________. One day he had an accident in a ___. Luckily he was spotted by a ship which brought him to _______. He arrived in London by earning his _______ without pay. He was ___ in the street in rags. To his surprise an incredible thing happened. Two rich brothers gave him a million pound bank-note because they had made a ____. Purposes: This is used to arouse the students’ interest in the topic “the million pound bank-note ” and revise what they have learned in the play.

Step2 Retelling

Retell what happened to Henry in Scene Four in the first person.

Purposes: This part is mainly used to improve the students’ ability of speaking English. Step3 Group discussion

In Scene Three and Four, we know the one million pound bank-note completely changed Henry ’s life.

①Please discuss what else will happen to Henry in his life?

②Please design a possible ending to the play.

After getting students’ answer, teachers may say something to the students:

The million-pound bank note changed Henry’s life. In London, he was able to get free food, clothes, free living in a very nice hotel. His social position is becoming higher and higher. Moreover, he gets a good wife and 3000 pounds as interest from the bank. Later he gets a highly-paid job and lives a comfortable life.

Step4 Free talk

Money really can bring us a lot of things. Now if you suddenly had a million pound bank note, what would you possibly do? Now we have a free talk, each group list at least 8 items you want to do. Let ’s see which group can put forward some useful and meaning and wonderful ideas.

Purposes of step3-4: Students can think creatively and really practice using language, which can also improve their ability of cooperating.

Step5 Pre- writing (problem appears)

In step4, we have discussed that money can bring us a lot of things. Here I have got a letter from one of my students. Let’s see how money affected his life.

Miss Liu,

Recently I have always been worrying about my life, which is aimless. I never have to worry about anything in my life, because my parents have done everything for me and give me

a lot of money. I used to think I needn’t study hard for my future and I have never worked hard. In my life nothing can make me feel happy. What should I do?


Step 6 Group talk

Now Weiwei has been living a life without any goals and hard work. What suggestions can we give him?

Step 7 Sample writing

Dear Weiwei,

you have .

, that you are a student of Senior High School, and you had better read some books where I am sure you can find something valuable and meaningful. , set a goal for yourself and work hard to realize it by yourself, which can make you get a sense of achievement. you do something on your own and gradually you won’t depend on them.

and I am looking forward to getting your good news.

Step 8 Homework

Choose either of them to do according to their level.

① Write a letter to Weiwei.

Create a possible ending of the million pound bank note.


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