单摆小组实验报告中英 - 范文中心




Group experiment report


Experimental research object: Fill a plastic bottle with water, and poke different areas holes in the lid, uses the biggest power to squeeze the plastic bottle in different high and angle of inclination, observe what factor is related to water range.

实验的变量:洞的大小、塑料瓶离地高度、塑料瓶的倾斜角度。 Experimental variable quantity: the size of holes, height from the ground, the angle of inclination.

一、 准备实验用具:


Ⅰ.Prepare experiment tool: Several plastic bottle, uses a

screwdriver to poke three different size holes in the bottle cap. And then, meterruler, ruler, andprotractor. Before experiment, fill the plastic bottles with water; use the same strength to squeeze the bottle. We need to ensure the strength is same in the whole experiment.



Ⅱ.Make assumptions

First of all, we speculate that the smaller the hole, the longer range of water. Second, we speculate that with the increase of angle, the range of the water will be longer. Finally, we speculate that range of water has nothing to do with the height of the plastic bottles from the ground.



Ⅲ.Do experiment, collect data and analyze data

⑴ First of all, we keep the plastic bottles from the ground 100 cm, plastic bottle angle for 0, respectively with three different size

hole and, in turn, measuring the range of water, to test the

relationship between range of the water with the hole size,The

experimental data are shown below:


⑵ Second, we keep the plastic bottles from the height of 100 cm, use the smallest hole of the cap and change the plastic bottles

angle, measuring the range of water, to verify the relationship

between plastic bottles angles of inclination andthe range of the water.The experimental data are shown below:


⑶ Finally, we keep the plastic Angle for 0, with minimal the hole of the cap and change the height of the plastic bottles from the

ground, measuring the range of water, to verify the relationship between range of water and height. The experimental data are

shown below:


Ⅳ.Compare the test results with speculation


As shown in tables and line charts, we can see that the range of water are influenced by angle ,size of holes and height of plastic bottles from ground.


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