关于计算机的英语演讲稿 - 范文中心



in a word, we must grasp the positive effects and make full use of them. that is all. thank you!篇二:英语演讲稿--电脑的利弊 some influences on our study and life: all transactions ,from banking to shopping, will be performed electronically and

all information, from train schedules to discount —price goods, will be obtained by

clicking on the modem.

4. we can get access to interesting knowledge and the latest data we need .

5.we can keep up with the time

6. make friend with all over the world and chat with them on lines at times. determine the background color background color is so important that i must mention it separately white

non white

warm color

cold color

picture multi-color system

determine the dominant color, then select two to three colors as assistant color,

to make color blocks. single-color system based on dominant color, make differences amongdifferent color blocks through

changing the saturation and brightness levels of the dominant color. reference

color matching reference website: flat ui colors colorscheme designer: it is for more high-end color matching use color block

shape: structure should be as simple as possible dos: simple and regular shape polygon had better not exceed six sides, otherwise, people ’ attention will move

to the side of the polygon pattern: three remove

remove the highlight effect remove the shadow effect remove the gradient effect size

the size of the color block depend on its content, we must leave proper blank

space, if not, like this one, it seems to say i cant breathe, it is hard to think


this is not appropriate icon

icon extraction is an art use of icon is not optional: it helps audience understand what you present, let

them know the direction of the speech content. it will give audience a good impression

if we make good use of it.

icon is as important as the title if we add an icon, sometimes icon is more

concerned by people because of our visual habit. for example, we will know this one means upload something under the cloud

environment or related matters even if someone cannot understand english. extract the icon from the title or a certain term from the article is correct

in most cases. like these: however, we can do better sometimes. like this one, if we want to express the

numbers of farmers in a certain area, the second icon is more suitable than the first

one. do it by yourself, yes, you read that right please use the following functions skillfully in powerpoint arrange: bring to front, send to back, bring forward, send forward. if you find an icon that is very suitable except its color, there is a method,

turn it to white,

adjust the icon’s brightness level to 100% use color and corrections function in the powerpoint to change the color and

pattern of the icon. font

clear writing

two kinds of font in the whole ppt small strokes font should be set big enough that it can be seen clearly under

the condition of using a projector. main body, small character: use slender font in order to watch softly and easier

to accepted by audience title, big character: use bold font, make it more powerful the most widely used: black and white, it is ok, but pay attention to the color

consistency with the whole color set of the page. for other colors, if you want to emphasize something, it is a good choice to use

contrast color, however, pay attention to dont dazzle audience ’s eyes. be


whole page

large area

rectangle: square or rectangle篇四:关于机器人的英语演讲稿 robotics is the science and technology and application of robots. stories of

artificial helpers and attempts to create them has a long history and is the basis

of much science fiction. robots are generally used to help with jobs that are too dirty or boring for most

human beings.

the first prgrammable humanoid robot was about 1206 ad. we can make a robot to

look like almost anything we want. the most fantasized about are ones that have a

humanoid appearance. think of a repetative task and generally there is probably one

on th market that can do what you want. manipulators are the way an object is manipulated. this generally is done by

grippers, or effectors. scientists and researchers are constantly trying to hone the robot into something



people who go all lou dobbs about robots. people say things like: all robots look

alike. robots should speak english. robots are taking all the jobs. robots dont pay

enough taxes. robots reproduce like bunnies. i dont want my child playing with a robot,

or goodness gracious, marrying a robot. an acquaintance of mine, who discriminates against robots, but never actually

met one, received a roomba for christmas i pushed its power button, she said. it was

so cute when it sounded the charge, and scurried across the floor gobbling up dust

bunnies. i love roomba, she said. but i still dont like robots. it is typical to think

that your robot is somehow different from other robots. those other robots can not

be trusted. it may take another generation, one where our children are raised amongst robots,

for them to gain acceptance. like the washing machine and the automobile, robots are

part of our future.

it is true that robots can be hard to tell apart. i remember sarah connor in

terminator ii. she damn near wet her pants when a series 800-model 101 showed up,

a few years after shed sent its twin to the scrap heap. given a little time, however,

she got acquainted with the big, muscle-bound machine. she fantasized about keeping

him on as dad and husband. after all, he got along well with the boy, was a good provider,

and would stop at nothing to protect her family. although robots are loyal and dependable, they do screw up once in a while. im

thinking of hal in 2001, a space odyssey. he definitely made a mistake of judgment.

i still think he deserved a second chance? for every hal, there are dozens of r2-d2s

and 3cpos. and that cute little wall-e. occasionally, there is a bad egg, like ed-209 in robocop. or the battle droids

in star wars. but are they worse than rottweilers and pit bulls? surely, some of them

can be rehabilitated, and make good pets. from an economic point of view, you cant beat robots. they work day and night.

they rarely call in sick. they add to the nations gdp, and dont require pensions or

health care. they are terrific with numbers and rarely have math anxiety. robodoc

performs delicate surgeries 24/7 and he never gets the shakes. but, you ask, what if they go into politics? will they impose their culture, their

language, and their way of life on us? forget about it. no one can resist big macs,

vacations to disneyland, and shopping at walmart. this is america.. face it, robots are here to stay. they are willing to do anything. they make great

maids and gardeners, sweepers and scrubbers, mowers and choppers. there are robots

that care for the elderly, wash their dirty bottoms and soon perhaps, play yahtzee

with them. there are robots that imitate pets yet dont require walks nor litter boxes.

even robots thatll go the fridge, grab a cold beer, and bring it to you. if its eager

to watch the super bowl, and play wii tennis, you got yourself a great roommate. as far as intermarriage with a robot, didnt they try that in the stepford wives?

maybe it was just too soon. 3

most of us are still of of the mindset that robotics is something that is rather

futuristic. we still may have pictures in our head of humanoid robots, flailing their

arms and either attacking the earth from other planets or perhaps protecting us in

some way or another. the fact of the matter is, humanoid robots are still very much

futuristic but much of the future of robots is already in existence today. robots

are used in a number of different settings that you might find rather interesting.

here is a little bit about the future of robotics and the fact that much of it is

already in existence with what we are doing now. one of the ways in which robots are most often used is in an industrial setting.

the automotive industry, for example, makes use of robots on their assembly lines to do a number

of different tasks. unfortunately, this has put many individuals out of a job because

the robot was able to do what they used to do on the assembly line more efficiently.

not only that, once the robot is put into place they are able to take care of these

repetitive tasks, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. one of the ways in which robotics is used on a regular basis is in spot welding.

although this used to require a human touch, much of the welding that is now done

by robots is so accurate and precise that a human could not possibly take care of

it in that way. many times, this welding needs to be done in an assembly line

environment so the same simple task is done over and over again. it will be difficult

for anybody to improve on what is already existing in these robotics unless they make

them less apt to have difficulties from breaking down. robots are also able to help us to get out of dangerous situations in many cases.

a good example of this is spring painting. humans used to have to take care of spray

painting in the automotive industry and other industrial settings. this put them at

risk because they were constantly being exposed to dangerous chemicals, even if they

wore protective clothing. a robot is not only able to be in these rooms without having

to worry about health concerns, they are able to do the painting more evenly and

accurately than their human counterparts. 4

developing a humanoid robot has long since captured the human imagination and

will be the continued focus in the future of robotics. scientists say there are two

obstacles to creating a robot with human or super-human intelligence: vision and

processing sensory information. it is almost motor vehicle production is one area where robotics automation is already being

used. yet imagine a world where we can read, have a glass of wine, talk freely on

our cell phones or take a nap while our personal automobile drives itself from our

workplace to our doorstep. or perhaps well abandon the wheeled prototypes altogether

and kick back in our personal flying car like numerous science fiction films predict.

so how far are we from such a future? 机器人是机器人的科学技术和应用。人造佣工,并尝试建立他们的故事,有着悠久的历

史,是许多科幻小说的基础上。 机器人通常用于帮助工作,是对大多数人过脏或无聊。篇五:计算机专业英语学习的重


计算机专业英语学习的重要性(演讲稿) 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好! 我是08级计科本班的xxx ,很高兴有机会同大家在一起做一番学习方面的交流,作为计



没有计算机英语做基础,是学不好计算机的! 英语学习的重要性众人明了,举国上下、男女老小都在学习英语!英语学习的目的是为







弄人的言论是带有鲜明商业目的的欺诈宣传行为,大家一定警惕! 没有计算机英语,你看的懂dos 下的全英文命令吗? 安装操作系统,没有计算机英语知识,bios 你就没办法; 计算机操作系统、应用软件的底层开发编程语言文字都是用英语写的,没有计算机英语,









如果你要学好计算机,就必须学习实在的计算机英语! 为什麼我们一再读文法、背单字,却因句型不熟而不能立即运用,总是背背忘忘,而无


(一) 培养正确的语法习惯。

(二) 训练用英语思考的能力。

(三) 进行实际的会话练习。 练好基本功是学好英语的必要条件,没有扎实的英语基础,就谈不上继续学习,更谈不

上有所成就。要想基本功扎实,必须全神贯注地认真听讲, 上好每一节课,提高课堂效率,脚


级 ,但更重的是英语已经渗透了渗透了各行各业,学习英语是必需的,计算机学院的学生更


单词的学习是英语学习的基础:大家必须做到以下 一是持之以恒:每天坚持记忆一定量的词汇,过几天再回头复习一次,这样周期循环,



二是良好的记忆方法:记忆单词的方法很多,学无定法,但学有良法 .我觉得在句子中

记忆单词是个不错的方法. 要想理解一个句子, 就必须明白句子中每个单词的含义. 看句子的

时候首先理解句子中每个单词的含义, 然后就是对句子结构进行分析. 这样一个小小的句子也



有一句背得很熟的话。就可以脱口而出,不用思考,这就是背的好处,要多背范文, 比如英语

四六级的范文可以供你参考,这样有利于你早日考过英语四六级。 学习英语, 培养兴趣最重要 我们可以听听英文歌曲, 看看欧美电影. 但是我们并不是当成

娱乐. 看电影的时候电影最好是带英文字幕的, 自己用心去听, 先不要看字幕, 看看理解多少.

能把一部电影中每个句子都完全的理解, 也是一种很大的成就. 同学们,大学生活刚刚开始,千万不要在无拘无束的大学生活迷失自己,同学应该知道,





为你人生中美好的回忆,同样也会成为你人生中宝贵的财富。 无论学习哪一门科学知识,都不会是一件轻而易举的事情,都必须有所付出,不劳而获

不是没有,只是概率太低,就像你买彩票中得3.6亿元的大奖一样,你是不会成为那一位 幸运者的,他比遭雷劈的概率还要低。


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