初二英语周练13初二下典型作文 - 范文中心




------初二.下期末复习典型作文 U5作文 Feeling Happy 1


Dear Mr. Wang,

How time flies! I miss you very much.

I met many problems here. I am not used to the life here. It seems that the students refuse to accept me. What’s more , my study isn’t as good as before. Could you give me some advice? Best wishes , Tom 作文2:( Unit5作文2)

父母对你倾注了大量的爱, 并且你们之间也会有些分歧,你是否有些深刻的记忆呢, 拿起笔来写写.提示词: watch TV, be strict with, as usual, understand, love

My mother is a kind and nice woman. But she is very strict with me. One night, when I was watching TV, mother asked me to go to bed. I loved the TV program so much that I didn’t do as she said. Then she got angry and turned off the TV. I was so sad that I went into my room and cried. The next day she talked with me as usual. I didn’t hear her, but she didn’t mind and told me why she didn’t want me to watch TV. She wanted me to have a good rest. Then I understand her. I love my mother

U6作文 Enjoying Cycling


Friday, May 2nd Sunny

Last Friday , I rode to Hangzhou for a trip with my parents. Hangzhou has many places of interest, and it is famous for the West Lake. We arrived in Hangzhou at about 10:00 a.m. We stayed there for three hours. we boated, enjoyed the beautiful sights( 享受美景) and took photos there. We had a good trip. We’ll never forget the pleasant time.

U7作文 Food Festival 1 :


In the north of China, people usually eat noodles, but in the south of China, people likes rice very much. In China, people use chopsticks to eat and use spoon to eat soup.

As for healthy eating , it’s important for us. First , we must have enough food, never too much or too little. Second, we should eat different kinds of foods, such as fruit, vegetable, meat and so on. Third, we should have breakfast, lunch and supper everday. Especially have a good breakfast. In short, we should not only eat enough healthy food but also eat regularly( 有规律地).


汶川地震牵动了同学们的心,为了向灾区同学献上一份爱心,Kangkang 和他的同学们上周末举办了首届仁爱国际美食节,并将筹得1500元款项全部捐给灾区的同学购买图书,请以Kangkang 的名义给他的笔友Jack发一封e-mail , 告诉他美食节的详情。

Dear Jack,

How’s everything going? I have some good news to tell you.

Last weekend we had the first food festival. It was a big success./ People were pleased with the food very much. And we worked very hard, we sold much food, we made ¥1,500. /We will give it to the students in Wenchuan. I hope they can buy some books and school things. Best wishes to you.



U8作文Our Clothes 1 :


I am a middle shool student. I think students should wear school uniforms at school every day, especially at school meeting. And suitable uniforms can not only show good discipline but also make us happy. What’s more (而且), school uniforms are cheaper than casual clothes(平常衣服). Fashionable clothes (时尚的衣服) cost too much. We can’t afford (支付) them. So school uniforms are good for us.



How’s everything going? I know you have a clothing shop, let me tell you something about selling clothes.

If a fat person goes into your shop, you’d better ask him or her to wear the dark color. It can make him or her look slimmer.

If a short person goes into your shop, you should ask him or her to wear a short coat and slim pants.

If a slim girl goes into your shop, you can ask her to wear warm colors, like red, yellow or orange.



Do you know how we should choose our clothes? If you don’t , I’ll give you some advice. First, it’s important that we choose clothes that suit our shapes. If we are fat, we should wear clothes in dark colors. It’s well-known that dark colors make people look thinner. If we are very slim, we should wear clothes in warm colors.

Second, it’s important to wear suitable clothes on different occasions, too. If we go to a formal party, we’d better wear a suit. When we do sports, it’s necessary for us to wear sportswear and sports shoes.

In short, We should dress correctly on every occasion.


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