巴西利卡对基督教建筑空间文化的影响 - 范文中心




Basilica of the cultural influence of the Christian building space


Xuan qi guang


(Institute of Technology jinan university)

[摘要]:基督教沿用了罗马巴西利卡的建筑布局来建造教堂,教堂建筑是源于巴西利卡, 设计者也为了基督教表达出无阶级、敬畏神、被神庇护、想念天国等等不同理论的空间,表达出基督教情感浓厚的精神色彩。

[Abstract]: Christianity followed the Roman Bacilli card layout to build the church building, church building is from the Basilica, the designer is to create a classless Christian, God-fearing, sheltered by God, the kingdom of heaven, and so miss the different theories of space, the expression a strong spirit of Christianity emotional color.

[关键词]: 基督教、教堂、空间、巴西利卡

[Keywords]: Jesus, Christianity, cross, church, space






Basilica is the late (second half 16th century) to Victoria Jin Village as the center, an important Renaissance architect Palladio's most important works.

Almost all the early Christian Church with reference to the construction method Basilica built. Basilica in Rome is the court, is for people to meet the large space structures, to meet such a Christian to be equal and undifferentiated space. Widest in the middle of the hall, but also the highest, both sides of the aisle is relatively low and relatively narrow. A straight line vertical space, emphasizing the fear of God, is the process of human visual center activities, face to face vision of God. The terminal is semi-circular shrine dedicated to the

altar, a symbol of refuge for the people of God.

The church interior is often covered with a very luxurious mosaic, but the external is very simple, only the huge windows to break their gloomy feeling, expressing hope that the church lost in the dirty world that is holy, people should also express pleaded guilty back in the dirty world of God there.

In art history and architectural history of the word refers only to the Basilica of early church architecture in accordance with the establishment of the church building. Which must be higher than the aisle in the hall, in the aisle of the top and also between the top of the atrium there is a vertical wall with a clear window? There is no clear window of the church is called "false Basilica." In addition to general only a hall and the hall and the church aisle as high church basilica in Europe until the 15th century (in the north of the Alps until the 16th century) the most common form of church buildings.

Although this church today, the actual construction of these formats has nothing to do, the Holy See in Rome in the Basilica is the term has a special status granted to the cathedral in the title.


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