英语翻译开题报告 - 范文中心




The writer of this paper has searched and collected a large number of researches and papers related to the topic of military English.

In China, It includes the Stylistic features and translation of military English written by Xin Min and Yu Jie, which has a deep study in the stylistic features and translation of military English. According to their paper, the stylistic features include lexical feature and syntactic feature. According to them, the translation of military English should include the following four steps: a brief professional knowledge, exact understanding of its meaning, careful analysis in the long sentences, and proper use of vocabulary.

Another article written by Zhang Ju is The language features and translation principles of military English, in which the wide use of clipping words is its language feature, and its translation principles are: exact use of words, concise form and translation standardization.

Moreover, I have also sought for many other articles such as Zhu Lianhong's the vocabulary in military English, LiWeizhong's the comparison between Chinese and English military terms and any other materials related to my research paper. Of course, they can give me help with my article and I surely get much information from the previous achievements.


This paper focuses on the characteristics and E-C translation of sentences in military English, then states the significance of it.

1. The language features of military English, mainly includes Compound word formation, Acronym, Concise oral language, soldiers' emotional and political features, Semantic fuzzy expression, Irony, Borrowing and so on.

2. As to the translation of sentences in military English, it consists of two aspects: the translation and its principles. The former one includes: a brief professional knowledge, exact understanding of its meaning, careful analysis in the long sentences, and proper use of vocabulary. The later has three principles: exact use of words, concise form and translation standardization. Furthermore, some detailed examples can be found to support my views.


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