20**年暑期高中衔接班辅导 - 范文中心





A—2013年全国卷(难度 *,高一可做)

A篇—应用文(细心做,要争取全对) The National Gallery


The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2, 300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to more modern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.


The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th- 15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling. The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings, and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Rapael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titian and Veronese.

The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings, and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer.

The East Wig houses 18th-to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.

Opening Hours:

The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.

Getting There:

Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk), Leicester Square (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).

68. In which century’s collection can you see religious paintings?

A. The 13th. B. the 17th. C. The 18th. D. The 20th.

69. Where are Leonardo da Vinci’s works shown?

A. In the East Wing B. In the main West Wing

C. In the Sainsbury Wing D. In the North Wing

70. Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?

A. Piccadilly Circus B. Leicester Square

C. Embankment D. Charing Cross.

B-- B篇2013年双十中学6月高考前热身试卷

(难度 *,高一可做)

What brings a nation together? Of the four choices -

shared values, language, history, and religion, it’s shared values. In

our latest poll (民意调査), seven out of 16 countries chose values

as the greatest factor bringing a nation together, and six preferred

language. Both choices scored high in the poll, suggesting that our

values and how we express them are closely linked Still, history

was not forgotten in some countries, particularly in Mexico and

Russia. Even Canada and the United States chose national

histories as the second-most important factor uniting their people.

The biggest surprise? Not one country picked religion as its top


60. According to the poll, what was the most important factor in bringing a nation together?

A. Language.

A. Canada.


A. Australia

B. Brazil C. China D. India B. Values. B. Mexico. C. History. D. Religion. 61. In which country did language score the lowest in their national pride?

C. France. D. America. 62. .According to the charts, shared values and language were considered equally important in

C篇 Low-Cost Gifts for Mother's Day(推荐母亲节礼物)2013年全国新课


Gift No.1

Offer to be your mother's health friend.Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular medical check-up.Most mothers always say "no need," another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit.The best part ? This one is free.

Gift No.2

Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information.Put them all in one place.Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them."Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life," Dr.Marie Savard said.

Gift No.3

Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions."Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep," Savard said."We know that good sleep is very important to our health."

Gift No.4

Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构) Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things -many of which are "green" - and then choose a meaningful charity from a list.When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

48.What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?

A.Take notes.

B.Be with her.

C.Buy medicine.

D.Give her gifts.

49.Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother’s sleep?

A.In Gift No.1. B.In Gift No.2.

C.In Gift No.3. D.In Gift No.4.


A.enjoy good sleep B.be well-organized

C.bet extra support D.give others help

A. Bill Bosworth. B. Michelle O. Donovan.

C. Dr. Joseph L. Rose. D. Gloria Coykendall.

47. The ISBN for the book of poems is _______.

A. [1**********]95 B. [1**********]54

C. [1**********]82 D. [1**********]79

48. What kind of readers will probably like reading More Things in Heaven?

A. Those who are searching for the meaning of life.

B. Those who are trying to be spiritual leaders.

C. Those who study the art of writing. D. Those who like traveling abroad.

49. Which of the following books explores the origin of humans?

A. Seeking the Edge. B. Creation or Evolution.

C. Joshua, Helmut, and Bethlehem. D. More Things in Heaven.



In 1978, I was 18 and was working as a nurse in a small town about 270 km away from Sydney, Australia. I was looking forward to having five fays off from duty. Unfortunately, the only one train a day back to my home in Sydney had already left. So I thought I’d hitch a ride (搭便车).

I waited by the side of the highway for three hours but no one stopped for me. Finally, a man walked over and introduced himself as Gordon. He said that although he couldn’t give me a lift, I should come back to his house for lunch. He noticed me standing for hours in the November heat and thought I must be hungry. I was doubtful as a young girl but he assured (使…放心)me I was safe, and he also offered to help me find a lift home afterwards. When we arrived at his house, he made us sandwiches. After lunch, he helped me find a lift home.

Twenty-five years later, in 2003, while I was driving to a nearby town one day, I saw an elderly man standing in the glaring heat, trying to hitch a ride. I thought it was another chance to repay someone for the favour I’d been given decades earlier. I pulled over and picked him up. I made him comfortable on the back seat and offered him some water.

After a few moments of small talk, the man said to me, “You haven’t changed a bit, even your red hair is still the same.” I couldn’t remember where I’d met him. He then told me he was the man who had given me lunch and helped me find a lift all those years ago. It was Gordon.


A. her work delayed her trip to Sydney B. she was going home for her holidays

C. the town was far away from Sydney D. she missed the only train back home

51. Which of the following did Gordon do according to Paragraph 2?

A. He helped the girl find a ride. B. He gave the girl a ride back home.

C. He bought sandwiches for the girl. D. He watched the girl for three hours.

52. The reason why the author offered a lift to the elderly man was that .

A. she realized he was Gordon

B. she had known him for decades

C. she was going to the nearby town

D. she wanted to repay the favour she once got

53. What does the author want to tell the readers through the story?

A. Giving sometimes produces nice results.

B. Those who give rides will be rapid.

C. Good manners bring about happiness.

D. People should offer free rides to others.


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