拐弯处的发现 - 范文中心



拐弯处的发现 (故事)

[1] 有位年轻人乘火车去某地。火车行驶在一片荒芜人烟的山野之中,人们一个个百无聊赖地望着窗外。

[2] 前面有一个拐弯处,火车减速,一座简陋的平房缓缓地进入他的视野。也就在这时,几乎所有乘客都睁大眼睛“欣赏”起寂寞旅途中这特别的风景。有的乘客开始窃窃议论起这座房子。

[3] 年轻人的心为之一动。返回时,他中途下了车,不辞劳苦地找到了那座房子。主人告诉他,每天,火车都要从门前“隆隆”驶过,噪音实在使他们受不了,房主很想以低价卖掉房屋,但多年来一直没有人问津。

[4] 不久,年轻人用三万元买下了那座平房,他觉得这座房子正好处在转弯处,火车经过这里时都会减速,疲惫的乘客一看到这座房子精神就会为之一振,用来做广告是再好不过的了。

[5] 很快,他开始和一些大公司联系,推荐房屋正面是一面极好的“广告墙”。后来一家跨国公司看中了这个广告媒体,在三年租期内,支付年轻人十八万元租金„„

[6] 这个一个绝对真实的故事。在这个世界上,发现就是成功之门。

Where the Railway Bends

[1] A young man traveled by train. As it was rumbling across a wilderness, passengers looked out of windows idly and aimlessly.

[2] When the train approached a bend it slowed down and then an unadorned house came into view. It is so conspicuous against the desolate landscape that everybody on the train turned to “admire” it with eyes wide open. Some passengers even began a discussion about it.

[3] The young man was also impressed by the scene. On his return he got off the train at the nearest station and found his way to the house. Its owner told him that troubled by the noise of the train he wanted to sell the house but nobody would buy it, even at a low price.

[4] Soon after the young man spent thirty thousand dollars for the house, regarding it as a favorite site for advertisement. It was facing the railway bend where the train had to slow down and the weary passengers would cast their eyes at the house to refresh themselves.

[5] He managed to get access to big companies and tried his best to convince them of the advantage of the place for advertisement. Finally, a transnational company took a lease on it to put up promotion signs. The young man was paid 180 thousand for a three-year rent.

[6] The story is absolutely true. It proves that potential discovered may lead to success.


[1] A young man went somewhere by train. The train was running across a deserted country. The passengers looked out of the windows in boredom/ had nothing to do but look out of the windows.

[2] The train came to a turn and slowed down. A(n) ordinary one-storey house came into view. Just at that moment, all the passengers fixed their eyes on the special scene, which was a rarity on their boring trip. Some began to talk about the house.

[3] The house caught the young man’s imagination. When he returned, he got off the train halfway, and spared no effort to find the house. The host told him that every day they had to suffer from the noise of the train rumbling past their door. They could no longer bear it and wanted to sell the house at a low price, but no one came for it in these years.

[4] Not long afterwards, the young man bought the house for thirty thousand dollars/ at the price of thirty thousand yuan. The house stood near the bend of the railway, where all trains had to slow down. When the tired passengers saw the house, they would be tempted to look at it. So this is the right place to put up an advertisement.

[5] Soon he contacted some big companies and recommended using the walls of the house for advertisement. Finally, a multi-national company settled on the house as a promotion media. They paid the young man 180 thousand yuan for a three-year lease.

[6] The story is absolutely true. In this world, to discover is the key to success.


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