大学英语口语考试(关于大学生活) - 范文中心




A: this term has pasted half,what have you done?

B:Fine,I just find a part-time job,so I would be a little bit busy recently. A:Oh,great!I heard that In recent years, more and more college students choose to take part-time jobs in or outside school.

B: yes,have you taken a part-time job?

A: no,Ihavn’t. Many teachers complain that there are fewer and fewer students who pay attention to their study. So what about you? Why did you choose to do a part-time job?

B: Yeah ,you know after entering the university, we have enough extra time everyday, every weekend, not only do the most students spent time doing shopping, but they also lie in bed all day. How terrible it is! I think taking a part-time job can help us get more valuable experience and also improve ourselves in a meanwhile. and it is unhealthy for students to spare all time on their curriculum. As an old saying goes: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

A: Well, maybe you are right, but sometimes some students still choose to study in library, you can choose to study instead of this unnecessaryjob. You know it may be true that part-time jobs disturb students focus on study in some conditions. Furthermore, you are possible to have problem with attendance and even drop your curriculum.

B:you are right. it is difficult to judge whether taking part time jobs is

good or bad. It depends on how you deal with the relationship between working and learning.

A:what do you mean?

B: If you can balance it well, you are sure to get enough knowledge as well as working experience, so as to get ready for you future success. A:right,by the way, Can you tell me about your experience?

B: Of course. I still remember my first part-time job was to give out handbills. That day, the weather was so cold and windy that my hands trembled with holding handbills on the street, when I came back to the apartment, my hands became so stiff, this is really a painful experience but luckily I cling to the end.

A:that’s terrible!

B: To be honest, I once steeled myself to make money with my hands, every time when I think of the hard work of my parents’ , I will lose my control, so I want to do a part-time job to relieve my parents’economic pressure and improve myself.

A: Wow, you are really a great child and give us an example for us to follow. Well, I think I should adjust my schedule and do some meaning things in my spare time.

B: Nice, I believe you can do it, let’s make the efforts together. A: Ok! have you had dinner?

B:oh~I really feel a little bit hungry.

A:okay,let’sgo!my treat! B:okay.let’go.


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