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,guli ,nanxiang ,wanru ,I was just wondering if you guys could think of us when we graduated from college.Believe it or not,I will keep the time deep in my heart forever. that ’s for sure ,we will stay with each other no matter what happens.

Wanru :linxiao ,don’t think too much,I will spare my thought to think of you for a while ,not 威海,but just for a while . what are you talking about?

we won ’t take apart ,we will still sleep ,eat ,study with each other forever .

now I just rent a fairly big house.

You know the house we live in right now,there are four of us ,and it's a fairly small house,so I want someone who is easy to get along with. You know what I mean ? :

wow :how nice ,we are pretty easy –going.

Guli ,we can’t live without you. (作依赖顾里状,讨好顾里状) :

OK,OK,I know,I know,I just know you guys are flattering you

Because people always said I’m that kind of enterprising person who are dominant,persuasive,competitive and who born to be an entrepreneur ,lawyer or salesman.

But since you are my dear roommates,I won’t think too much

but can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questions about yourself? what have you been doing with yourself? ’t been very lucky so far.

I ’ve found a summer job,that is working at the Disneyland park! Doesn't that sound fantastic? 一起说: Disneyland park? do you mean it? activities for young kids,I have to go to a training program for one month before I start to find out how everything works.(Ian and Carlos 现在可以上来做动作) Linxiao:

i'm not sure. But there are a lot of computers and interesting devices . It's just the kind of stuff that kids love.

What impressed me most is that i can get o lot of opportunities to go traveling. That's why i love this job very much.

Nanxiang: And i guess the equipment must be pretty high-tech.

:. Emm, It sounds like a perfect job for you.

I know how much you love traveling,

You should try traveling abroad,

You’ll see that you learn more than just a second language You also learn another culture first-hand and how to make friends all over the world.

So how about you ,nanxiang? you know what?

All I want to do in the future is to be a painter.

when I hear the birds start singing ,I want to draw a picture for the beautiful world .

but have you noticed that environmental problem of the city ? now ,people are aware of the problem of water pollution ,,even though the water most of us drink is treated , it’s still not 100 percent pure,so I need to go somewhere more natural. 对nanxiang :

Well,it ’s complicated ......water supply.

But wanru ,how are things going with you and weihai-that claen-cut boy who are neat and smart in appearance?

Do you have a date for the party yet.?

:actually I don ’t .i like guys who are not so intelligent ,responsible,structured, who are physically strong,fit and active, and who have a good sense of humor, you know ,like weihai

But I find it difficult ,how can I be his girlfriend since he’s already had one(cry......)


yes! Don't worry about it.

Remember who you are the girl who even are stronger than masculine (purple 上来和宛如一起做动作) ,maybe you will met a boy who are an eligible bachelor.

Life is just like a mystery-something puzzling or unexplained Anyway,you deserve a better one.

分成两队,分别由jianxi 和guyuan 带领站在舞台两侧,伸手做深情状,对着四个女生唱:

(No more talk of darkness,forget these wide-eye fears,we are here,nothing can harm you

Let me be your freedom,let daylight try your tears

We are here,with you,besides you

My words will warm you and calm you)

Jianxi ,guyuan 和4个女生一起说:?

改一下这两句吧(Adam )

Scene 2:坏人甲找南湘的茬。坏人甲推翻南湘的画架

坏人甲 :

nanxiang ,

you know how stupid you are ,

you can never change your life ,

I just got news that your boyfriend xicheng dumped you and had a one –night stand with your best friend gul i .

you want to get rid of the poor situation ,be able to pay for school or pay better food on the table ,it’s impossible.(得瑟的角色) you are out of your mind , don’t give me your shoot!

Do you think I will believe you ,

I guess it’s because I’m the one who got the scholarship ,but you are not!

You are supposed to wash your mouth before talking with me. I ’m sick of you being so damn disgusting all the time.

Get out of my face.(指着门口,看着地板)

(南湘说这些话的的时候可以非常冷静,让坏人把她画板踢翻,但是南湘边说边捡起画板重新画,只是说某些话的时候看几眼坏人。 她是一个心里蛮狠的人。) 坏人甲:well ,I was surprised at first ,especially when I saw that whey went to the hotel ,I thought that he might turn out to be one of those guys who like the rich women and……(感情的处理) : son of bitch !Get away from me

see, here are some pictures of them when they got together.(撒出一些照片) :

guli,this is nanxiang . listen,the reason I am calling is I have a really serious question to ask you ?

just go to the bar to which we usually go . what ’s wrong with you?You are out of your mind today

OK ,OK,see you later . :

guli,I can never imagine you are such a bad girl who always pretends to be so supportive, realiable, idealistic outside.

but deep inside……you are so selfish(头挨得很近,盯着顾里看,逼

顾里) ,don ’t tell me you didn ’t have a one- night stand with xicheng ,he is my boyfriend.(撒出照片) Does your brain needs fixing again? (戳顾里的头)Do you remember that?

It was a mistake, we got nothing to do but drinking, we just got drunk,you know when I was working out and I had put my stuff in my bag just like I always do,but whenI came back, someone had stolen my wallet,I guess I’d forgotten to close my bag zip. But as he was escaping, he got caught by xicheng. For thanking to him,we talked and drank for a long time

nanxiang ,I also didn’t know waht happened that night,

Anyway,I am so sorry.

’s enough, .you’ve gone too far. Can ’t you do anything right ? I ‘m really sick of you.南湘直接走了

此时顾源在coffee bar的门外,听到了所有的一切,默默的承受了。 在学校里,顾源跟简溪说到:what should I do ?guli betries me withxicheng?

Jianxi:I have no idea,this time I betray linxiao ,if guli betray you,do you still like her?

Guyuan:guli has become part of me.can you lose your arms and legs? Jianxi:it’s really complicated problem to solve ,but basically what ’s

involved is treating all the relationship more carefully sothat you and guli can still stay with each other.


顾原:I have really big question to ask of you. 顾源他妈(从车子里面走出来)顾里看到这一现象说到: 顾里:

Because we are different. Did you understand what I said? Don’t see guyuan anymore. Our family is not open to a lowly poor like you! You’d better take a good look at your own worth before you make friends and do anything.

Then you are expected to take a brief look at your own worth first Guyuan ma 对顾原说:I told you, you two can’t get toghter ,she is a girl who relys on men ,maybe she just loves your money ,you are a handsome boy ,my dear son ,just dump her, I know just the guy for you ,yuanyi ,do you know her , let me arrange for you to meet her and you can tell me what you think.

袁艺:hello 。This is袁艺.i buy this shirt for you ,I think it’s suitable for you .

Guyuan:how did you know the size for me ?

Yuanyi :your mother told me .in sleep you say to me,In dream you come to me,I think your spirit and my voice in one combined.

Guyuan :I prefer someone I have something in commom with,who I can talk to’s not you love someone?

Yuanyi :I toss myself into your heart ,loving someone doensn’t mean to get married.

’t think so ,guli is my golden star in my heart.Once there is person in your life,others are just normal.I hate normal.(如果曾经有一个人出现在你的生命里,那其他的人都会变成将就,但我不愿将就) :guli ,I guess my son spent a lot of money on you ,look at you ,so many expensive clothes, but please keep far away from my son ,it’s impossible for you to stay with my son. you are impossible.

Your son didn’t buy clothes for me.

All I want to say is I bought them by myself and I bought a lot of things for your son, especially those shoes that your son is wearing. I bought them for him!

顾原:don ’t mention any more ,I love you ,it’s not because you’ve had driven since you were young .It’s not because you have brand –new bags and it’s not because you gave me expensive shoes,even though you don’t have a cent ,I will love you forever.

don ’t be childish.

how old are you?

you pretend you are so tolerant, you don ’t mind the relationship between xicheng and me?

let me tell you ,love without menterialism is just a pile of sound,even without the flowing wind ,it will spill after a couple of steps.(没有物质的爱情就像一盘散沙,都不用风吹,走几步就散了)

Guyuan, will you still love me when I’m no longer youg and beautiful? 顾里 :of course ,I will

Guyuan :so do I .

Nanxiang 去找席城问原因

席城: Nanxiang,what happened? You said you would have something important to tell me.

南湘 : Xicheng! What happened to you and guli? If we don’t have something in common with each other,if you prefer someone who is so rich ,I let you be free ,you can go directly.

席城:oh, i'm really sorry. But it's by accident. .I know I can't lose you if the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the

only one I want to see, I miss you when I am depressed,just as I miss the sunlight in winter,I miss you when I feel happy,just as I miss the shade in the hot sun,in my heart,the shortest word for me is I,the sweetest word for me is love the only one for me is you,every morning I wake up happy because l know I'll see you ,if I had to choose whether to breathe or to love you,I would use my last breath to tell you that……I love you until I die.

南湘: stop! Don't mention lt. I don't want to listen to your falsehoods. you are a liar. Get away from me. We are done here.

席城: you! I never say our live was evevgreen or as unchanged as the sea.if you don’t forgive me ,I won’t say anything. 直接走了, 南湘也走了


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