陶瓷文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分 - 范文中心




Ceramic culture is not only an important part of the traditional chinese culture and the product of the highiy developed national culture, but also the crystallization of the national culture.Jing Dezhen is a city which is famous for its ceramic culture since the ancient times,has utimately become the national porcelain making center and established the position as “the capital of porcelain” all over the world.So in a sense, the ceramic culture of Jing Dezhen is an outstanding representative of the Chinese ceramic culture,and it is also a valuable heritage from our precursor.. Jing Dezhen is one of the 24 well-known historic and cultural cities,which carried thousand years of historic cultural.Besides, it is a city with abundant intension, one part is material culture which is represented by many ruins, workshops, and utensils, the other is non-material culture which is characterized as craft, folk-custom, and system. Museum is the “temple of memory” of our human beings and the “window of civilization” of the city.Therefore , the urgent mission for our ceramic researchers is how to help the ceramic history museum to reveal its ceramic culture, and how to protect and carry forward ceramic culture.This essay will focus on discussing the relationship between museum and ceramic culture, hope that all the readers can give your views.



Jing Dezhen ceramic culture and its characteristic

Traditional culture is formed during the process of a nation’s development, which can reflect national psychology, the intellectual products of national belief and intellectual property. Ceramic culture is the embodiment of traditional culture, including material culture, craft culture, system culture,behavior culture, material culture and mental culture, which was presented during the process of mud making, firing, selling and consumption.The ceramic culture not only includes ceramic works that handed down from ancient times, but also includes the ancient porcelain kiln, archaeological remains, the ceramic custom, ceramic folkways and ceramic arts. Besides, it also covers historical districts which can reflect the ancient procelain-making features, and various material and non-material culture image which was formed for the purpose of protecting and

reflecting the ancient procelain culture.



Jing Dezhen has long been famous for its skillful craftmen and well-known kilns.Thousand years’ procelain-making history has created the integrated and intensional ceramic culture.These tradional culture can be classified as the following:Jing Dezhen regional culture, the ceramic historical culture, ceramical material and craft culture, ceramic utensils and decoration culture,ceramic trade and custom culture, ceramic characters and system culture, etc.

During the thousand years’ development, Jing Dezhen on one hand incorporates the essence of traditonal chinese culture, on the other hand, it has its own unique intention, which forms the specific feature.

1. 制瓷历史悠久,内涵丰富,具有权威性



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