灿烂千阳(节选) - 范文中心





  Chapter 4

  Mariam loved having visitors at the kolba注1. The village arbab and his gifts, Bibi jo and her aching hip and endless gossiping, and, of course, Mullah[毛拉]

  Faizullah. But there was no one, no one that Mariam longed to see more than Jalil.

  The anxiety set in on Tuesday nights. Mariam would sleep poorly, fretting[(使)烦恼] that some business entanglement[纠缠] would prevent Jalil from coming on

  Thursday, that she would have to wait a whole other week to see him. On Wednesdays,

  she paced outside, around the kolba,tossed[投,掷]

  chicken feed absentmindedly into the coop[鸡舍]. She went for aimless walks, picking petals from flowers and batting at the mosquitoes nibbling[细咬]

  on her arms. Finally, on Thursdays, all she could do was sit against a wall, eyes glued[牢牢地盯着] to the stream, and wait. If Jalil was running late, a terrible dread[恐惧] filled her bit by bit. Her knees would weaken, and she would have to go somewhere and lie down.

  Then Nana would call, “And there he is, your father. In all his glory.”

  Mariam would leap to her feet when she spotted him hopping[单脚跳]

  stones across the stream, all smiles and hearty waves. Mariam knew that Nana was watching her, gauging[评估]

  her reaction, and it always took effort

  to stay in the doorway, to wait, to watch him slowly make his way to her, to not run to him. She restrained[抑制] herself, patiently watched him walk through the tall grass, his suit jacket slung[甩] over his shoulder, the breeze lifting his red necktie.

  When Jalil entered the clearing, he would throw his jacket on the tandoor[筒状泥炉]and open his arms. Mariam would walk, then finally run, to him, and he would catch her under the arms and toss her up high. Mariam would squeal[尖叫].

  Suspended[悬挂] in the air, Mariam would see Jalil’s upturned face below her, his wide, crooked[弯曲的] smile, his widow’s peak[美人角], his cleft[裂开的] chin � a perfect pocket for the tip of her pinkie[(口)小手指] � his teeth, the whitest in a town of rotting molars[臼齿]. She liked his trimmed[修整] mustache, and she liked that no matter

  the weather he always wore a suit on his visits � dark brown, his favorite color, with the white triangle of a handkerchief in the breast pocket � and cuff[袖口] links too, and a tie, usually red, which he left loosened. Mariam could see herself too, reflected in the brown of Jalil’s eyes: her hair billowing[扬起], her face blazing with excitement, the sky behind her.

  Nana said that one of these days he would miss, that she, Mariam, would slip through his fingers, hit the ground, and break a bone. But Mariam did not believe that Jalil would drop her. She believed that she would

  always land safely into

  her father’s clean, well-

  manicured[修指甲] hands.

  They sat outside the

  kolba, in the shade, and Nana served them tea. Jalil and she acknowledged each other with an uneasy smile and a nod. Jalil never brought up Nana’s rock throwing or her cursing.

  Despite her rants[咆哮] against him when he wasn’t

  around, Nana was subdued[柔和的] and mannerly when Jalil visited. Her hair was always washed. She brushed her teeth, wore her best hijab for him. She sat quietly on a chair across from him, hands folded on her lap. She did not look at him directly and never used coarse[粗鄙的]

  language around him. When she laughed, she covered her mouth with a fist to hide the bad tooth.

  Nana asked about his businesses. And his wives too. When she told him that she had heard, through Bibi jo, that his youngest wife, Nargis, was expecting her third child, Jalil smiled courteously[有礼貌地] and nodded.

  “Well. You must be happy,” Nana said. “How many is that for you, now? Ten, is it, mashallah? Ten?”

  Jalil said yes, ten.

  “Eleven, if you count Mariam, of course.”

  Later, after Jalil went home, Mariam and Nana had a small fight about this. Mariam said she had tricked him.

  After tea with Nana, Mariam and Jalil always went fishing in the stream. He showed her how to cast her line, how to reel in[卷,绕] the trout[鲑鱼]. He taught her the proper way to gut[取出内脏] a trout, to clean it, to lift the meat off the bone in one motion. He drew pictures for her as they waited for a strike, showed her how to draw an elephant in one stroke without ever lifting the pen off the paper. He taught her rhymes[押韵诗]. Together they sang:

  Lili Mi birdbath,

  Sitting on a dirt path,

  Minnow sat on the rim and drank,

  Slipped, and in the water she sank.


  Jalil brought clippings[剪下来的东西] from Herat注2’s newspaper, Ittifaq-i Islam, and read from them to her. He was Mariam’s link, her proof that there existed a world at large, beyond the kolba, beyond Gul Daman and Herat too, a world of presidents with unpronounceable[不能发音的] names, and trains and museums and

  soccer, and rockets that orbited the earth and landed on the moon, and, every Thursday, Jalil brought a piece of that world with him to the kolba.

  He saw her looking at the bulge[凸出部分] in his coat’s

  side pocket. “Ah. Of course. Well. Here, then. Without further ado[纷乱]…”

  He fished a small box from his pocket and gave it to her. He did this from time to time, bring her small presents. A carnelian[玛瑙] bracelet cuff one time, a choker[贴颈的项链] with lapis lazuli[天青石] beads[珠子] another. That day, Mariam opened the box and found a leaf-shaped pendant[垂饰], tiny coins etched[蚀刻] with moons and stars hanging from it.

  “Try it on, Mariam jo.”

  She did. “What do you think?”

  Jalil beamed, “I think you look like a queen.”

  After he left, Nana saw the pendant around

  Mariam’s neck.

  “Nomad[游牧部落的] jewelry,” she said. “I’ve seen them make it. They melt the coins people throw at them and make jewelry. Let’s see him bring you gold next time, your precious father. Let’s see him.”

  When it was time for Jalil to leave, Mariam always

  stood in the doorway and watched him exit the

  clearing, deflated[泄气] at the thought of the week that stood, like an immense,

  immovable object, between her and his next visit. Mariam

  always held her breath as she watched him go. She held her breath and, in her head, counted seconds. She

  pretended that for each second that she didn’t breathe, God would grant her another day with Jalil.

  At night, Mariam lay in her cot[行军床] and wondered what his house in Herat was like. She wondered what it would be like to live with him, to see him every day. She pictured herself handing

  him a towel as he shaved, telling him when he nicked[割伤]

  himself. She would brew tea for him. She would sew on his missing buttons. They would take walks in Herat together, in the vaulted[拱状的] bazaar[集市] where Jalil said you could find anything you wanted. They would ride in his car, and people would point and say, “There goes Jalil Khan[汗,尊称] with his daughter.” He would show her the famed tree that had a poet buried beneath it.

  One day soon, Mariam decided, she would tell Jalil these things. And when he heard, when he saw how much she missed him when he was gone, he would surely take her with him. He would bring her to Herat, to live in his house, just like his other children.







































  注2:Herat(赫拉特)是阿富汗西北部的一个城市;下文的Gul Daman(古尔德曼)是小说主人公童年所居住的小村。


  作者简介:卡勒德・胡赛尼,1965年生于喀布尔,后随父亲逃往美国。胡赛尼毕业于加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学系,现于加州执业,并因其巨大的国际影响力,受邀担任联合国亲善大使。其处女作《追风筝的人》(The Kite Runner,2004)问世后大获成功,因书中角色刻画生动,故事情节震撼感人,蝉联亚马逊排行榜131周之久,全球热销600万册,创下出版奇迹。


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