南昌大学研究生英语考试题目及参考答案 - 范文中心



南昌大学2009 年英语考试试卷 FINAL TEST & KEY :

翻译四题,英汉、汉英翻译各2题,每题10分,summary 15 分,作文20分

1. It is found that all people who travel in foreign countries can be found judging what they see, hear and eat according to

their own habits and customs. People who have read a lot about foreign countries are usually more adaptable and tolerant, but this is because their minds have already been broadened before they start traveling. But reality makes things difficult. Actually physical contact with things one is not used to is much more difficult to bear philosophically.


2. Although color television and video recording are gaining greater popularity and may be threatening the future of the

movies, motion pictures in the United States have somewhat managed to cope with the crisis in the 70’s and remain one of the favorite forms of entertainment of the people. Besides motion picture theaters all over the country, there are about 4,000 “drivers-in ”, where people sit in their own cars, watching domestic or foreign films.


3. 就某种程度而言,这并不是什么新鲜事:一些教授潜心学术,不善交际,犹如一座封闭的孤岛。他们与书本在一


To some extent this is nothing new: a certain number of professors have always been self-contained islands of scholarship and shyness, more comfortable with books than with people. But the new pauperism has widened the gap still further, for professors who actually like to spend time with students don ’t have as much time to spend. They also overexerting.

4. 工人和雇员感到焦虑,不仅因为他们有可能会失业(而且分期付款的期限也到了),而且还因为他们无法从生活


The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find out job (and with installment payment due); they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or interest in life. They live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually productive, authentic and independent human beings.

5. summary :(09年考的是写读后感,2010年改成是根据原文意思写一篇大约100 Words summary)

Charlie Chaplin with his bowler hat, cane, and overlarge shoes was a genius and the most popular comic creator of all times. He spent his miserable childhood in the London slums. It was this world of his suffering youth that he often transformed with his imagination onto the movie screen. Charlie was not afraid to deal with controversial subjects in his films, shortly after the American troops returned from World WarⅠ, he released a film that parodied war and it was well received. Two other subjects that he parodied in his films were capitalism and the inhuman destruction of the machine age.


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