高3听说课教学设计 - 范文中心



Retelling the Story 教学设计

Student Times10-11上学期高三英语听说考试广东专版-第5期(Retelling the story)、第

9期(Retelling the story)





1. 教学内容


(1)Part C: Retelling the story

In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell it based on what you heard. 故事梗概:由于妻子生病,John 要去请医生。本来是提早到达了诊所,但由于一次好心的行为却迟到了。

关键词:send for, doctor, arrive at,square, lost




(2)Part C: Retelling the story

In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell it based on what you heard.

故事梗概:Bob 和朋友骑马到山里去玩,路遇险情,但最终还是幸运地回到了野营地。 关键词:mountains, camp, ride off , idea, horse



2. 教材处理

本课为Retelling the story部分,共有2个听说内容。第一个听说内容主要要求学生迅速记下重要的信息点,为第二个听说内容做好技巧的铺垫。第二个听说内容要求学生围绕Who 、When 、Where 、What happened、Result 进行捕捉信息,并重点在动词、名词、形容词、数字和连接词方面迅速作好笔记,形成有效速记符号,从而培养学生良好的听取信息、整理信息和传达信息的能力。

3. 教学目标




4. 教学重点与难点



5. 教学方法


6. 教学辅助材料



1. 总体思路


2. 教学过程

Step 1. Lead In

(1) Write down the basic information of retelling the story on the blackboard.




What happened:


(2) Say to the students: When we listen to a story, we should focus on the most important

information in the first listening according to the clue and the given key words and in the second listening add more information to make the story complete.


教师提醒学生复述故事时要围绕Who 、When 、Where 、What happened、result 进行,从而明确此节课的任务。使学生明确技巧:在听第一遍时速记最重要的信息点,第二遍使整个故事完整,尽可能覆盖尽可能多的信息点, 从而为下面的听说内容作一个很好的铺垫。 Step 2. Listen to the first story

(1) Before listening, decide on the important information according to the clue and the given words.

◆ What do you think you should focus on while listening to this story ?

What happened after he got to the doctor’s ?

(2) Make use of the key words “square” and “lose” to make a quick prediction of what happened.

square (where)

lost (who? or what?) Why?

How did he help…?

(3) Listen to the story and find out the answer.

(4) Get the students to listen to the story again.

(5) Discuss the answers in groups of two to complete the answers.

(6) Get the students to retell the story.

●Answer: John sent for a doctor because his wife was ill. He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five. He arrived at the doctor’s at twenty to five. He thought it was a bit early and that it was better to keep the time, so he went to a noisy square not far from the doctor’s. On this square, he found a girl who was lost. He found out the girl’s address and took her home. Then John hurried to the doctor’s, but was twenty minutes late. The doctor was angry.



Step 3. Listen to the second story

(1) Get the students to focus on the basic information learned above.

(2) Before listening, decide on the important information according to the clue and the given words. (Ask the students to answer the questions in the box in a complete sentence.)

(3) Listen to the story and try to set down some notes, especially paying attention to verb、noun 、adjective and number.

(4) Students ask and answer questions about the story in groups of four to get more detailed information they missed to complete their notes. Set down the students’ questions on the left hand side of the blackboard.

● Why did they go to the forest ?

● What’s the distance ?

● Why did they get lost ?

● What was the idea ?

● How long have they spent in the forest ?

● Did the horses take them back to the camp ?

(5) Write down the students’ answers on the right hand side of the blackboard.

(6) Get the students to retell the story in front of the recorder, trying to cover as much information as they can from the original one.

(7) Play the tape and get the whole class to evaluate the students’ answers.

●Aspects to be evaluated

①.Information points : (信息点)14’

②.Logic & coherence (逻辑与连贯) 5’

Good----Average----- Great room to be improved

5 0

③.Pronunciation (语音) &Intonation (语调)5

Good----Average----- Great room to be improved

5 0

●Answer: One day, Bob took two friends to the mountains. After they set up their tents, they rode to a forest. In the afternoon, when they were about ten kilometer’s from their camp, it started to snow. Soon everything was covered with white snow and they couldn’t find the way back!

Suddenly, Bob had an idea--- let the horses take them back! He was worried that the horses might take them to his house which was 35 kilometer’s away instead of their tents. The horses at last brought them back to their camp.


本环节要求学生在听前要抓住所给的梗概和关键词,并围绕叙事性文章的五要素(Who、When 、Where 、What happened、Result) 进行预测,学生就可以做到心中有数,勾勒出大致故事框架。而且,学生就会有目的、有意识地去听。并在听的过程中,学生通过有效的速记符号,对动词、名词、形容词、数字和连接词进行速记,以便有效地进行复述。运用小组内的合作,可以使到信息更加完整。同时,也可以训练学生提问的能力。教师把学生的问题、答案板书在黑板上,可以起到示范作用,同时,借此机会可以纠正学生的语法错误。另外,拿录音机给学生录音,然后把录音放出来,让全体学生进行评价,可以起到明显的效果,从而大大提高课堂效率。

Step 4. Conclusion

Say to the students: Before listening to the story, we should focus on who、when 、where 、what happened and result according to the clue and the given key words. When we listen to a story, we should focus on the most important information in the first listening, taking notes which are mostly verb、noun 、adjective and number and conjunction. In the second listening, add more information to make the story complete. While retelling the story, we should organize it by who、when 、where 、what happened and result.



Step 5. Homework

Listen to the story retelling of Student Times (Issue 10).






1. 选材适当。我利用双语报的两个叙事性材料,第一个材料是有关好心帮助别人的故事,第二个材料是有关野营路遇险情的故事。而且,长度和难易度适中。这样,符合高考的要求:复述故事的故事体裁一般为叙事和简单的夹叙夹议的文章,故事内容比较贴近生活。文章结构比较完整,易于通过听来理解内容,并进行口头表述。

2. 在引入部分,我马上在黑板上写出叙事性文章的五要素(who 、when 、where 、what happened、result ),提醒学生复述故事时要围绕这几个要素进行,从而使到学生明确此节课的任务。而且使学生明确技巧:在听第一遍时速记最重要的信息点,第二遍使整个故事完整,尽可能覆盖尽可能多的信息点, 为后面的复述故事环节起到一个很好的热身。

3. 在处理第一个复述故事材料时,让学生根据给出的梗概和关键词,判断故事的重要信息,明确哪些是缺失信息。做到心中有数,勾勒出大概的故事框架。这样,学生就会有意识地听,找出缺失信息的答案。通过两人小组合作参与讨论的方式,使得答案更加完整。学生整理信息的能力大大提高了。从而使得学生在复述故事环节表现较好,基本上涵盖了文章的所有信息点。

4. 在处理第二个复述故事材料时,让学生根据叙事性文章的五要素(who 、when 、where 、what happened、result ),结合所给的梗概和关键词,确定主要信息和缺失信息,然后学生有意识地采取有效的速记符号进行信息的获取,重点放在verb 、noun 、adjective and number方面。学生进行4人小组讨论,使得信息更加完整,学生提问的能力得到训练。教师把学生的问题、答案板书在黑板上,可以起到示范作用,同时,借此机会可以纠正学生的语法错误。另外,播放学生录音,让全体学生进行评价,从而调动学生的主动参与性,形成了有效的课堂。

5. 在总结部分,我简单地总结了复述故事的技巧。这样,学生再次形成第二次印象,有助于他们技巧的巩固。

不足之处:在本节课的引入部分,我马上在黑板上写出叙事性文章的五要素(who 、when 、where 、what happened、result ),提醒学生复述故事时要围绕这几个要素进行,目的是使到学生明确此节课的任务。但是,学生处于“慢热”,还没有真正进入状态。另外,学生能够流畅地覆盖原文的所有信息点时,就可以了。不必对照教师给出的评价标准。


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