新托福写作30核心话题及真题回忆大全内容 - 范文中心



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摘要: 新托福写作30核心话题及真题回忆大全内容下载,托福写作考试的核心话题有哪些?2014年到2015年至今我们都考了哪些托福阅读真题?有关托福阅读我们该如何写才能获得高分?这一切的答案尽在新托福写作30核心话题及真题回忆大全,下面我们就来详细了解下。

新 托福 写作30核心话题及真题回忆大全内容包含了 托福写作 的30个核心话题内容及近两年来托福写作考试的真题,托福写作的题目每年都有新的,但是我们常考的托福写作话题依然是我们经常考试的重点,了解我们曾近考过的热门话题对我们在写作备考阶段做好充足的准备是非常重要的,下面我们就来了解下 新托福 写作30核心话题及真题回忆大全的具体内容。



When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important one for you? 1. Living in an area not expensive, 2. Living close to relatives 3. Living in an area with many shops and restaurants.


If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacher right away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teacher after class


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The car (automobile) has had a greater effect on society than the airplane.



Schools in big cities do not have enough teachers, the reading believes that signing bonuses ( offering teachers cash payment,and other financial incentives) project can improve urban schools.

在大城市的学校没有足够的教师,阅读认为签约奖金(提供教师现金支付,和其他财政奖励) 项目可以提高城市学校。

1.Signing bonus will increase the income, usually teachers' income is low. So this project could stimulate other

teacher to apply for urban schools.

2.The Signing bonuses makes the teachers's salaries comparable with other professions, thus would attract capable candidates from other professions into teaching positions such as computer science, engineers.

3.The signing bonuses will reduce teacher staffing problem at the beginning of a school term. They will not quit at the beginning of their jobs. Besides, They are legally obligated to pay back the money if they quit.


The signing bonuses are not likely to solve the problem.

1. According to a survey concerning what do teachers care the most. Salary is not the top concern. Other factors, such as how well the school administration is, how well the laboratories and libraries are, or even the commute hours matter more to some experienced teachers. So the experienced teachers are not likely to apply for urban schools only for the sake of money.

2. The biggest obstacle for other professions to enter teaching position is the stressful and long process getting the teaching certification. They have to quit the old jobs to prepare, which results in salary loss. If they are preparing while doing their current job, it would be more stressful.

3. it would not be a good thing to both teachers and their students if teachers are trapped in their position. Teachers can not leave schools before they pay back the bonus money, they will not in good mood, the teaching and student will suffer.

2、 阅读 异性头的三种功能

主要观点 : The special shaped head functions in three ways.

分论点 1:First, shark with such shaped head turns around quickly.

分论点 2:Second, such head helps improve the shark’s sensitivity to electricity field.

分论点 3:Third, the head can be used as weapons to hunt prey.


主要观点 : The hammer head sharks do not function in the ways the passage pointed out

分论点 1:It is true this type of sharks turns around quickly, but the reasons are the skeletons and the joints;The passage drew the conclusion from a group of sharks which are younger and therefore could be more vigorous

分论点 2:an experiment shows that shark groups demonstrate similar performance in terms of the sensitivity of electrical field, which can be detected with 30 centimeters from the objective.;

分论点 3:Since Sharks with hammer-shaped head have eyes close to both sides of the head, which makes it highly

risky to use hammer head as a weapon; even thought it were used as weapons, there is no evidence showing this behavior is conventional;



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