课堂英语100句(1) - 范文中心



Classroom English for Teachers(100 Sentences)

Starting the class

1. 上课了。 Now let's begin our class.

2. 现在点名。Now let me call the roll.

3. 有人缺席吗?Is anybody absent today?

4. 都到齐了吗? Is everyone here?

5. 今天我们学习第5课。 Today, let’s learn Lesson 5 /we’re going to learn Lesson 5.

6. 首先我们开始复习上节课的内容。First, let’s revise the last lesson. /Let's have a revision.

7. 今天我们要上新课。We are going to take up/have a new lesson today.

8. 这节课,我们先来复习课文的第一部分。In this period, we’ll start with the revision of the first part of the text.

9. 上节课我们讲到哪了? Where did we stop/leave off last time?

Presenting new language

10. 拿出课本。Get/Take your books out.

11. 请合上你们的书。Please close your books.

12. 请翻到第四页。Open your books at page 10. / Now turn to page 10, please.

13. 我给你们举一个例子。 I’ll give you an example. /Here’s an example.

14. ____是什么意思? What does _____ mean?/What’s the meaning of _____?

15. ___用汉语/英语怎么说? How do you say in Chinese/English?/ What’s the Chinese/English for ___?

16. 谁能给我举一个例子? Who can give me an example?

17. 谁能把这句话翻译一下? Who can translate this sentence?

18. 请用这句话造句。 Please make a sentence with this phrase.

19. 请回答我的问题。 Please answer my question.

20. 你怎么读这个字母/单词的音?How do you read this sound / letter/ word?

21. 你会拼写“黑板”这个词吗?Can you spell the word "Blackboard"?

22. 在句中代表什么?What does the 23. 请用这个短语造句。Please make sentences with this phrase.

24. 用这几个短语写一篇短文。Write a short passage using these phrases.

25. 我来讲一下作者的生平。I shall tell you something about the author's life.

26. 我来告诉你们课文的大意。I shall give you the general idea of the text.

27. 在这一页中间偏下一点地方。Half-way down the page, a little down.

28. 我们把课文再好好看一看。 We should have a close/detailed careful look at the text again.

Practising new language

29. 现在我们两人一组做课文的问答练习。Now let's do the questions and answers on the text in pairs.

30. 看着43页的图片,用自己的话讲一下这个故事。Now look at the pictures on page 34 and try to tell the story in your own words.

31. 我们来做书面练习。 Let's do some written work.

32. 这一边是A, 这一边是B 。 This half will be/read/act/play A, this half will be B.

33. 请跟我读。 Please repeat/read after me. / Follow me.

34. 大家一起来!Everybody together. /All together./Let’s say it together.

35. 大家齐声朗读,预备,起。Let’s read it together. Ready, go!.

36. 我请大家一齐来回答这个问题。I want all of you to answer this question.

37. 这一边问问题, 这一边回答他们的问题。 This half ask questions, this half answer questions.

38. 注意你的拼写/发音。Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.

39. 这个词你读错了。听我的。 You've mispronounced this word. Now listen to me carefully.

40. 练习一下这个对话。Practise the dialogue,please .

41. 谁想A 这个角色?Who wants to be A?

42. 分组练习! Practise in groups/pairs/In groups,please .

43. 分成三/四组。Get into groups of three/four.

44. 每人都找个伙伴。Everybody find a partner/friend .

45. 一个人一个人的做。 One at a time./Let’s do it one by one.

46. 轮到你了。 Now you,please. /(It's)Your turn.

47. 我们轮流来做。We'll do it in turn.

48. 下一个,同样做。Next, please. / Now you do the same, please.

49. 表演以下这个对话。Let’s act/Let’s act out/do the dialogue.

50. 带有感情的朗读。Put some feeling into your reading.

51. 大家独立完成作业。 Everyone work individually.

52. 谁要试一下? Who wants to have a go?

53. 请交换角色。 Please swap roles/swap over/change over.

54. 我们先请男(女)同学读。Let's begin with the boys/girls.

55. 让我们玩个游戏。Let’s play a game.

56. 互相问问题。Ask each other questions.

57. 尽量不要看书。 Try to manage without your book, please.

Giving assignment or dismissing class:

58. 今天的作业是作业本41页练习5。 Now for your homework, please do Exercise 5 on page 41 in your exercise books.

59. 明天交作业。 Hand in your exercise books tomorrow.

60. 这是今天的家庭作业。Here’s your homework for today.

61. 把这个单词抄写两遍。Write down the word twice.

62 请将练习本递到前面来。 Please pass the exercise books to the front.

63. 还有5分钟。There is still five minutes to go.

64. 下课铃响了。There's the bell for dismissal.

65. 我们休息一下。 Let’s have a break.

66. 下课了。Class is over. / Class is dismissed.

67. 时间到了,就到这吧。Time is up. Let's stop here/That's all for today.

68. 今天就讲到这里了。That brings us to the end of this class./ With that we conclude our class today.

69. 作业本都收齐了吗? Have you collected all the exercise-books?

70. 这是练习本,请发下去。Here are your exercise books. Please hand them out.

General instructions

71.请举手。Put up your hands, please. / Raise your hands, please.

72. 把手放下。 Hands down.

73. 请大声一点儿。 Would you speak more loudly/a bit louder?

74. 不要紧张。D on’t be nervous.

75. 请快一点儿。Please hurry up/ a bit quicker please.

76. 有谁自愿来?Any volunteers?

77. 请重说一遍。 Say it again/once more. / Again, please.

78. 谁来先说?Who would speak first?

79. 请继续。 Please continue/go on/carry on.

80. 明白了吗? Is everything clear to you?

81. 请安静。 No more talking, please.

82. 请听我说。 Listen to me, please.

83. 做完了吗? Are you through/ Have you finished?

84. 能跟上吗? Can you follow me?

85. 请注意。Attention, please.

86. 还有问题吗? Any more questions?

87. 到前面来。 Come to the front, please.

88. 回到你的座位上去。Go back to your seat, please.

89. 我让别人试试。 I'll try someone else.

90. 别着急。 Take your time.

91. 请原谅. 我没能听清你的话.请大点声。Pardon? I can't hear you clearly. Louder, please.

92. 有不懂的地方,请马上问我。Don't hesitate to ask me, if anything is not clear.

93. 加快些速度,怎么样?Let's speed it up a little, shall we?

94. 我们继续下面的内容,没时间让每个人都来试一下。Let's move on, there's not enough time to hear everyone.

95. 请用英语说。Please say it in English.

Praise and encouragement

96. 很好 / 非常好。 Very good/well done!/ Good try.

97. 棒极了/太棒了。Excellent! /Wonderful!

98. 别害羞。 Don’t be shy.

99. 别害怕。 Don’t be afraid/scared.

100. 不用担心犯错误。 Do n’t worry about making a mistake.


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