达芬奇密码英文读后感 - 范文中心



Book report

Three years ago , there has been a hot film named The DaVinci Code . This movie is very wonderful that make me get interested in the original . I think that the original must as good as the movie . After I had read The DaVinci Code that I feel the original is more excite and splendid .

The DaVinci Code is a popular suspense novel that written by Dan Brown .

Let us go to see the wonderful story together . The is a tale of mystery and suspense . Midnight , the elderly curator of the Louvre Museum have been killed in the great gallery of art . In the final moment of life , the curator stripped his clothes and then lie on the floor like the famous painting The Vitruvian Man of DaVinci . There was a elusive code next to his body . Langdon is a expert in code and he is the elderly curator’s good friend . Sophie is a genius expert to decipher code and she is curator ’s granddaughter . Sophie wants to find the truth of her grandfather’s death , so she ask Langdon to help her to decipher the code which beside her grandfather ’ body . When they were processing these strange code they found that actually a series of clues were hidden in DaVinci’ s paintings . Langdon and Sophie found the curator is a member of a mysterious and the mysterious was always looking for a ground-breaking secret of history . It is a secret which could give people inspiration but also very dangerous . Langdon and Sophie started a battle of wits with a behind the mysterious . They toured extensively all over Paris and London , pursuit by police and a secret killer. Fortunately , they were finally unlock the secret that Sophie is not the curator ’ s really granddaughter , in fact , she is Jesus’ s descendants .

I always do not like something about secret of religion before.

On the whole , this book is worth to read because it full of suspense , detective , religion struggle and so on .


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