网球英语1 - 范文中心



1. 尽快尽早地后摆引拍。记住了,是早而非快,也就是说干脆点。?? 矛盾了前后

2. 随挥动作完成后,左手要扶着拍胫,这样你的右手才可以得到放松。

When you finish swinging, your left hand should be on the handle ,so that your right hand can be relaxed

3. 面对球网,两脚自然开立,与肩同宽,或者略大于肩,两膝放松,重心在前脚掌,身


Face the net ,stand naturally ,keep your feet as wide as your shoulders ,knees relaxed ,centre of your gravity on the front of your fee,t . lean forward

4. 我叫你“打”的时候,你再击球。

Hit when I call “hit ”

5. 你现在打到球已经没有问题了,接下来做的是要求自己把动作做完整。做充分,差不


You have no problem in hiting the ball ,next ,Please complete the movement, then ,your movement can be fixed (because the muscle has memories .)

6. 前半阶段放松是为了畜积力量,也是为了调整

Firt half part of relaxation is for accumulating power and adjustment.

7. 击球之前心一定要静下来。因为只有静下来,你的注意力才能更集中,盯球才能更准。 Calm down when you hit, as long as you calm down can you focus you attention on the ball.

8. 记住了,打网球。首先是脚在打球。因为只有步伐到位了,你才能打得到球。 步伐:


Just remember ,you are playing with your feet , when your feet can keep the pace ,you can play well ,Steps: forward and backward; left and right ;sidles and cross and turning aroud

9. 跑的时候,不要冲得太快,这样不容易停下来。因为惯性太大,而是要有预判地跑,


When you run ,do not rush ,or you can not keep balance ,you should run with prejudgement and adjustment ,get to the point ,stand still ,then hit the ball .

10. 下面我教你如何判断球:光说球的线路的判断,球从对方击球到过网瞬间的位置。


,OK I am going to tell you how to judge the ball : the route the hiting piot and the point across the net form a line .the ball will travel along the extending line ,so you can adjust you position left and right ,forward and backward ,Analyzed the height and speed .

11. 先调整左右的位置,然后调整前后的位置。

Fist left and right, then forward and backward

12. 你要看球到你跟前是什么一种状态。是往下掉、不动、还是往上弹、往前冲。如果

是往下降,那么中心应该提前降低,拍头要低于球,弥补它往下掉。球拖住了,在下面的停留时间长一点,带起来了再去发力,身体往前跟。因为球不往前走,所以你必须往前走,靠近球打。如果是不动的球正常打。往上弹的球,你只需平平地往前打。 What is the condition of the ball right now ?? going down or up ? still or moving forward

13. 来,我们到网前来,假设网带口有一个球。准备姿势。第一部,蹬腿转腰,拍面平


Come on ,get to the net ,let`s assume that there is a ball just above the net, Number 1 to kick up your heels and turn your body ,the racket paralleled to the net ,finish it completely


Next ,we are going to learn to hit straight shot and cross cout shot ……….


Just think on your own before My telling you how ,Then tell me how can you make it ,where is the hitting piont ,where your racket faces,.Ok ,Listen to me ,to make the cross court shot ,the touching point is in the front ,the racket faces to the area where you want the ball to go to ,then wing to your body


To make the straight shot the touching piont is to be back ,the racket faces to the area swing the racket forward ,not to your body


This is to body ,this ia foeward


Now let me introduce the ready position .open position : your feet paralleled to the bottom line


To make the straight shot ,we choose close position .to a freshman , it is easy to turn the body

If we choose the open position ,you will have to turn your body meaningfully, but the open one can help you to turn naturally .you swing the racket ,the ball will go to the middle .


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