吸血鬼 读后感 - 范文中心

吸血鬼 读后感


During this semester, I have read 4 books, including The Vampire, White Fang, Peter Pan and Little Prince. Every time I read these kind of books, I enjoy a lot. Usually, I would continue to read at least an hour. I don't like reading before sleep, for I always get sleepy at that time and I just can't understand their plots. I often read after dinner, sometimes, too, in the morning. At first I am merely forced to read these books. I do love novels, but only books written in Chinese. However, After reading The Vampire, I felt the charm of English books. It becomes more of a pleasure than burden. Here I'd like to main about White Fang, which deeply touched my heart. Firstly, I'll show you the summary of the story. White Fang, son of a she-wolve((who is actually half-wolf, half-dog) ,called Kiche., lived in a forest. one day, they met Kiche's master Grey Beaver. And they were caught again. Some days later, Kiche was sold to another Indian, while White Fang was staying with Gray. Dogs in the village always terrorized White Fang, especially one named Lip-lip. All of that made Fang became more and more fierce. When in Fort Yukon, Fang was passed into the hands of Beauty Smith. Then his life was in a real mess! He fought with other dogs until he was saved by Scott, who showed his love on Fang. And they are good friends later. Scott took Fang back to California to live with his family. Little by little, Fang learned how to love and became a faithful watchdog. He even had puppies with one of the master's dogs named Collie.TThe story has a really good ending. Secondly, I'd like to share my understanding of this book. I have thought a lot of the details. And I will give an example as follows. When Fang's mother Kiche was sold to another indian , Fang cried and beat, he missed his mother so much that he even stayed at the indian's camp waiting for his mother's regression. He gave up his freedom just for his mom! It makes me believe that though freedom is important, family is always the more valuable. However, when Fang met Kiche again everything was changed. Both of them had changed a lot. Her mother had other new puppies with her and Fang had already grown up and he was a large, strong wolf then. Fang observed her for a long time and finally reminded of her. Unfortunately, his mother stopped his forward and they failed to recognize each other. He came to realize he was no longer a puppy, he was old enough to live himself! Suddenly it occurred to me that no matter how we hate to part with each other, as time went by, we'll finally forget the past and adapt well to the new life system. Thirdly, let's see something behind the story. In general terms, Fang had 3 masters in total. The first Grey and the second Beauty both gave him a life away from love and this made Fang became more and more fierce. Only Scott, who ruled him by love that made Fang happy and content. It seems that love alone can woken love. People should show their love to each other as well as animals even in their hard time. After all, Only love can make us happy. Maybe that is the main idea. Finally, I'd like to talk about the importance of input before output. As is known to all, Reading is a way

of input in language learning, which serves for output. And input is the basis and premise of learning. Through a lot of language input, we can contact with more words and expressions of the tunnel. All of these will allow us to learn better language output. Output can also improve our study consciousness. We can learn from the feedbacks, too. In short, input before output is of great importance. Ps: There are many beautiful expressions, like:1, The bottom of the hill was covered with soft grass. 2, He slept by the fire with a full stomach. 3, White Fang was experiencing two opposite feelings. 4, His sadness was unbearable. I like this paragraph best It completely shows a simple happiness. The paragraph is:The little wolf had never seen these things before.He was afraid. Soon, he was excited by the new things that he saw, and he forgot to be afraid. He saw things that were close to him and things that were far away. Suddenly, he fell down a hill. His little body rolled and rolled. He hit his nose on the ground, and he began to cry.Because the inside of the cave was flat, he didn't understand how the ground could not be flat sometime


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